
Monday 6 February 2012

Hennie's Feb Blog for St. Mark's & The Lighthouse 2012

Dear All,

A couple I visited recently assured me that Chester very rarely got snow, but I had to remind them that it did last year. As I hurtled up the M6 every Friday during last Jan and Feb trying to get the Vicarage ready (with the help of the church as well) snow lay thick around the parish. So I have to say I was amazed that Chester appeared to be the only place in the UK that was not hit with snow over the weekend! Having said that, it has been bitterly cold, and Chanty, as I write, is sound asleep in front of the fire in my study, with a very lame left leg. Thank you Graham & Barbara for coming to the rescue on Saturday and taking her to the vet for me - it touched me what a caring community we are, with people, as well as four legged friends!

The Archbishop of York recently said, when preaching in Chester Cathedral, that if we talked about our faith as much as we did about the weather the country would be converted to Christianity within weeks! So perhaps I should move on..............................?!

I finished my January blog with the thought that, 'The blessing of knowing the Lord far outweighs anything the world can do to us, or give us'. But I also left us with a challenge - 'Is this enough or do you want something more'? I shared that, personally, I do want more. I want all people to know that the blessing of knowing the Lord far outweighs anything else that the world can do to them, or give them - and they are only going to know that if I tell them'.

Looking back on January it has been a busy month. A month I have to say which has been mixed with sadness, and blessings.

As is normal for the month of January the clergy have had a number of funerals to conduct, giving us the opportunity to share the love and compassion of Jesus with those who are grieving loved ones. I also attended John Stott's Thanksgiving Service in St. Paul's Cathedral on Friday 13th February, which was a wonderful service of celebration for the life of a man who truly believed, and knew, 'that the blessing of knowing His Lord far outweighed anything the world could do or give him', but was also passionate that others should be equipped to share that truth with others. He was a radical disciple for Christ, and lived his life equipping others for such discipleship, through his teaching, preaching, writing, mentoring, sponsorship, and friendship.

The sadness continued with the very sudden death of a dear friend who died at Manilla airport on Friday 27th January, on her way home to England, having spent two weeks teaching, training, and on retreat with people working for an organisation called Servants Asia. Again, dear Helen knew so well that 'the blessing of knowing the Lord far outweighs anything the world can do to us, or give us'. What a wonderful witness to God she was, and she is now at peace with Jesus. It's strange, isn't it, that sometimes times of sadness, also turn into times of joy. And in this sadness of loss of life, I see seeds of joy as people witness strong faith, and sure knowledge of the hope of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Blessings - there have been many this month too!

I want to give thanks for seeds that were sown over the Christmas period, and beginning to bring forth fruit in different ways, including bringing new people to worship at St. Mark's. Please, if you are reading this, don't be afraid of going up to speak to people you don't know after the service, especially the 10.45 am. New people are finding their home with us, and others are returning to St. Mark's - they might feel just as daunted as you do to go and speak with people, whether they are new or returning home. Let's give them the welcome Jesus would give them!

I want to give thanks for the opportunity of visiting members of the congregation, which I am continuing to do. What a privilege to hear people's stories, how they have come to faith, and how they came to be at St. Mark's and the Lighthouse. If I haven't visited you yet, I am on my way!

I want to give thanks for Henrietta Blythe's preach to us on Sunday 29th January, as a Director of Tearfund, and one of our Mission partners. A great and challenging message - if you could not be there that Sunday, may I encourage you to go on to our website and listen to it.

This leads me on to another blessing, which is this New Year's Sermon series - at least it has blessed me! I am excited as we begin to explore what it really means to follow Christ and think about 'A call to Discipleship' in the morning; and 'Living in the world but not of the world' in the evening. If you have missed any, again do go and listen to them on our website.

Another blessing amongst so many, is that I have been so encouraged how as a church we are committed, and motivated, to seek God's will and way as we discern His Vision and Mission. We had an excellent PCC Meeting on Monday 16th January, where I hope, everyone felt they had a voice, as we re-looked at the first draft vision, and came up with a final draft, which has now gone to the whole church for reflection, and ownership. Can 'Is this us'? become 'This is us'?

For those who might be visiting our websight Our Vision that we are working out is:

'to be a church that knows it has been called to be God's people, to worship, serve, and grow, and to see lives of all ages continually transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit:

> by a deepening relationship wiht God through worship, Biblical teaching & prayer

> by a growing relationship wiht one another through discipleshihp and fellowship

> by developing our relationship with the local community & wider world through evangelism, mission and service

'Loving God and making His love known'

And so as I come to to land this month - a final blessing - a great time on Saturday when about 30 people got together at St. Mark's for a day of teaching on Healing Prayer Ministry. For some it was a time of refreshment, for others an understanding of why we offer prayer ministry, and the place it has in our own personal discipleship, and for others an enlightening of what it really means to be a Christian. I want to leave you with a comment and a quote that someone emailed me following Saturday - and which I believe might be a Word for us as we continue to seek God's vision and mission.

'I feel I have moved just a bit nearer to understanding that it is not so much about me and my plans and petitions to God, but more about His promises and plans, and where I fit into them. On returning home that evening I read an article saying, 'Leave planning to God, His imagination is greater than yours'. Let's leave our planning to God, for His imagination is so much greater than ours!

Let's continue to listen to God, and join in with His planning, vision and mission.

Love and prayers Hennie


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