
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 27th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 27th September 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Hennie Johnston

Introduction to Spiritual Gifts

1 Corinthians 12


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Heather Carty

Alive in Christ

Ephesians 2: 1 - 10


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 21 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 20th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 20th September 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Simon Chesters

Love is the key to ministry

1 Corinthians 13


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Gill Reeve

Give thanks and pray

Ephesians 1: 15 - 23


All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 17 September 2015

Curate’s blog – September 2015

Where has the summer gone?

I don’t know about you, but I think this might have been the fastest summer yet! I am of course aware that the speed of summer does not fluctuate (I think!), but it does appear (at least to me) that the summer holidays have gone especially quickly this year!

This may be in part due our family circumstances. Since June, the Kennaugh clan has relocated from Bristol to Chester which has involved moving house, getting ordained, meeting new friends, starting school, and becoming part of a new church family. Hardly the relaxing summer we may have wished for, and yet, a very exciting one for us as a family!

I wonder how your summer has been? Hopefully one of rest, relaxation, and fun! But now that it is over, how do you feel now that September is upon us? Do you feel ready?

We are entering a new season, and in many ways a new year. The weather is different, and we reach less for the sun cream and more for the hats and coats. We may begin to notice the changing colours on the trees as we travel to work. The school year is different, and for some this means a new beginning complete with new uniform, new bag, and new pencil case!

A new season can bring with it much change and sometimes this can be difficult, and perhaps even a bit daunting. Whether it's changing a habit, attitude, job, or home, change is always a challenge. Even when we know something is for our own good it may be unwelcomed as it could be imposed upon us without our approval, or it may be painful. For some of us, even the idea of change can be unsettling and we try to avoid it at all costs.

When it comes to where God is leading us, change may also be resisted. However in the Bible we see many examples of it. Abraham changes where he lives, Jacob changes his name, and people are repeatedly instructed to change their behaviour. Change is important for God! In fact, change is at the heart of the gospel. Mark tells us “Jesus went to Galilee preaching the Message of God: “Time’s up! God’s kingdom is here. Change your life and believe the Message.” (The Message version) God is not interested in maintaining the status quo but wants all people to come and know him, be set free from what is troubling us, and have the relationship with Jesus that we were created for. Jesus entered the world to do exactly that and it changed everything!!

At St Marks, all of us are in the process of change, but excitingly, we are also just the people God wants to use to change the world. He wants us to join him in changing our homes, schools, and places of work in the communities of Lache, Saltney, and Saltney Ferry. We are God’s change agents in these places!! To help equip us to do this as a church, this autumn our Sunday teaching will aim to help identify what gifts God has given all of us for mission and ministry, whilst our mid week groups will explore what our frontlines of mission are.

We are all part of God’s team to change this area, and we need not worry about the change God brings because he is good, he loves us, and he goes with us in all we do. So as we think about change and all that brings in our lives and in the lives of those we care for, let’s remind ourselves that God knows what he is doing, and can be trusted.

We are in for an exciting autumn!

Love and prayers


Tuesday 15 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 13th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 13th September 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Gary Kennaugh

The Spirit is in us

Romans 8: 1 - 17


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Cyd Phillips

Spiritual Blessings

Ephesians 1: 1 - 14


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Sermon from Sunday 6th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 6th September 2015 

Rev Hennie Johnston

11.00am : Don't have Favourites

James 1:17

Mark 7:24 - 37


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 23rd and 30th August 11:00am Now Available for Download

Sunday 23rd August 2015

Rev Hennie Johnston

11am August Series: 

Those who eat this bread will live forever

John 6 : 56 - 58


Sunday 30th August 2015

Rev Simon Chesters

11am August Series: 

Honouring Jesus in our thoughts, words and actions

James 1 : 17 - 27


All sermons are available to download here