
Friday 28 November 2014

This week's Talk 30th November 2014: Advent Sunday Mark 13: 24 - end

Some questions to think about

1) What do you think God wants for Christmas? (to put it another way, what are the things you most think God wants to be put right in this world?)

2) What does the idea of Jesus coming again mean to you?

3) Jesus talks about being prepared and staying awake – what do you think that might mean for us in living out the Christian life?

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sermon from Sunday 23rd November Now Available for Download

Sunday 23rd November

‘The choice is ours, life or death?’

Matthew 7 : 21 - 29

11am : Rev Wendy Steadman

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 21 November 2014

This week's Talk 23rd November 2014: ‘What difference does it make?’ Matthew 7. 21 - 29

Some questions to think about

1) How do these two warnings ( v.21 and v.26-27 ) affect how we live out our faith day to day?

2) What difference does our study of the Sermon on the Mount make to the way we plan to celebrate Advent and Christmas this year?

3) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Monday 17 November 2014

Sermons from Sunday 16th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 16th November 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Putting it into Practice’

Matthew 7 : 13 - 20

Rev Hennie Johnston

To view the clip shown at the beginning of this mornings sermon, click the link below..

6.30pm Series: This is our God!

'God is faithful'

Psalm 57

Rev Hennie Johnston

To view the Video/DVDs Shown during this service please click on the link below...

Indiana Jones - leap of faith...

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 14 November 2014

This week's Talk Questions 16th November 2014: The Choice we make produces the fruit we bear Matthew 7. 13 - 20

1) Jesus describes just two ways. What are the 4 characteristics of each; and to what extend have you found what Jesus says here to be true in your own experience?

2) In what way are the false prophets deceptive? And how does Jesus instruct his disciples to tell the difference between true and false?

3) What good fruit can people see in our own lives, and in the life of the Church at St. Mark's?

4) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Monday 10 November 2014

Sermons from Sunday 09th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 09th November 2014

11am :  Remembrance Sunday

Matthew 7 : 1 - 12

Rev Simon Chesters

6.30pm : 'God is Jealous'

Zechariah 1 : 12-17

Rev Simon Chesters

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 7 November 2014

This week's Talk 9th November 2014: Remembrance Sunday Matthew 7: 1 - 12

Some questions to think about
1)      As we remember 100 years since the start of the First World War, what might this passage have to say to us?

2)      Jesus talks about us judging others’ faults while ignoring our own (which might be a lot bigger than theirs). How can we become more aware of the things that need sorting out in our own lives?

3)      Jesus urges us to ask, seek and knock in trust that God is a good and generous parent. What do you think God might want us as individuals and as a church to be asking Him for?

4)      How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?