
Monday 29 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 28th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 28th September 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Sacrosanct Relationship’

Matthew 5 : 21 - 32

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 26 September 2014

This week's Talk Questions 28th Sept 2014: Sacrosanct Relationships Matthew 5: 21 - 32

This week's Talk 28th Sept 2014:
Sacrosanct Relationships

Matthew 5: 21 - 32

Some questions to think about
1)  Have you ever been aware of holding a grudge against a fellow Christian? If so how did you deal with it?

2) If these grudges are left unresolved how does it affect a) your personal relationship with God and b) the Body of Christ, the Church?

3) Looking at Ch. 5 verses 27-30 how would you interpret what Jesus is saying? What actions could you take in response?

4) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Thursday 25 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 21st September Now Available for Download

Sunday 21st September 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘New Creation, New Life’

Matthew 5 : 13 - 20

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 19 September 2014

This week's Talk 21st Sept 2014: New Creation, New Life Matthew 5: 13 - 20

This week's Talk 21st Sept 2014:
New Creation, New Life

Matthew 5: 13 - 20

1)  What are the images of salt and light intended to communicate about life as a follower of Jesus?

2)    In what ways do you, both as individuals and as members of St. Mark's, behave as the 'salt of the earth’? What things make Christians less 'salty'?
Think of practical ways in which you could have a greater effect on society?

3) In what ways are you, both as individuals and as members of St. Mark's, the 'light of the world? What things prevent the light from being seen?
Think of practical ways in which you could 'shine' more brightly?

4) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Sermons from Sunday 14th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 14th September 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘A Countercultural Life’

Matthew 5 : 1 - 12

11am Rev Jon Phillips

6.30pm Series:  This is our God!

God is Love (compassionate)

Luke 15 : 11 - 32

Heather Carty

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 11 September 2014

Hennie’s Blog September 2014

Hennie’s Blog September 2014

Welcome back to St. Mark’s after the summer break. I hope and pray that you all, from the youngest to the eldest, have had some time, to step back from the busy world we live in, and been able to find refreshment, relaxation and restoration, however that has manifested in your personal, and family life. 

At the beginning of August I always think this is the month to clear up my study; find time to reflect, pray, read, and have space for spiritual growth, healing and transformation in my own personal life.  Why then does August suddenly seem the shortest month of the year!  My study is still not as tidy as it should be. I have not had as much time as I would have desired for to reflect, pray, and read,  but I do still feel that I am reaping the fruit from engaging in the 30 Day Ignatius spiritual exercises where there was plenty of time for spiritual growth, healing, and I hope some transformation – they are not called spiritual exercises for nothing! It has been hard work, and for that, in a paradoxical way, I praise God!

The two books I did manage to read were ‘Courageous Leadership’ by Bill Hybels (a re-read), which has been challenging, and helpful. Two Chapters which caught my attention this time round were entitled ‘A Leader’s Prayer – God, mold and shape me to my full leadership potential’, and ‘The Leader’s Pathway, looking at the different ways leaders walk with God. Just as different leaders have many different personalities and combinations of gifts, so they have many different spiritual pathways. Bill Hybels signposts the reader to another book called ,’Sacred Pathways’,  by Gary Thomas, which I have just ordered, and am looking forward to going deeper into this area.  It may well be something that as a church we could reflect on during Lent 2015?

The other book is  called ‘Stretched for Greater Glory’ – what to expect from the Spiritual Exercises’ by George Aschenbrenner, S.J.  A very different book from ‘Courageous Leadership’, but dovetailing into one’s spiritual pathways – choosing and loving always for God’s glory, and in one’s daily life, gratefully serving God in all things.

During August at St. Mark’s in our joint All Age services we celebrated God’s generous provision, trustworthiness, love, different gifts, and even acknowledged that one can celebrate that following Jesus isn’t always easy! The feedback I have received from others is that this August truly has been a celebration, with the family of St. Mark’s really engaging with the teaching, and enjoying fellowship with one another. Last Sunday 31st August some of us enjoyed food and friendship together in Westminster Park, and the sun shone down upon us! It was a good opportunity to meet others, and a wonderful time was had by those of every age as they played numerous different games.  I gather some were still enjoying themselves gone 6pm!  Another summer celebration was most definitely Sandiley Camp, and the testimonies of the young people have been extremely powerful. Thank you to all who were involved in making Camp happen, those who helped on it, and to every young person who went – God touched you, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work powerfully in your lives. 

As we now begin to look towards the Autumn we move into a new season, and changes occur, shorter days, and change of colours; and so we too should be looking forward to change. Change in our own lives, in the life of St. Mark’s, and we pray for change in many parts of the world today – God continually moves and transforms!  As part of our on-going change and transformation we will be looking at Jesus’ teaching – his sermon on the mount, this autumn, as we continue to grow up in our discipleship becoming a church of worshipping, serving, growing and transforming disciples.  Another resource to help us to grow in our discipleship will be the Pilgrim Course which I am also excited about and will be starting on 8th October – look in September ReMarks for more information.

Lastly, can I encourage you all to join us for our Joint service on Sunday 21st September at 10 am where we have the opportunity to celebrate our diverse ministries and re-affirm our Christian faith.  I shall also be sharing with you what I feel God is calling of us as a church at St. Mark’s as we move into this new season of worship, discipleship, evangelism  and mission.

September blessings,


Monday 8 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 7th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 7th September 2014

Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘The Call to Follow’

Matthew 4 : 18 - 22

11am Nikki Smith

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 4 September 2014

This week's Talk 7th Sept 2014: The Call to Follow Matthew 4: 18 - 22

This week's Talk        7th Sept 2014:
The Call to Follow

Matthew 4: 18 - 22

What did Jesus ask of the people in this story?
What do you think we should be giving up?
What do you think Jesus is asking you to give up?

Monday 1 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 31st August Now Available for Download

Sunday 31st August 2014


'To celebrate that following Jesus isn’t always easy'

Matthew 16 : 21 - 28

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here