
Monday 5 December 2011

Hennie's monthly Blog for December

Dear All,

This morning, 5th December, really does feel like Winter. As I begin to write this message I am sitting in front of my computer with freezing hands, and a scarf around my neck, whereas Chanty is curled up on my bed looking very snug and warm. Priorities in the Vicarage don't seem quite right to me?!

Talking about priorities, we have now arrived in the season of Advent, essentially a season of patient waiting, a discipline which does not come naturally to many of us, at least not to me! Advent means 'coming' or 'arrival', and it's a time of preparation for the celeberation of Christmas when the first coming of God's Son to the world is recalled, and a period of reflection pointing us to Christ's second coming at the end of time. I said on Advent Sunday, 27th November, how, I believe, Advent has been kidnapped by Christmas, not only by the world of consumerism advertising Christmas at the end of September with Christmas cards and shop displays, but also by the Church with Christingle, Nativity, and Carol services starting ever earlier in December - the season of waiting is enveloped by the Christmas story right at the beginning of Advent.

Archbishop John Sentamu says, 'today we are encouraged to take the waiting out of wanting, cut to the chase, and get what we want right away, as though there is nothing worth waiting for. This Advent book dares to defy all that'. He says this as part of his Forward for a book entitled, 'The Meaning is in the Waiting - The Spirit of Advent' by Paula Gooder, which is my current Advent reading. Can I encourage you all who are taking time to read this blog, to find some space in these coming weeks, whether daily, or weekly, to stop from what you are doing, and wait on God, and reflect what the true Reason is for the Season of Advent, as well for the Reason for the Season of Christmas - for the meaning will be found in the waiting.

As I reflect back on a very busy November, I see the importance of waiting on God, for waiting is not a passive discipline, rather it is a radical discipline, where one is actively present to the moment, expecting that new things will happen, new things that are far beyond our own imagination or prediction. And lots of things happened in November. I attended a number of conferences organised by the Diocese. An excellent day celebrating the power of preaching - 'Alive to the Word' - organised by Chester Diocese and the College of Preachers, with key address from Bishop Peter, sermon from Revd. Christine Bull, and a good choice of workshops. The church wardens, Tony Slade, and myself attended a very good evening on Parish giving, again organised by the Diocese with different talks, and various workshops - very helpful and informative. The other conference I attended was a 3 day conference at Foxhill entitled 'Changing Posts', where each person had to give a 30 minute presentation on their new parish with 40 minutes of questioning! After my presentation most people commented how busy we were as a church - perhaps even more important that we 'wait & watch'. We had mixed input from different people throughout the three days, including an excellent session with Bishop Robert.

Also in November we had a very powerful Alpha Holy Spirit Day at church attended by those on the course, and others from St. Mark's and the Lighthouse. We listened to three talks, had time in groups and finished with worship and ministry - many people were deeply touched by the power of the Holy Spirit - praise God!

I finished my November blog by asking you to continue to pray and listen to God as we seek to know who He is calling us to be, and where He is calling us to go? At the PCC in November I presented some draft statements under the heading 'Is this Us'? looking at our identity, purpose, values and vision, and it was agreed that these drafts would be presented to the church. This has now happened, and the draft statements are on public viewing in The Link at St. Mark's. The PCC is asking you all to take the opportunity of reading them, reflecting on them, and then feeding back to the PCC, Church Wardens, or myself, with your thoughts by the beginning of January, so that the feedback can be looked at by the PCC at the January meeting on Monday January 16th. Whatever the journey is that God is calling us to embark on, it is important that it is not the PCC, or Vicar's vision, but that the whole church has had the opportunity to engage, listen and pray. So your feeback is very important, and will be much appreciated.

Perhaps this is part of our Advent waiting? Waiting & praying to see how, 'Is this Us?' becomes 'This is Us'. We wait with eagerness and anticipation to know 'Who God is calling us to be, and where He is calling us to go', actively present to the moment, expecting that new things will happen, new things that are far beyond our own imagination or prediction!

May you make space for 'waiting & watching' this Advent, in preparation for a joyous celebration this Christmas time when we welcome the arrival of the Christ child - Immanuel - God with us.

May God bless you all this December, love and prayers Hennie

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