
Sunday 15 January 2012

Home Group Notes for Sunday 15th January 2012

Sermon Theme:  'Called to Discipleship' - Luke 5: 1- 11

1) Discipleship is costly - Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, 'When Christ calls a person, he tells them to come and die'. Discuss in your group what you think this means for personal discipleship, and for the Body of Christ at St. Mark's and the Lighthouse?

2) Discipleship is risky - Have you taken the greatest risk of all and allowed Jesus into your boat of life, or are there still areas of your life that your prefer Jesus not to get involved in?  What risks might He be asking us to take as His Body?

3) Discipleship can be overwhelming & frightening - Do we trust Jesus, when he says, 'don't be afraid'? And do we find it overwhelming that Jesus wants to be the centre of our lives, wants us to partnership with Him in His ministry, and that He has a Vision for our lives, the church, and the world that we could never dream of?