
Sunday 8 January 2012

Home Group Notes for Sunday 8th January 2012

Sermon Theme: The Baptism of Christ  - Mark 1: 4-11

Thinking about Jesus' arrival on earth and at the River Jordan
Thinking about Jesus' Baptism
Thinking about Jesus being God's precious child - Son

A, B, C

In your Home Groups take some time thinking about your own 
A = Arrival, 
B = Baptism 
C = being a child of God

'A' - We all arrived here. We give thanks for the journey of life that brought us to worship here this morning, and the things that God has done in the past (discuss what He has done in the past)

'B' - We have been here to remember Jesus' baptism, our own, and have had the privilege of seeing the baptism of James and Henry. We give thanks for being able to be in God's presence, and for the work the Holy Spirit has done, is doing, and will do within us (discuss what the Holy Spirit has done, is doing, and will do within us, personally and corporately as a church)

'C' - We continue from here recognising once again that we are his precious chosen children, and we give thanks for all the things we will be doing this coming year, as we help to grow his Kingdom here in this parish, and further afield (discuss how it feels to be a chosen child of God, and what part can we play to grow God's Kingdom in this parish, and where we find ourselves during the week)