
Sunday 19 July 2020

Sermon for Sunday 19th July 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 19th July 2020


Hana Helvadjian

Growing strong in the face of weeds

Matthew 13: 24 - 30 & 36 - 43


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 12 July 2020

Sermon for Sunday 12th July 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 12th July 2020


Rev Simon Chesters

Throwing the Word around

Matthew 13: 1 - 9 & 18 - 23


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 5 July 2020

Sermon for Sunday 5th July 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 5th July 2020


Rev Hennie Johnston

Come to me

Matthew 11: 16 - 19 & 25 - 30


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 21 June 2020

Sermon for Sunday 21st June 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 21st June 2020


Rev Hennie Johnston

Fearless followers of Jesus

Matthew 10: 24 - 31


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 14 June 2020

Service for Sunday 14th June 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 14th June 2020


Rev Simon Chesters

Over to you for the next bit

Matthew 9: 35 to 10: 8


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 7 June 2020

Service for Sunday 7th June 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 7th June 2020


Rev Anina Thomas

Trinity Sunday

Matthew 28: 16 - 20


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 31 May 2020

Service for Sunday 31st May 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 31st May 2020


Rev Hennie Johnston

Pentecost Sunday

Acts 2: 1 - 21


All sermons available to download here

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Service for Sunday 24th May 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 24th May 2020


Rev Hennie Johnston

Being Carriers of God's Glory

John 17: 1 - 19

The text referred to in today's sermon is......

Personalising a Passage
When you are ready simple place your name in the spaces of the scripture passage below.
John 17: verse 6 onwards

Father, I have made known your name to …………………., ……………… whom you took from the world to give me. …………….was yours and you gave ……………to me, and ………….has kept your word. Now at last ………….knows that all you have given me comes from you. For I have given …………… the teaching you gave to me and ………….. has truly accepted that I came from you and has believed that it was you who sent me. I pray for ………….; I am not praying for the world, but for …………. whom you have given me, because s/he belongs to you. All I have is yours and all you have is mine, and in …………… I am glorified.
Holy Father keep …………… whom you have given me true to your name so that s/he may be one like us.

Father, I am not asking you to remove ……………..from the world, but to protect ……….. from the evil one. ………………does not belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. Consecrate/sanctify …………… the truth; your word is truth. Father, I pray not only for …………… but for those also who through his/her words will believe in me. Father I want …………….whom you have given me to be with me where I am, so that s/he may always see the glory you have given me, because you loved me before the foundation of the world.
Father, Righteous One, the world has not known you, but I have known you and I have made your name known to ……………, and will continue to make it known so that the love which you loved me may be in ………… and so that I may be in …………..



All sermons available to download here

Sunday 17 May 2020

Sermon for Sunday 17th May 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 17th May 2020


Rev Hennie Johnston

Holy Spirit: Heavenly Helper

John 14: 15 - 31


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 10 May 2020

Sermon for Sunday 10th May 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 10th May 2020


Series: Easter 2020

Rev Hennie Johnston

I am the way the truth and the life

John 14: 1 - 14


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 3 May 2020

Sermon for Sunday 3rd May 2020 Now Available for Download

 Sunday 3rd May 2020


Rev Anina Thomas

The Good Shepherd

John 10: 1 - 10


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 26 April 2020

Sermon for Sunday 26th April 2020 Now Available for Download

These are extraordinary times, Hennie and others have recorded this service they would have delivered in church on Sunday 26th April 2020


Series: Easter 2020

Rev Hennie Johnston

The Road to Emmaus

Luke 24: 13 - 35


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 19 April 2020

Sermon for Sunday 19th April 2020 Now Available for Download

These are extraordinary times, Simon has recorded this service she would have delivered in church on Sunday 19th April 2020


Series: Easter 2020

What comes next?

Rev Simon Chesters

Easter Sunday

Matthew 27: 15 - 26


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 12 April 2020

Sermon for Sunday 12th April 2020 Now Available for Download

These are extraordinary times, Hennie has recorded this service she would have delivered in church on Sunday 12th April 2020


Series: Easter 2020

Rev Hennie Johnston

Easter Sunday


All sermons available to download here

Friday 10 April 2020

Meditation for Good Friday 10th April 2020 Now Available for Download

These are extraordinary times, Hana has recorded this meditation for Good Friday 10th April 2020

2:00 pm

Series: Easter 2020

Hana Helvadjian

Good Friday - Meditation at the cross

YouTube link

(Available to watch from 2:00pm Friday 10th April)


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 5 April 2020

Sermon for Sunday 5th April 2020 Now Available for Download

These are extraordinary times, Anina has recorded this sermon she would have delivered on Sunday 5th April 2020


Series: Easter 2020

Rev Anina Thomas

Palm Sunday

Matthew 21: 1 - 11


All sermons available to download here

Sunday 29 March 2020

Sermon for Sunday 29th March 2020 Now Available for Download

These are extraordinary times, Hennie has recorded this sermon she would have delivered in church on Sunday 29th March 2020


Series: A Journey into discipleship

(The extraordinary sayings of Jesus)

Rev Hennie Johnston

Abide in me as I abide in you

John 15: 1 - 11


All sermons available to download here

Friday 20 March 2020

Sermon for Sunday 22nd March 2020 Now Available for Download

These are extraordinary times, Anina has recorded this sermon she would have delivered on Sunday 22nd March 2020


Series: A Journey to discipleship

Rev Anina Thomas

A new commandment: 

Love one another as I have loved you

John 13: 31 - 35


All sermons available to download here

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Sermon from Sunday 15th March 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 15th March 2020


Series: A Journey to discipleship

Rev Simon Chesters

‘She will be remembered’.

Matthew 26: 6 - 13


All sermons available to download here

Monday 9 March 2020

Sermon from Sunday 8th March 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 8th March 2020


Series: A Journey to discipleship

Rev Hennie Johnston

‘I have set you an example that you should also do as I have done to you’.

John 13: 1 - 20


All sermons available to download here

Monday 24 February 2020

Sermon from Sunday 23rd February 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 23rd February 2020


Series: A Journey into Discipleship 

(The surprising sayings of Jesus)


Hana Helvadjian

You Must be Born Again

John 3: 1 - 12


All sermons available to download here

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Sermon from Sunday 16th February 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 16th February 2020


Series: A Journey into Discipleship 

(The surprising sayings of Jesus)


Rev Anina Thomas

Follow Me

Mark 2: 13 - 17


All sermons available to download here

Monday 10 February 2020

Sermon from Sunday 9th February 2020 Now Available for Download

Sunday 9th February 2020


Series: A Journey to discipleship

Rev Hennie Johnston

Who do you say I am?

Luke 9: 18 - 27


All sermons available to download here