
Tuesday 15 December 2015

December Blog by Revd Gary Kennaugh

Curates Blog

December is upon us! How the term has flown by. The nights are longer and colder, the fire is on, and the fuel bills rocket!! But that’s all ok isn’t it? Because we are looking forward to something amazing! Something that is worth waiting for... the end of X-Factor! (Some of us are!!)

But of course, what we are really waiting for is Christmas. Now, for some shops and toy adverts it seemed like Christmas began in October (trust me, I watch a fair amount of kids tv). But as we know, we begin to countdown at the start of December and look forward to Christmas day.
What does your Christmas look like? Is it one of laughter, fun and games? Is it an occasion that involves time with friends and family? Are there feasts, presents, decorations? Do you sit down to enjoy the Queens Speech, or the Doctor Who special? The day is different for each of us. For some people Christmas is a real time of celebration, and for others it can be a harder time. However, there is a question all of us need to consider as we look forward to December 25th; “Where is Jesus in our Christmas?”

With all the busyness, the shopping, the travelling, the breaking up from school, it can be easy to miss what is central to the whole celebration of Christmas – Jesus. We can very easily fall into the trap of rehearsing the story without engaging with it. We sing the carols, we put up our nativity, but we are not allowing ourselves to worship with wonder at what God has done for us. Or we might leave Jesus there in the manger as a baby, beautiful and innocent, forgetting his life and ministry on earth. We may even ignore Him completely as we rip open our presents!

Whatever our Christmas looks like, amazingly, the story of Jesus’ birth is just as profound today as it ever was. God came to earth as a baby, born in poor conditions, but born as a King. And God invites us afresh to engage with this story - His story. And he does this by meeting us in our story. Jesus longs to come into our lives, to give us real life; better than anything we can hope for – full of love, joy, and peace. Jesus knows us and knows what it is like to be us. The New York Pastor Tim Keller puts this well when he says “Jesus was God come in the flesh...he was God yet suffered. He experienced weakness, a life filled with cries and tears. He knew firsthand rejection and betrayal, poverty and abuse, disappointment and despair, bereavement, and death.”
We may feel far from God, but he is nearer than we can imagine, loving us more than we can hope for. Wherever we are, whether we know God well or not, I pray this Christmas we all celebrate the incredible news that a Saviour was born, and we let him out of the manger and into our lives. That is God’s present for all of us. What a gift Jesus is!

If you or someone you know wants to know more about Jesus as you enjoy Christmas, why not come along to our Alpha course which begins on 20th January 2016. Please also join us at one of our Christmas services to celebrate Jesus’ birth, and rejoice that for us a Saviour has been born!

With love and prayers this Christmas,


Monday 14 December 2015

Sermons from Sunday 13th December Now Available for Download

Sunday 13th December 2015 

Morning Series: Advent

Nadine Parkinson


Luke 3: 7 - 18

To see the video shown in Nadine's talk, please click the link below...


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Hennie Johntson

Doing the will of God

Ephesians 6: 9 - end


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Sermon from Sunday 6th December Now Available for Download

Sunday 6th December 2015 

Morning Series: Advent

Rev Jon Phillips

Advent : 2


John 8: 12


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Sermons from Sunday 29th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 29th November 2015 

Morning Series: Advent

Rev Simon Chesters

Advent : 1

Jeremiah 33: 14 - 16


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Gary Kennaugh

Love as Christ loves

Ephesians 5: 21 - 6: 9


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 23 November 2015

Sermons from Sunday 22nd November Now Available for Download

Sunday 22nd November 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Jon Phillips

Spiritual Gifts : 5

Romans 12: 9 - 13


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Hennie Johnston

Imitators of God

Ephesians 5: 1 - 21


All sermons are available to download here

Wednesday 18 November 2015

An evening with Open Doors and Yong Sook from North Korea

Tuesday 17th November 2015

Special Evening with Open Doors and Yong Sook

Rev Trevor Green introduces the work of Open Doors and then hear the remarkable testimony of Yong Sook, who escaped from North Korea and brings us her story. 

The evening began by watching a video, you can see it by clicking this link ...


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 16 November 2015

Sermons from Sunday 15th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 15th November 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Gary Kennaugh

Spiritual Gifts : 4

Romans 12: 1 - 8


The Work of the Gideons

Frank Hilder

To find out more visit their website at...


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Jon Phillips

Children of Light

Ephesians 4: 17 - 32


All sermons are available to download here

Friday 13 November 2015

Pioneer Curate’s Blog November 2015

‘A Christmas Carol.’ What emotions and thoughts are drummed up within you when you hear those words: Christmas, The Muppets, Albert Finney? Perhaps it is feelings of challenge and that felt need to give to those who have little. Perhaps it is that knowledge that whatever we do, we cannot make God love us any more, or any less – He embraces us as His children and transforms us. The B-it Theatre Company’s adult workshop is putting on this popular production at the end of November at St Mark’s and it is a wonderful opportunity to bring your friends, family and colleagues into a church building and hear faith and transformation being spoken of in life changing ways.

‘Meninadanca.’ What emotions and thoughts are drummed up within you when you hear this Portuguese phrase? For those who were at the evening service on Sunday 8th November there will be deep feelings of sadness, brokenness but also hope and joy that God and His faithful are in the darkest of places loving people whom no one has loved. Meninadanca means Girl Dancer. It is a charity that has been set up to take girls off the street and give them confidence and a way out of the life that they were born into. They use dance and drama to give these girls their self-esteem back. They use it to create community where the girls can be honest and find a relationship with a God that is not happy with the state the world is in but wants to see it changed.

This year the B-it Theatre Company’s Adult Workshop is going to raise awareness for Meninadanca, partly because our visions are similar. Whereas they work in the darkest of places in Brazil, we work in the sleepy suburbs of Chester. Chester is not immune to brokenness, helplessness and despair. Indeed, due to our outward affluence we tend to ignore out internal poverty and the lives being wasted all around us.

This term we have been looking at our spiritual gifts and our frontline. This is no mistake. God has blessed us with much so that we can go to those with little and shine God’s light into their lives. However, those who have little are sometimes much closer than we imagine. Our neighbours, our friends, our family and our colleagues are desperate for community and are desperate for the peace that only Jesus can bring.

As we prepare for Advent and look to Jesus’ birth and his return, let us think on our incarnate God, who ‘became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood.’ Is it possible that we are not ‘living’ in our neighbourhoods, our work places, our social circles and we need to hear the call once again to ‘move in.’ I have been really encouraged to hear of one fellowship group who has been inviting their whole street to come and have social events with them. The joy was, that I knew one of these people who, mid ‘social event’ text me and said ‘Do you know everyone’. The truth is I don’t – but I do know St Mark’s – and this fellowship group had just welcomed her into their home and she was overwhelmed with love.

This November, let’s embrace our gifts, be one with those on our front lines, pray for those you could invite to church, or to Alpha or to ‘A Christmas Carol’. Let us share God’s love as we prepare for this national holiday celebrating Jesus’ birthday!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Sermons from Sunday 8th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 8th November 2015 

Remembrance Sunday

Rev Hennie Johnston

Remembrance Sunday

Mark 1: 14 - 20


6.30pm : Esta Vida (This Life)

Matt Roper

To find out more of what they do and get involved please visit the website at...


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Sermon from Sunday 1st November 6.30pm Now Available for Download

Sunday 1st November 2015 

6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Hennie Johnston

Unity in the Body

Ephesians 4: 1 - 16


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 26 October 2015

Sermons from Sunday 25th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 25th October 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Jon Phillips

Spiritual Gifts : 3

1 Corinthians 12: 12 - 31


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Gary Kennaugh

Deep and Wide

Ephesians 3: 14 - 21


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Sermons from Sunday 18th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 18th October 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Hennie Johnston

Spiritual Gifts : 2

1 Corinthians 12: 1 - 11


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Simon Chesters

Costly Grace

Ephesians 3: 1 - 13


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Vicar’s October Blog 2015

The Vicar’s October Blog 2015

John Keats in his Ode to Autumn describes the season as one of mists and mellow fruitfulness, though the 1st and 2nd of October was one of sun and great warmth on the hills of Scotland where I was enjoying my last two days of annual holiday! Enjoy I did - though in great pain. After over a week of excruciating back pain I succumbed to the physio this morning. Apparently my right upper back is fighting my body with intense tight muscles, which has caused a ripped ligament in lower back. So thank you for your prayers, and for the pressure from colleagues and congregation to seek medical attention!

But back to mists and mellow fruitfulness, and the encouragement I want to share with you all following our recent Joint Sunday Service where we introduced our preaching series looking at our God given gifts. We also sent out by email a guide to help discover the spiritual gifts that God has given us, and they were made available also at that service. The encouragement was the coming together as one, the 9 am and 11 am service worshipping together as one Body, and the buzz afterwards as people filled in the forms, and discovered their gifts. Some even rang me the next day to say how good it was to either discover for the first time, or re-affirm, the gifts God has graciously given them, and the conversations have continued. Some have handed their forms in having identified their gifts, and informed the leadership team what ministries they are currently involved in, and that has been great, and much appreciated.

We don’t want this exercise to be lost in the busy-ness of our lives, and so we are coming together over the next 7 weeks on Wednesday evenings to learn how we can be more fruitful on our frontlines (the places we spend significant time through the week in contact with non-Christians); and one way is to bless people with the gifts that God has given us. We had our first session on Wed and it was a wonderful time of worship, teaching, and fellowship. It is not too late to join us on a Wednesday evening because the coming together as one is very much part of the growing together, building the church, and extending God’s Kingdom.

Another blessed encouragement was our Harvest Service, and breakfasting together between the two morning services. A very big thank you to Richard and Kathryn de Beger for their vision for these breakfasts, and to all who helped welcome and serve - again a real sense of coming together as one. Also the Harvest windows are spectacular and thanks again to each group/persons who spent time lovingly creating places of local interest. It was good to be represented so well by the uniformed groups, and for them to contribute to our time of prayer as we thanked God for his loving provision, and the need to put more of our trust in him.

In my blog in June I mentioned that we had just had our first Joshua Group (those leading ministries coming together every other month), and this month we came together for our third Joshua Group focussing on our spiritual gifts, and reflecting where all the different ministries may be in 2018 – a follow on from an exercise we did in June. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who are part of the Joshua Group for their leadership, vision and oversight of the particular areas of ministry for which they are responsible.

I continue to give thanks to God for all his good gifts, and to be excited for what He has in store for us all at St. Mark’s – so much more than we could ever imagine.

Autumn fruitful blessings - Hennie

Sermons from Sunday 11th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 11th October 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Gary Kennaugh

Spiritual Gifts : 1

Ephesians 4: 1 - 16


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Rev Jon Phillips

One in Christ

Ephesians 2: 11 - 22


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 5 October 2015

Sermon from Sunday 4th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 4th October 2015 

Rev Gary Kennaugh

11.00am : Harvest

Matthew 6:25 - 33


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 27th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 27th September 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Hennie Johnston

Introduction to Spiritual Gifts

1 Corinthians 12


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Heather Carty

Alive in Christ

Ephesians 2: 1 - 10


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 21 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 20th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 20th September 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Simon Chesters

Love is the key to ministry

1 Corinthians 13


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Gill Reeve

Give thanks and pray

Ephesians 1: 15 - 23


All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 17 September 2015

Curate’s blog – September 2015

Where has the summer gone?

I don’t know about you, but I think this might have been the fastest summer yet! I am of course aware that the speed of summer does not fluctuate (I think!), but it does appear (at least to me) that the summer holidays have gone especially quickly this year!

This may be in part due our family circumstances. Since June, the Kennaugh clan has relocated from Bristol to Chester which has involved moving house, getting ordained, meeting new friends, starting school, and becoming part of a new church family. Hardly the relaxing summer we may have wished for, and yet, a very exciting one for us as a family!

I wonder how your summer has been? Hopefully one of rest, relaxation, and fun! But now that it is over, how do you feel now that September is upon us? Do you feel ready?

We are entering a new season, and in many ways a new year. The weather is different, and we reach less for the sun cream and more for the hats and coats. We may begin to notice the changing colours on the trees as we travel to work. The school year is different, and for some this means a new beginning complete with new uniform, new bag, and new pencil case!

A new season can bring with it much change and sometimes this can be difficult, and perhaps even a bit daunting. Whether it's changing a habit, attitude, job, or home, change is always a challenge. Even when we know something is for our own good it may be unwelcomed as it could be imposed upon us without our approval, or it may be painful. For some of us, even the idea of change can be unsettling and we try to avoid it at all costs.

When it comes to where God is leading us, change may also be resisted. However in the Bible we see many examples of it. Abraham changes where he lives, Jacob changes his name, and people are repeatedly instructed to change their behaviour. Change is important for God! In fact, change is at the heart of the gospel. Mark tells us “Jesus went to Galilee preaching the Message of God: “Time’s up! God’s kingdom is here. Change your life and believe the Message.” (The Message version) God is not interested in maintaining the status quo but wants all people to come and know him, be set free from what is troubling us, and have the relationship with Jesus that we were created for. Jesus entered the world to do exactly that and it changed everything!!

At St Marks, all of us are in the process of change, but excitingly, we are also just the people God wants to use to change the world. He wants us to join him in changing our homes, schools, and places of work in the communities of Lache, Saltney, and Saltney Ferry. We are God’s change agents in these places!! To help equip us to do this as a church, this autumn our Sunday teaching will aim to help identify what gifts God has given all of us for mission and ministry, whilst our mid week groups will explore what our frontlines of mission are.

We are all part of God’s team to change this area, and we need not worry about the change God brings because he is good, he loves us, and he goes with us in all we do. So as we think about change and all that brings in our lives and in the lives of those we care for, let’s remind ourselves that God knows what he is doing, and can be trusted.

We are in for an exciting autumn!

Love and prayers


Tuesday 15 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 13th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 13th September 2015 

Morning Series: Spiritual Gifts

Rev Gary Kennaugh

The Spirit is in us

Romans 8: 1 - 17


6.30pm Series: Ephesians

Cyd Phillips

Spiritual Blessings

Ephesians 1: 1 - 14


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Sermon from Sunday 6th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 6th September 2015 

Rev Hennie Johnston

11.00am : Don't have Favourites

James 1:17

Mark 7:24 - 37


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sermons from Sunday 23rd and 30th August 11:00am Now Available for Download

Sunday 23rd August 2015

Rev Hennie Johnston

11am August Series: 

Those who eat this bread will live forever

John 6 : 56 - 58


Sunday 30th August 2015

Rev Simon Chesters

11am August Series: 

Honouring Jesus in our thoughts, words and actions

James 1 : 17 - 27


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 17 August 2015

Sermon from Sunday 16th August 11:00am Now Available for Download

Sunday 16th August 2015

Rev Jon Phillips

11am August Series: 

Trusting in Jesus the Bread of Life

John 6 : 51 - 58


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Evening Sermon from Sunday 19th + Mornings of 26th July, 2nd and 9th August Now Available for Download

Rev Gary Kennaugh

19th July 2015 - 6.30pm Series (Life in the Spirit)

Living to Serve 

26th July 2015 - 11.00am Series (How do we get there?) 

Serve only the Lord 

09th August 2015 11.00am - August Series - 

The life Jesus offers as the bread of life

Rev Jon Phillips

02nd August 2015 11.00am - August Series - 

Jesus as the bread of life


All sermons are available to download here

Sunday 19 July 2015

Morning Sermon from Sunday 19th July Now Available for Download

Sunday 19th July 2015

Rev Jon Phillips

11am Series: How do we get there?

A Time for Peace

Joshua 22 : 1 - 6


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 13 July 2015

Sermons from Sunday 12th July Now Available for Download

Sunday 12th July 2015

Rev Hennie Johnston

11.00am Series: How Do We Get There?

This is our land - live in it!

Joshua 21


Cyd Phillips

6.30pm Series: Life in the Spirit

Living in Unity

Romans 15


All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 9 July 2015

6.30pm M.P.G. Service 5th July 2015

The July M.P.G. (Monthly Prayer Gathering) 6.30pm 5th July
This month we spent the time thinking firstly about our parish; its boundaries, where we are witnesses in our community and who we can pray for . We placed stickers on our parish map, which you can see in the side chapel. Then we thought about the world - where we have a heart for - and placed a candle on the map before praying for that place.

Monday 6 July 2015

Sermon from Sunday 5th July Now Available for Download

Sunday 5th July 2015 

Liz Chesters

11.00am : How do we get there?

Loving Your Enemy

Joshua 9 : 1 - 19


All sermons are available to download here

Friday 3 July 2015

Curate’s Blog July 2015

Today is the 1st July! This is an exciting day for lots of reasons! The first is, that the joint parish that Hennie and I are also working with: The parish of St Peter’s and St John’s, is no more and is now two separate parishes. The parish of Chester, St John and The parish of Chester, St Peter. This is an exciting event as it is releasing more opportunity for ministry, evangelism and witness into the city of Chester! 

This time is portentous for other reasons: 

Sunday 28th, morning services! Revd Canon Chris Russell, Advisor on Evangelism and Witness to the Archbishop of Canterbury, spoke to St Mark’s congregation on our ‘status’ as witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the power of the gospel as readily share our story with those around us.

Sunday 28th, Evening service at All Saints in Hoole. He spoke again to a united body of Cestrian Christians uniting in the name of Jesus and hearing an empowering and challenging talk on how we have a knowledge of the Lord and his salvation plan that we cannot keep to ourselves and bury in our churches and house groups etc. 

Monday 29th - a good number of church leaders gathered to hear him speak again and encourage us as leaders by sharing what he does in his role with the Archbishop - and the Archbishops deep heartfelt desire to see the gospel spread, Jesus glorified and lives transformed. 

All term we have been hearing about God working through Israel to create a space where he could create a people of God ready to receive and birth his Son into the world. We too are entering a new face as a local congregation with new leadership structures, exciting building plans, growth both numerically and in maturity! Some of these principles are going to be integral to our moving forward as a congregation. 

We are heading rather fast to the summer holidays. Many people will be away at different times and we don’t have an evening service. May I encourage you this summer to not allow this momentum to die. Take this opportunity to:

- Sit in God’s presence and abide in Him, enquire of Him and ask Him who to share your faith with.   
- Challenge yourself to encourage several church members - especially some that you do not know well - by ringing them, texting them or going out for a drink in the summer season. 
- And, to witness your faith, your story and your love of Jesus to those around you. We have a wonderful truth to share and our life story is integrally entwined with the gospel - as you share your story and your life with intention - watch the gospel flow out of your life. 

Sunday 5th July, at the Cathedral. Gary Kennaugh, our new curate will be ordained! Gary, Lucy, Tilly and Naomi are becoming a part of our family this summer. Another wonderful sign of God’s favour in our life as a Church. Let us welcome them as they join us in this exciting new season. At the same time we are also saying good bye to Nikki, our children’s and family worker, for a year as she goes on maternity leave - so let’s also keep her in our prayers. 

This is an exciting season - let us live in it. 

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Sermon from Sunday 28th June Now Available for Download

Sunday 28th June 2015 

Canon Revd Chris Russell


Acts 1 : 1 - 11

Luke 15 : 1 - 10

Please note: due to technical issues the recording is not up to its usual standard. 


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 22 June 2015

Sermons from Sunday 21st June Now Available for Download

Sunday 21st June 2015 

Rev Simon Chesters

11.00am Series: How do we get there?

Turning defeat into Victory

Joshua 8


Heather Carty

6.30pm Series: Life in the Spirit

Living with disagreement

Romans 14


All sermons are available to download here

Friday 19 June 2015

This week's Talk Questions 21st June 2015: Joshua 8 Turning Defeat into Victory

1) God sees the culture of the nations of the land as being corrupt and wicked, so much that it needs wiping out entirely. What are the things in our culture that God might see as corrupt?

2) Are there things in your own life as a Christian that you need to be making sure you keep clear of and get rid of?

3) As we move forward as a church, what are the things God asks us to make sure we are not hanging onto or doing? How does God call us to behave and treat one another as we journey together?

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Talks from Cloverley Hall 2015 are Now Available for Download

Friday 12th June to Sunday 14th June 2015 

Nick Cuthbert

Building a Church for Tomorrow, Today

Friday 8.00pm : Session 1

Saturday 9.30am : Session 2

Saturday 11.15am : Session 3

Sunday 10.00am : Session 4

Please note: due to technical issues with the recording equipment, 

session 2 (9.30am on Saturday) has been cut short and there is some 

noise interference in places in the other recordings. 


All sermons are available to download here