
Monday 4 June 2012

Hennie's blog for June 2012

Dear All,

Hope many of you are enjoying a half-term break, or if not, at least two Bank Holiday's off in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee, in the midst of sun and showers. Is it not June rather than April!!  My brother informed me, who dropped in for lunch today on route to Scotland  for a reading week, (oh yes in Scotland?!), that Coventry was about to be declared an area of drought having had no rain since before Easter, so they prayed for rain, and they have more or less had 40 days of endless rain since!  Sad that our Creator God felt it had to rain down on our amazing reigning monarch yesterday!  I read in one paper that the rain in London, 'was Bibilical and by the end of  yesterday afternoon, they were expecting a late entry from Noah and his Ark'! I think the Biblical rain poured out on most of the country - it certainly did in Lache and Saltney.

But despite the rain we were still able to offer the local community welcome and hospitality, as we too celebrated the Diamond Jubilee together. There was a great sense of togetherness, as people continued to pour (sorry rain theme again) into the church, and church centre of all ages, those from St. Mark's & the Lighthouse,  and those whom we had never met before. The rain in no-way dampened spirits, and I think it might have brought us closer as we sat down to eat together, and made conversation with those we might not have had the opportunity had we all been outside.  The younger, and not so young, enjoyed themselves immensely in the scout hut where two bouncy castles found a home, and face-painting was enjoyed in the back of church. A very big thank you to all who were involved in making the Big Diamond Jubilee Lunch such a memorable event.

In fact looking back on May, I feel 'welcome' has been a prominent part of the church's ministry. During May we held a Welcoming Course called, 'Everybody Welcome', which was held over four consecutive Wednesdays for those presently on the Welcome Team, and appointed Sidespeople.  I was so encouraged by the commitment of those who 'stayed the course', which was nearly everyone who is on the Welcome Team and Sidespersons, and reading the 'Feedback Forms' today has been a real blessing. The course is written for whole church participation, and all who attended have said they would encourage such participation in the near future. Over the four weeks we looked at: 'Making the church more visible'; 'Making the premises more inviting'; 'A Welcoming God and his welcoming people'; and 'Belonging to the church community'. A course where everybody helps grow their church.  I very much pray that we can build on all that we learn't during this course, and thank you to all who gave up your time to attend.

During May we also had a Newcommers Supper at the Vicarage, and invited all those who have joined the church in the last year. Not all were able to attend,  but we had about 27 guests, which included those new to the church, the Clergy, Church Warden's and spouses, and a few others, as well as Joan & Dave Williams, and Ron & Pam Harris, who provided amazing food and excellent service - thank you! Again it was an opportunity to offer welcome and hospitality in a smaller environment, and in so doing  have a chance to have quality time meeting, and getting to know new people.  I hope and pray that evening will be the first of many!

On Saturday 26th May, in the morning, a number of us came together for two hours of 'Messy Church' training and teaching in St. Mark's, in preparation for our first 'Messy Church' on Thursday 5th July in Lache Community Centre.  Helen Ellis from All Saints, who runs 'Messy Church' there, and oversees the ministry in a wider capacity,  came and gave some excellent, and encouraging, input. Messy Church will be a time when we can welcome those in the local community to two hours of fun, fellowship & food.  If you might be interested in helping out in a number of areas do come and speak to me.  (Messy Church - 1st Thursday of the Month between 3.15 - 5.15 pm - Lache Community Centre).

Another great opportunity of welcome and hospitality was on Tuesday 29th when the Olympic Torch came to Chester, and passed through our parish!  Jo Lucas a few months ago, asked me if she could organise an event for the local community as they came to watch the Olympic torch pass through Saltney. I said yes, and the day was evident of God's blessing, and a lot of people's very hard work! If you were there no words can add to the amazing atmosphere that was experienced by all - and if you weren't you may get a taste by going on our website and seeing great photos of the day - very soon I hope! Free delicious tea for all (which was an extraordinary talking point), church open to all, and Creator God sent beautiful warm weather which helped us, again, to welcome those from the community to St. Mark's.  But not only did we welcome our local community, we also welcomed the Praise Bus which is going before the Olympic Torch, and who started their journey from Land's End.  It's message to all, 'Jesus' love to the Nations'. So it was great that a number of our congregation were able to offer accommodation and hospitality to those who were aboard the Bus, and show Jesus' love to them - thank you to those who did.

I am aware this is a long monthly blog - but I want to end with our Vision being put into practice.  I hope and pray as we continue our preaching series in the morning 'What does it mean to live God's Vision every day, everywhere?'; and as we look at the 'Suffering Servant' in Isaiah in the evening; that we will be challenged into a place of understanding that we all have to be in this together - to grow God's Kingdom,  both numerically and spiritually.  Are we ready to sign up for active involvement - for being partners together in this great enterprise: going out to share the good news of Jesus Christ in our local community, and wider world? 

One good place to start is to welcome > I finish with the welcome prayer that we have been using during the course:

 'Heavenly Father, you have welcomed us into your kingdom and your heart's desire is to draw every human being to yourself. Grant us clear eyes to see people as you see them, sensitive feet to stand in their shoes, and warm smiles to welcome them in your name. Give us such generous hearts, that our church becomes a foretaste of heaven where every soul you send us finds their loving home in the community of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ'.   Amen.

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