
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sermons from Sunday 20th July Now Available for Download

Sunday 20th July 2014

Simon Peter

'A Person Who Lived and Died for Christ'

Acts 2: 37-38

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

6.30pm Rev Jon Phillips

All sermons are available to download here

Sermon from Sunday 13th July Now Available for Download

Sunday 13th July 2014

Simon Peter

'The Greatest of Backsliders is the Most Redeemed'

John 21: 1-23

11am Rev Wendy Steadman

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 17 July 2014

This week's sermon questions 20th July

20th July: This week's Topic
“A person who lived and died for Christ”
Acts 2: 37 - 38

1). Having followed Simon Peter over these past few months what have you learnt from him about discipleship?

2). Having seen how Jesus responded to Simon Peter as one of his followers, what have you learnt about Jesus?

3). Bill Hybels in his book Courageous Leadership suggests a local church modelled on Acts 2, 'is the hope of the world'. Discuss how St. Mark's could move more towards this model (Acts 2: 42-47).

Thursday 10 July 2014

13th July: This week's Sermon Questions “Feed my sheep” John 21: 1 - 23

13th July: This week's Topic
“Feed my sheep”
John 21: 1 - 23

1)    What significance do you find in Jesus’ 3 distinct challenges to Simon Peter?
2)    How hard do you find it to trust someone again when they have let you down/hurt you/ betrayed you? (“By way of forgiveness, Jesus gives Peter a job to do.” Tom Wright, his commentary on John’s gospel)

3)    As Jesus moved Simon Peter on, do you find the fellowship group to which you belong is moving forward? Do you want it to? If so, what might need to happen? ( Leaders - Neil Hudson’s article refers, contrasting a pastoral group with a transformational group – 2 Cor. 3: 18)

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Hennie’s Blog July 2014

Hennie’s Blog July 2014

Dear All,

Jon started his last blog with ‘can you believe it is June’?  As I look out of the window it is raining, dull, and Murray is out of Wimbledon so we probably can believe it is July!

June was a great month of blessings starting with Jon’s excellent production of Agatha Christie’s ‘Cards on the Table’.  It was very encouraging seeing the church full of people who had no connections with St. Mark’s, and the evening I went I recognised very few people.  I pray seeds will have been sown, and that others will be drawn into the theatre company.

This was followed by Pentecost Sunday when the Holy Spirit hovered over us, and gently breathed through us.  I hope you will all join me in praying for more power of the Holy Spirit, as we grow in the Fruit of the Spirit, and eagerly seek the gifts of the Spirit fulfilling the prophecy of Joel, from which Peter preached so powerfully that first day of Pentecost!  Following Pentecost we were blessed again with Jon’s ordination service on the eve of Trinity Sunday – a service of great power and celebration as deacons were ordained into the priesthood. Praise God.

On Trinity Sunday Bishop Keith was with us as we celebrated the full immersion baptisms of Jonathan and Charlie, and the confirmations of Cindy, Ruben, Jonathan and Charlie. It was very moving as each said a few words as to how God had brought them to this place, and what difference Jesus had made in their lives. Pippa and I had a great time preparing them for this day, and can we encourage you to  pray for them, as they continue their journey following Jesus their Lord and Saviour.

During June I also had an opportunity to visit Quench to be interrogated by the young people – it was good fun, and they are awesome!  As I write this, 15 young people are preparing to engage in ‘Slum Survivor’ for 24 hrs – from tomorrow Sat until Sunday, sleeping outside in makeshift tents, eating little, and learning what it is like for many people across the world who live in poverty. 

Yesterday Messy Church celebrated her 2nd birthday and there were over 70 people enjoying fun, fellowship and food!  I am sure God has blessed you all in different ways throughout the past month.  I have been very encouraged by our preaching series as we follow Peter in his walk with Jesus, making massive statements one minute, and nearly drowning the next – not dissimilar to our daily journeys.

However, I am also aware that when God blesses us, the enemy is not happy and will attack in many different guises.  He, and his host of co-workers, will attack using ill health, pain and suffering; they will attack using our own weaknesses and frailties; they will attack taking advantage of our tiredness and weariness; and they will delight in grumblings, despondency, and negativity.  So we need to be expectant of these attacks as we see fruit, growth and blessings, and God gives us His full armour so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians Ch. 6 vv 10-20), and He gives us prayer.  May I encourage us all to dress ourselves with God’s Armour daily, and to be persistent in our prayers.

I am excited that our monthly prayer meeting will now be happening on the first Sunday of the Month at 6.30 pm, and can I encourage you to come to pray for the world, the church, and our local community.  Also there is an opportunity to pray for the Persecuted Church every month on the first Tuesday at 8 pm at St. Mark’s - all are most welcomed; and there is an opportunity to receive prayer now after all our 3 Sunday services. These are times of prayer in church, but I pray that this is happening regularly in our Fellowship groups, with our friends and family, and personally daily with God.  The Apostle Paul says, ‘and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints’. Prayer truly is a sign of ‘growing up’ in our discipleship.

Paul goes on to say please ‘pray for me’, so may I request your prayers as I enter into a 10 day silent retreat from Monday 7th July to 17th.  I will be praying through the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus as I come to the end of my 30 Day Ignatius Retreat.  I also hope to have time alone with God to seek His will as we move up another gear, and as to how we move towards becoming the people of God, and disciples He longs to partner with in His mission and service.

May the grace of God be with you all.


Friday 4 July 2014

This week's Sermon Questions, Sunday 6th July : ‘A denier of Christ Matthew 26: 69 - 75

This week's Sermon Questions:
‘A denier of Christ
Matthew 26: 69 - 75

1.    Have you ever denied Jesus and how did it make you feel?

2.    How do you think Jesus felt when Peter denied him?

3.    In the following chapter Judas realises he cannot live knowing what he did was wrong. How does Peter’s reaction show the forgiving nature of God?

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Sermons from Sunday 29th June Now Available for Download

Sunday 29th June 2014

Simon Peter

'A Witness to and Partaker in Miracles'

Matthew 14: 13-36

11am Rev Simon Chesters

6.30pm Rev Jon Phillips

All sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at