
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Sermon from Sunday 28th June Now Available for Download

Sunday 28th June 2015 

Canon Revd Chris Russell


Acts 1 : 1 - 11

Luke 15 : 1 - 10

Please note: due to technical issues the recording is not up to its usual standard. 


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 22 June 2015

Sermons from Sunday 21st June Now Available for Download

Sunday 21st June 2015 

Rev Simon Chesters

11.00am Series: How do we get there?

Turning defeat into Victory

Joshua 8


Heather Carty

6.30pm Series: Life in the Spirit

Living with disagreement

Romans 14


All sermons are available to download here

Friday 19 June 2015

This week's Talk Questions 21st June 2015: Joshua 8 Turning Defeat into Victory

1) God sees the culture of the nations of the land as being corrupt and wicked, so much that it needs wiping out entirely. What are the things in our culture that God might see as corrupt?

2) Are there things in your own life as a Christian that you need to be making sure you keep clear of and get rid of?

3) As we move forward as a church, what are the things God asks us to make sure we are not hanging onto or doing? How does God call us to behave and treat one another as we journey together?

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Talks from Cloverley Hall 2015 are Now Available for Download

Friday 12th June to Sunday 14th June 2015 

Nick Cuthbert

Building a Church for Tomorrow, Today

Friday 8.00pm : Session 1

Saturday 9.30am : Session 2

Saturday 11.15am : Session 3

Sunday 10.00am : Session 4

Please note: due to technical issues with the recording equipment, 

session 2 (9.30am on Saturday) has been cut short and there is some 

noise interference in places in the other recordings. 


All sermons are available to download here

Sunday 7 June 2015

Sermon from Sunday 7th June Now Available for Download

Sunday 7th June 2015 

Nikki Smith

11.00am : All age with baptism

God's Provision

Joshua : 5


All sermons are available to download here

Friday 5 June 2015

The Vicar’s Blog – June 2015

I write this on the train as I return back to Chester from having been at a curate and Incumbents training day at Trinity College, Bristol, with Gary Kennaugh, our new curate who arrives on Tuesday 9th June with his family, Lucy, Tilly and Naomi. It has been a very blessed 24hrs. Please pray for them as they join St. Mark’s bringing their experiences and gifts; and pray for the present leadership team as new members join and obviously dynamics change, bringing both challenges and great blessings.

As I look back on this month, again with challenges and blessings, I do feel full of the joy of the Lord. I hope and pray that you have shared my excitement as we began to preach from the Book of Joshua at the beginning of this month, and share the journey of Joshua, and the whole nation of Israel, as they proceed into the Promised Land, with all its challenges and blessings as well. I do believe Joshua Ch. 1. v.9 is a word for the whole church, ‘I hereby command you: be strong and courageous: do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go’. As Jonathan said in his May blog, ‘we can learn a great deal from Joshua and Israel about listening and obeying God, and marching forward ‘strong and courageous’ to see God’s kingdom come in our parish, in Chester, and in the world’. I pray as we continue to journey through the Book of Joshua we will become more courageous, and more trusting in the miraculous ways of God, because as Paul said to the church in Ephesus, ‘Now to him who by the power at work within us (the power of the Holy Spirit outpoured at Pentecost) is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen’ (Ephesians Ch3. V20-21).

As we celebrated Pentecost on Sunday 24th May we thought about the importance of Memorials, and the power of miracles. The importance of personal memorial stones which draw us closer to God, reminding us of His faithfulness, not keeping us stuck in the

past, or present, but building confidence to move forward into the future, across the Jordan River, together, united, and in prayer. In the day of Joshua the mighty power and presence of God pulled back the waters of the Jordan. At Pentecost God’s power and presence came in fire and wind, pouring out His Holy Spirit and breathing new life in all those who called on the name of Jesus. And it is the same Holy Spirit, our counsellor and helper, who guides us, leads us, challenges us to move on from where we are now, to where God wants us to be. A people united, a people of prayer, and a people who are so excited as to what God may do, that we want to join in with His work here on earth as it is in heaven!

Talking of miracles, I believe we witnessed the transforming power of the Holy Spirit as we heard the testimonies of Megan, Vicky, Natalie and Sarah, on Trinity Sunday as they shared their stories of faith, and publicly affirmed their faith in baptism and confirmation. What an amazing celebration we had that day! Our Trinitarian God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit was with us, and flooded us all with His love, warmth, and generosity. I really felt Heaven and earth met in that service, as God came to meet us in our worship, in His Word, in baptism, confirmation, and in sharing bread and wine. Bishop Keith said he felt so blessed, and from the words of encouragement, and excitement that were expressed – so were many others!

Lastly, we had a very encouraging first Joshua Group on Monday evening, and again there was a sense of anticipation and excitement as to where God is leading us both at St. Mark’s, and as we begin to minister at St. Peter’s. A promised land flowing with milk and honey; a land of kingdom values; of healing, wholeness and holiness; of deep growing discipleship; of mission, evangelism, and service; of justice and peace; a land where God’s kingdom is growing, developing and building here on earth as it is in Heaven. And for us to claim that land we need to be ‘strong and courageous, rather than fearful and dismayed, and knowing that God is with us wherever we go’.

 Blessings Hennie

This week's Talk Questions 7th June 2015: ‘You are safe with God – Take off your shoes!’ Joshua 5. 13 – end

1) Where in your life are you not allowing God to be your safety?

2) Can you share a time when you trusted God to look after you in a difficult place?

3) In what way can we ‘take off our shoes’ before a stressful time?

Monday 1 June 2015

Sermons from Sunday 31st May Now Available for Download

Sunday 31st May 2015 

Bishop Keith

11.00am : Confirmation Service

John 3: 1-17

Incuding the testemonies of the 4 candidates; Sarah; Vicki; Megan and Natalie


Andy Myers

6.30pm Series: Life in the Spirit

Living it out in the world

Romans 13


All sermons are available to download here