
Monday 3 October 2011

Hennie's monthly blog for October

Dear All,

October the 3rd, and I walked Chanty (my dog) in shorts today, me in shorts not her - how bizarre is that? Not that I was wearing shorts rather than her, but that anyone should be wearing shorts in the month of October?! September seems to have flown by, and I can't quite believe it's time to write my monthly blog/letter for St. Mark's and the Lighthouse.

I would love to have some feedback from members of the congregation as to whether the line I am taking for these monthly blogs/letters are informative, helpful and instructive, or not? Over the last few months I have left you with questions to think through, actions to take, and encouraged feedback -but the response has been silent, so any feedback whatsoever would be helpful - either on line or in my pidgeon hole!

In my September blog we had just started our sermon series, in the evening, on Nehemiah, and I suggested that there was much we could learn from this amazing man of prayer, and action. His heart was broken when he heard of the needs of the people of Jerusalem - both practically and spiritually - so he prayed, and he took action! His prayer was one of compassion, honesty, intensity, vulnerability, perseverance, and sacrificial. And last night at St. Mark's, we looked at Nehemiah Chapter 4, where he prays with the same intensity and honesty, leading all the people of Jerusalem into a place of prayer and action, as they got ready to go back to continue the job that God had called them to do - to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and to renew their own faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I suggested that we too have walls to re-build spiritually in our own parish, and we are all called to play our part. Something to reflect on might be, what part is God calling you to play in sharing His love in this parish?

I also said in my September blog that I hoped, and prayed, that our time of 24hrs of prayer from 5 pm on Friday 30th September through to 5 pm on Sat 1st October would be a time when we would listen to God. A time for Him to speak to us (which is often a rarity in our busy lives), as we seek His vision for St. Marks and the Lighthouse - and in preparation for our Parish weekend in less than two week's time, when we will have an opportunity to think about, 'Who are we, and who is God calling us to be'? Well, that time of 24hr prayer has been & gone, and it was an opportunity for members of the church to set aside time just 'to be' with God, and to listen to Him, seeking His vision for their own personal lives, and for the life of St. Mark's & the Lighthouse.

What was great too, was not only members of the congregation came to pray, but others passing by the church dropped in, to see a candle-lit church. The church had different prayer stations where one was encouraged to think about one's own identity in Christ, and the purpose, values and vision that Christ might be calling us to, to enable the growth of His Kingdom, here in the parish of Lache-cum-Saltney, but also further afield where we work, go to college, school, and find ourselves during the week. There was an opportunity throughout the 24 hrs to share with others what God was saying by writing on post it notes, note-pads and a note book. And God spoke! Do take the opportunity to read what people felt God was saying to them now on a blue board in the Link, which will remain there until the Parish weekend - there are pictures, scriptures, visions, words of knowledge, thoughts & reflections. Let us pray through them as we seek God's will and way.

I believe, as I have reflected on what has been written, that there is a hunger to grow deeper into God in prayer, worship and discipleship, and an eagerness to go further out with his great love, both in word and action. I was so blessed during those 24 hrs, as I know many others were, and I could share with you everything that people felt God was saying, but that would take a lot of your time up! Instead read what is on the board on the Link, and I wonder whether you will come to what I feel - that there is a strong desire that we need to know God's love more deeply for ourselves - before we can start to share God's love with others, and also the revelation - that renewal and revival has to start with ourselves - God start with me!

Bless all of you who have taken the time to read this - and please give me feedback!
Positive and negative is most welcome - my shoulders can take it - leaning on the Lord!

Your Revd. Hennie

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