
Monday 23 March 2015

Sermons from Sunday 22nd March Now Available for Download

Sunday 22nd March 2015

Neil Gibbons

11am Series : The Psalmist's Heart

Pressure relieved by God's forgiveness

Psalm 32


Rev Hennie Johnston

6.30pm Series : Celebrations of Discipline


The book to accompany this series (Celebration of Discipline by Richard Forster) can be found here at Eden Christian Books (other booksellers are available)

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 20 March 2015

This week's Talk Questions 22nd March 2015: Pressure relieved by God’s forgiveness Psalm 32

1. Do we find it difficult to talk about sin and guilt? If so why is this?

2. Acknowledging our sin to God is the key to a transformed life. How should we explain this to others?

3. How should we respond to God's forgiveness and steadfast love? How might this effect our actions at home, at work and in society?

4. How does a person with a ’psalmist heart’ deal with sin and guilt?

Monday 16 March 2015

Sermons from Sunday 15th March Now Available for Download

Sunday 15th March 2015

Richard (from Tearfund)

11am Series : The Psalmist's Heart

Pressure from Persecution

Psalm 22


Rev Simon Chesters

6.30pm Series : Celebrations of Discipline


The book to accompany this series (Celebration of Discipline by Richard Forster) can be found here at Eden Christian Books (other booksellers are available)

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 13 March 2015

The March Clergy Blog

Clergy Blog


What a February it has been! Spring is most certainly springing, winter has begun to creep back and … the season is changing!

‘You have made the moon to mark the seasons … ‘

Psalm 104.19

It has been an exciting few months learning to develop a psalmist heart. As we have dug deeper into the psalms – and in our evening services, the disciplines of a mature Christian life – we have begun to see and smell that next season! The psalmist writes of how the moon marks the seasons – this is God’s doing! He has given us signs to know when the seasons are changing, indeed, as with the moon, the sign is the very thing bringing the season in!

St Mark’s has seen some signs of a season of change: We are outgrowing our premises, we have been asked to help another church develop in the city centre, (St Peter’s Church at the Cross) we are seeing our projects develop and people coming to know Jesus. We have had exciting moments where St Peter’s have joined us on two occasions. One was in the act of baptism of Molly and Lottie! An occasion full of praise, full of new life! We celebrated our covenant with God rejoicing that it is He who acts first! Some of St Peter’s also joined us for our day of healing! A wonderful day with Linda Daniel where we learned and experienced the healing presence of the Father!

The season is changing and we are moving towards being a church of Healing, Wholeness and Holiness. This calling on us as a community is exciting and daunting. It means taking risks, not the kind of risks that the world offers, but the kind of risks that God offers! Our Father offers to go ahead of us, to be with us and to support us – it is in this support and trust, that God calls us to go out into Saltney and Lache, into the Town centre, into our neighbourhoods and to be the body of Christ – shining God’s healing, Gods’ wholeness and God’s holiness! Not to be ‘perfect’ by any means – but real and loving in this broken world! It is in this care that God calls us to build his Church and to see it grow in maturity and numbers. This is a calling to allow our psalmist heart to beat that raw honesty and gratitude around our entire being so that we may intentionally enjoy and shine the love of Christ to each other and to the world.

The season is changing – Easter is coming! Let us prepare for the celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and expect to see him in power! Let us move with boldness into this new season!


Monday 9 March 2015

Sermons from Sunday 8th March Now Available for Download

Sunday 8th March 2015

Rev Hennie Johnston

11am Series : The Psalmist's Heart

Pressure from Destruction

Psalm 137


Cyd Phillips

6.30pm Series : Celebrations of Discipline


The book to accompany this series (Celebration of Discipline by Richard Forster) can be found here at Eden Christian Books (other booksellers are available)

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 6 March 2015

This week's Sermon Questions 8th March 2015: Pressure from destruction Psalm 137

1) Both the Anglican and Roman catholic church have omitted verses 7-9 of Psalm 137 from their liturgy - why do you think this might be, and are they right?
2) Can you empathise with the cries of the heart of the Psalmist in this Psalm?
3) Can you think of modern day situations in the world today where Christians might use this Psalm as their personal and corporate prayer?
4) Can we add deal with destruction/violation to personal faith, homeland and family?

Monday 2 March 2015

Sermon from Sunday 01st March Now Available for Download

Sunday 01st March 2015

Rev Hennie Johnston

11am Series : The Psalmist's Heart

The Creator God

Psalm 139

To view the DVD's shown at this service click on the links below..

Before the talk (Psalm 139 reading)..

The Song after the talk...


All sermons are available to download here