
Thursday 26 June 2014

This week's Sermon Questions 29th June 2014

This week's Sermon Questions

‘A witness to and partaker in miracles’
Matthew 14: 13 - 36

1)    What do you think is going through the minds of the disciples when
 Jesus tells them to give the crowds something to eat, or tells them totake the bread and fish to the crowds?
2)    What do you think Peter is thinking and feeling at various points in the story of the walking on water – and what do you carry away from that?
3)    What do you feel inadequate about as a Christian?
4)    Are there risky or scary things that God is calling you as an individual or us as a church to do? What risks and fears do they carry?

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Sermons from Sunday 22nd June Now Available for Download

Sunday 22nd June 2014

Simon Peter

'A Pragmatic Person'

John 6: 53-71

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

6.30pm Rev Simon Chesters

All sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Thursday 19 June 2014

This week's Service Questions 22nd June 2014: ‘A Pragmatic Person’ John 6: 53 - 71

This week's Questions 22nd June 2014:

‘A Pragmatic Person’
John 6: 53 - 71

1)      Have there been times in your own Christian journey when you have wanted to give up?
2)      When did you realise Jesus was the bread of life and made a commitment to
 follow him?

3)      Why was Simon Peter so convinced that Jesus was the only way to the father?

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Sermons from Sunday 15th June Now Available for Download

Sunday 15th June 2014

Trinity Sunday

11am The Bishop of Birkenhead

6.30pm Andy Myers

The questions for discussion shown on screen during Andy's talk...

a) What image do we have of Jesus when we think of Him commissioning us to tell people about Him?
b) How does it make us feel to have the Lord of all creation ask us to spread the good news of His death and resurrection?

a) How willing are we to go and take the gospel to people? Are we expecting people to come to us?
b)Are we ready to  give the message of salvation to all people? Do we put up barriers and exclude some?

3) Think of someone in your life who doesn't know Jesus. How can you point them towards Jesus and take the good news of salvation to them? Will you commit to praying for that person and the work that God is doing in their lives? 

The link to the video shown during Andy's talk... 

All sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Monday 9 June 2014

Sermon from Sunday 8th June Now Available for Download

Sunday 8th June 2014

Simon Peter


11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Thursday 5 June 2014

This week's Topic Questions: ‘Pentecost’ Acts 2: 1 - 21 June 8th 2014

This week's Topic:

Acts 2: 1 - 21

1    1)      What is your relationship with the Holy Spirit? Do you know Him as well as the Father and Son?
2)      Have we minimalised the Holy Spirit so much that a non believer would have no reason to wonder or to suggest that we have had 'too much wine'?
3)      If you do not have the gift of speaking in tongues be bold and pray for one another that you may receive it for your private prayer and corporate prayer life ( 1 Cor 12).
4)      If you have time, read on to verse 41, what strikes you about Peter?

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Curate’s Blog
Hello St Mark’s Church,

Can you believe it is June already? I know for us, this year has been very full and we have been amazingly blessed by your amazing welcome and love! This term especially has been exciting as we have been digging into the life of Simon Peter – looking at how we can go deeper in our discipleship and going further with God.

Simon Peter had an amazing desire to go deeper with Jesus, to follow him more faithfully. But, it could be argued that he was a man of the ‘big gesture’, which meant that at times he was erratic and then that in turn lead to some awful mistakes. We are being challenged this term to look at our own lives. Do we have the deep desire to make the ‘big gesture’ for Jesus? Can we learn from Simon Peter and make our big gestures part of a rich tapestry of living for Jesus everyday rather than one off events? Do not misunderstand me, Simon Peter was an amazing person who followed Jesus to his death and is a true inspiration to us all. However, one of the reasons he was such an inspiration was his deep desire to make ‘big gestures’ for Jesus, failing horrendously, and then returning wiser, humbler and never losing his passion for long.

This Sunday we were challenged with the liturgical prayer:

President:       ‘If you want to walk on water ...’
All:                   ‘You’ve got to get out of the boat!’

At St.Mark’s Church we are trusting Jesus as he calls us to cross over the waters. He is calling us to follow him, through storms and through good weather. He at times also calls us to do what would seemingly be impossible in human’s strength but with God’s power is possible. As we embark on this stage of St.Mark’s life we will be called to ‘get out of the boat.’

This last month has been exciting for St.Mark’s Church for many reasons. Heading out of Easter was a real joy having celebrated together as a family. For the Pioneer work that we have been embarking on, we have seen great growth in the circus workshops and our adult theatre workshop on Tuesdays has been showing significant fruit. Indeed, we are really looking forward to our first production together this very week! We were able to hear from Kevin Pearson about the difficult and yet amazing things that are going on with our Christian brothers and sisters in Egypt.  This is just a small taste of the things that we are co-working with God in. We have good reason to be grateful for His provision.

As we walk with Jesus we are constantly moving forward with Him ready for the call to get out of the boat. Was the boat bad? Were the disciples doing anything wrong that Simon Peter had to leave the boat? No, quite the opposite. It was precisely because they were obeying Jesus and doing the right thing that Jesus was able to call to Simon that day to show His great and wonderful power.

At St.Mark’s Church, as we walk, talk and listen with and to Jesus we become increasingly ready to hear and obey when He calls us to do something seemingly impossible. As we grow as a congregation may we keep Jesus at the head and fulfil our vision for Lache and Saltney, of ‘Loving God and making His love known.’

Monday 2 June 2014

Sermon from Sunday 1st June Now Available for Download

Sunday 1st June 2014

Simon Peter

'A human being, longing to be like Jesus'

11am Rev Jon Phillips

The video shown during Jon's talk can be found by following this link...

All sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at