
Tuesday 17 January 2012

A day of teaching and training on Prayer Ministry

When is it?
  • Saturday 4th February 2012 starting at 10am and finishing at 4pm, with a lunch break from 1 - 2pm
  • Please bring your own packed lunch - tea and coffee will be provided throughout the day
Who's it for?
  • The St Mark's Prayer Ministry Team
  • Anyone at St Mark's interested in joining the team
  • Anyone at St Mark's who is not sure what Prayer Ministry is all about, and is interested to learn more about it, and why we offer it.

Hennie would like to encourage all those already on the Prayer Ministry Team to attend; as well 
as anyone else who would like to learn a little bit more about this particular ministry. She would love as many people in the church as possible to attend.  If child care is a reason for not being able to attend, please let her know, and we will see what provision can be made.

If there is a positive response to the day then we would be very happy to arrange a further Saturday morning going a little deeper & wider into this particular ministry.

Please sign up on the list in the Link if you wish to attend or email the office.