
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Home Group Notes for Sunday 12th February 2012

Sermon theme: Called to Live by His Word 2 Timothy 3: 10-17

1) Are you eager to know God's Word, receive God's Word, and live by God's Word? If yes, bearing in mind that activisim/busyiness is one of the main hindrances to hearing God's Word, share in your group how you cut out time to read, meditate, and study God's word. 

2) The Apostle Paul says, 'all scripture is breathed out by God, and it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting (improving), and for training in righteousness'. What is your personal experience of this?

3) He continues, 'so that people who belong to God may be complete, fitted out, and ready for every good work'. What 'good work' do you think you have been fitted out to do for God? 

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