
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Home Group Notes from Sunday 21st October 2012

An encounter of a different kind... with transformation
Acts 9:1-19

You can read the passage here.
What is your own faith story – did you have a moment when things “clicked” in terms of belief in Christ (either in a dramatic fashion like Saul or something more gradual)?

How do you think Ananias felt when he was asked to go and lay hands on Saul?

To welcome Saul into the church meant forgiving him for what he had done to so many Christians - what’s the hardest thing about forgiveness?

Saul seemed a very unlikely person to become a Christian or to be welcomed into the fellowship of the church – are there people that you look at and think “well, there’s no point praying for or welcoming people like that”?

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Sermon from Sunday Morning 21st October

The sermon from Sunday morning 21st October is online here.

The final part in our morning teaching series on "An encounter of a different kind"

An encounter of a different kind #6 - with transformation
Acts 9: 1 – 19a

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Sermon from Sunday Evening 14th October 2012

 The sermon from Sunday evening 14th October is  online here.

The third in our evening teaching series on Jesus said “I am…

I am the gate
John10: 1-10

Home Group Notes from Sunday 14th October 2012

An encounter of a different kind... with openness
Luke 19: 1-10

You can read the passage here.

1. What would be your response if someone asked you what was the most exciting thing about encountering Jesus?

2. Can you relate to this quote , 'I finally realised that my greatest fear is not being alone; it's being vulnerable?

3. What do you think an 'open' church should look like?

Sermon from Sunday Morning 14th October 2012

The sermon from Sunday morning 14th October is online here.

This Sunday we continue in our morning teaching series on "An encounter of a different kind"

An encounter of a different kind #5 - with openness
Luke 19: 1-10

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Home Group Notes from Sunday 30th September 2012

An encounter of a different kind... with thankfulness
Luke 17:11-19

You can read the passage here.

What most strikes you from the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers in Luke 17? How do you think the different people in this story are feeling?

What are you most thankful for today?

What might be the ways in which you could put into practice leading a more thankful life? Are there things you already do or could start doing that help you live more thankfully? What do you struggle with in this area?

Sermon from Sunday Morning 30th September 2012

The sermon from Sunday morning 30th September is online here.

This Sunday we continue in our new morning teaching series on "An encounter of a different kind"

An encounter of a different kind #4 - with thankfulness
Luke 17:11-19

Monday 1 October 2012

Hennie's October blog

Dear All,

This time last year I can remember beginning my blog by saying that I had been walking Chanty in shorts with the temperature reaching as high as 25 c (rather rare for October). This week walks have been in waterproofs and wellies - and some days waders would have been more appropriate than wellies with a month's rain falling in a few days, and temperature falling as low as 12 c!  

Well that is the temperature of the English weather, but I believe the spiritual temperature of St. Mark's is quietly rising. And I think this started this time last year following our first 24 hours of prayer which we had from Friday 30th September to Saturday 1st October, in preparation for our Parish Weekend Away later in October.  And of course we have just finished our second 24 hrs of prayer which we held from Friday 28th to Sat 29th Sept focussing on putting our Vision into Practice.

There were various different prayer stations where one could focus on Our identity being in Jesus Christ; Our purpose: 'Loving God and making His love known'; Our values - valuing the Word of God and the use of God's spiritual gifts, seeking to become a more open, prayerful, loving, thankful, forgiving, generous and encouraging community for the glory of God; and Our Vision - to be a church called to be God's people, to worship, serve and grow, and to see lives of all ages continualy transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit by deepening our relationship with God, growing our relationship with one another, and developing our relationship with the local community and wider world.  It was a powerful time of prayer as we took time and space to be with God; to listen to Him, to hear from Him, and be ministered to by Him through the work of the Holy Spirit.  People arrived in very different places spiritually, emotionally and physically, but many commented that they really felt the presence of God, and heard Him speak into their personal lives, and into the life of the church.

I have had time today to reflect on what many people felt God saying, and who recorded what they heard by writing in the various notepads that were distributed around the church.  There are number of common threads which I would like to share, and ask all who read this blog to pray into them, and let me have your thoughts. 

A real desire that personal lives, and the life of the church be filled with the Holy Spirit; a recognition that it must be God's will and not ours; a number of people felt God calling them to 'TRUST IN HIM'; an understanding that it is our responsibility to bring people to God, not someone else's; a real desire for the church to be inclusive of all people; and to be humble, honouring others, living in harmony, and respecting others; a greater generosity of hearts within St. Mark's of time, talents, resources and money; not to do things in our own strength but believing that nothing is impossible for God; and how God would love us to love Him with the outrageous love that He loves us with.  These are the common threads, but I thank God for every scripture, prayer or thought that He gave to those who came throughout the 24 hrs.

A word was also shared yesterday in church which I feel God is wanting us to take on board, especially in the climate of change that we are presently experiencing.  When praying about the Church's Vision someone felt God was calling us to be 'All One in Christ Jesus' with the reassurance we are all children of God through faith (Galatians 3: v. 26 - 29). And with this scripture came this picture - 'a piece of knitting is all one thread. Each member of God's family at St. Mark's are individual stitches carefully knitted together. If the stitching is loose there will be gaps which represent divisions between people. If we are tightly 'knitted together' divisions are lessened and we will be effective, interdependent and 'All one in Christ Jesus'. Let us pray that we all might be knitted tightly together as we move foreward into new pastures.

The other area of ministry I would like to draw your attention to is Alpha.  During September we prayed for a number of houses, streets, and cul de sacs, and delivered invitations to Alpha around the Boundary Lane area of the parish. A number of us also attended the Alpha Accelerate Day held at Northgate Church for a day of worship and teaching aimed at those running an Alpha course, with input from Holy Trinity Brompton, London - and was much appreciated by those who attended from St. Mark's. On Thursday 27th September we had two tables at the Alpha Celebration Meal held at the Show Boat, Chester, where over 200 people heard a very powerful testimony from a guy who had been converted to Christianity through the Alpha course while in prison.  Let us pray for all the Alpha courses starting shortly in Chester, and especially ours which starts next Wednesday 10th October.  Pray for the team, especially Geoff Belton, pray for those who have signed up to come; pray for all who have volunteered to help in the catering, serving, welcome, and washing/clearing up.  Pray that lives of all ages will be transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lastly, I heard a well known Canadian, Guy Chevreau, talk last Tuesday at the Link Up Churches Retreat. He was talking about the vital signs of a healthy church, and he emphasised the importance of generous hearts & healthy prayer lives - especially praying in the secret places. So let's keep on praying in our private lives, and corporately as a church  - Jesus said, 'when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father'. (Matthew 6: v.6).

May God be close to you this month.
