
Monday 29 April 2013

Sermon from Sunday Evening 28th April available for download


  Plain Sailing?

  Acts 15

This sermon is available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Sermon from Sunday 28th April available for download


   Speaking up against injustice

  Exodus 3: 712

The sermon is available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Sunday 28 April 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 28th April 2013

The Persecuted Church in South East Asia

Exodus 3: 7-12

  1. How would you and your church act differently and which of your activities would be affected if you were prevented by law from evangelising or sharing your Christian faith outside of your church building or home?
  2. What does the word 'solidarity' mean to you? Imagine that you were in prison for your faith. Describe the impact that a demonstration of solidarity, including personal visits cards and letters of encouragement would have on  you?
  3. "Speaking up for the rights of others is perhaps the most powerful form of witness for the gospel" Do you agree and what are the risks of a church being too inwardly focused?
  4. What role should prayer play in a Christian approach to advocacy and human rights activism?

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Sermon from Sunday 21st April available for download


   Die well to live well

   John 10: 22-30

This sermon is available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 21st April 2013

Die well to live well
John 10: 22-30

1.  Have you thought about your own death/funeral

2.  What is your experience of death?

3.  What are you fears about death, and what is your idea of heaven?

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Sermons from Sunday 14th April available for download

Sunday Morning–The Annual Church Parochial Meeting

John 21:1-19


Sunday Evening
Death Defeated

John 11:30-44

These sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 14th April 2013

  1. Read Isaiah 54 v 2/3.
    If we are the stakes how might we be strengthened?

  2. Read. John 21. 1-19.
    Discuss with one another where we might need to throw the net out on the other side of the boat if we are to see fruit in serving God in church, community or workplace?

  3. Be courageous and share with one another where Jesus might be asking you to 'grow up' in your discipleship, so that you are equipped to follow him more closely.  

Monday 8 April 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 7th April 2013

The Fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness

Bible passage: 1 Thessalonians 5.12-24

  1. Paul writes to the Thessalonians about how they should be relating to each other - do you think there are any things here we particularly need to be hearing at St Mark's?

  2. The passage finishes with the idea of faithfulness - what do you think it means to say that God is faithful?

  3. Faithfulness is listed in Galatians 5 when Paul talks about the fruit of the Spirit - what might it look like for us as individuals or as a church to be displaying faithfulness?

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Hennie's April Blog 2013

Hennie's April Blog

Nick Baines, the Bishop of Bradford, wrote in the Church of England Newspaper, Sunday March 31st, 'I have got into trouble now and then for making what seem like wild suggestions. For example, I question the traditional Easters responses in churches across the world when the priest cries out: "Alleluia! Christ is risen! and the congregation responds: "He is risen indeed! Alleluia!". I think a more biblically accurate response would be something like: "what?! You've got to be joking!".

Perhaps that is your response too when I remind you that yesterday I clocked up two years as Vicar of St. Mark's! 'What, you've got to be joking!'. It really was no April fool! As I reflected yesterday on the past two years, at this Easter time, I have been reminded there have been some painful laying down of certain ministries, but out of their deaths we have seen new life emerge with new ministries - without Good Friday there is no Easter.  However, as my bible reading this morning reminds me/us that even after Jesus' resurrection, there is still much fear amongst the disciples, 'on the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you'! (John 20: v. 19).

Fear always surrounds change and uncertainty. Our new Archbishop of Canterbury, in his sermon at his inauguration, talked about how fear in the church can prevent us from taking risks for God's kingdom, and reminded us that God's perfect love drives out all fear. I have just started reading a book by a priest called Chris Russell (we worked together at the House of Commons, and he is responsible for re-directing me back to God many years ago). In a Chapter entitled faith, he also talks of fear and anxiety, 'fear reduces us, holds us back and keeps us captive'. Bishop Tom Wright in his book,  'Following Jesus' says, 'that some of the best news of the gospel is that time and time again God commands his people, 'Do not be afraid'. Do not fear'. (There are over 365 of these commands throughout scripture, more than enough for one for each day of the year). This is brilliant news, but as Chris says, 'the only trouble is, we haven't got a clue of how to obey it, how to receive it, or how we might act on it'.

Someone recently said, in jest or in all seriousness, (not sure which), that they would need to 'stop me making any further changes'! I hope and pray that the changes we have seen over the past two years at St. Mark's have been made together, embracing our vision, 'Loving God and making His love known', and to further God's kingdom here on earth.  I am sure there will be further ministries that may need to die to bring new life in other areas of St. Mark's mission and service, but when we do feel anxious or fearful, we need to remember that God's love does drive out all fear, and Jesus said in Matthew Ch. 6, don't worry, but 'first seek his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well'.

As I look back over March there have been some very challenging times to do with finances, buildings, and pastoral issues - times when I might have been overwhelmed by fear or anxiety - but it is those times when we need to lean into Jesus, and allow His love to envelop us, and to hear His words, 'Peace be with you'. As I look back over March there have also been many blessings as new people join our fellowship whether it be Sunday worship, or the very many different outreaches during the week - God's presence and peace have been profound.

I pray that having accompanied Jesus throughout Lent, and in celebration of His Resurrection, we will all continue to be hungry to deepen our relationship with God. So that we, His stakes, are strengthened in our discipleship, in trust and in obedience, in preparation to stretch our tent curtains wide out into the community, not holding back but lengthening our cords (Isaiah 54: v 2&3). For some of us this might be quite fearful as God calls us Up into a more intimate relationship with Him, In with those we might find hard to love, and Out of our comfort zones - but He says, 'Do not be afraid - Peace be with you'.

"Alleluia! Christ is risen! "what?! You've got to be joking!"

Love and prayers,
