
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Healing service this Sunday

This Sunday 2nd December at 6:30 - Healing service and Communion with guest speaker Ash Kotecha.

Ash was raised a Hindu but came to Christ in 1979 after a dramatic out of body experience. He went to Bible school where he met Sharon his wife and they have one daughter Esther.
 Ash worked as an assistant pastor and eventually in 1987 pioneered a church in Central London. The church grew to around 200 people and in 1997 Ash and Sharon handed over the church as God was calling them to the evangelistic field.
 Ash’s healing ministry began soon after his conversion as he faced tremendous persecution from family and friends.

Monday 26 November 2012

Sermons from Sunday 25th November 2012

The sermons from Sunday 25th November are available to listen online here.

Values of our vision
Malachi 3: 6-18

I am the resurrection and the life
John 11: 17-27

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Sermon from Sunday Morning 18th November 2012

The sermon from Sunday morning 18th November is online here.

1 Corinthians 12: 1 - 11

Thursday 15 November 2012

Remembrance Day Sermon 11th November 2012

The sermon from our Remembrance Service on Sunday morning 11th November is  online here.

Romans 5: 1-11

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Sermon from Sunday Evening 11th Novenber 2012

 The sermon from Sunday evening 11th November is  online here.

Continuing in our evening teaching series on Jesus said “I am…

I am the good shepherd
John 10: 11-18

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Hennie's Blog for November

Dear All,

Apologies for being a few days late - though I see I wrote last year's on 7th November - so perhaps this is God's timing and not mine! As I write this from my new desk (very pleased with it - and thank you Kevin for putting it together!), I look out of my study window and watch the birds devouring their bird seed, and the leaves turning golden brown - confirmation of Autumn and soon to be Advent.  Meanwhile a certain four legged friend is happily asleep, no doubt somewhere where she shouldn't be!

This morning, as some of us gathered together for Morning Prayer in the Side Chapel, we were reminded from our NT reading from Revelation that, 'let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches'. And I have been so encouraged during this past month as  we, at St. Mark's, I believe, are becoming eager to desire the spiritual gifts that God longs to give us for the building of His Kingdom, and having our ears open to what He wants to say to us.  I think that has been very evident from the Prayer Ministry Team now meeting regularly before the 11 am and 6.30 service to listen to God, and to hear what the Spirit may be saying to us, corporately and as individuals.  I praise God that He spoke to Jill Pearson at New Wine about raising up this area of ministry - she listened, she heard, and she acted!  Talking about New Wine another reminder that the very early bird rate ends on the 30th November, and it would be so good if a number of us all went together again next August. 

Looking back over October it has been a very exciting time at St. Mark's.  The month started by us hosting the Open Doors Roadshow which was a very powerful evening as we were reminded of the incredible faith of the Persecuted Church.  Eddie Lyle came with his committed and tireless team, together with Pastor Fawzi who shared with us the reatlity of being a follower of Christ in his country, and  relayed some amazing testimonies.  I hope and pray that our experience of that shared time together, will motivate us even more to pray, support, and act on behalf of our brothers and sisters, who in many parts of the world are in fear of their lives because of their love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Also during October we held our first CAP (Christians Against Poverty) course offering help and advise to those wanting to know how to  budget  finances more resourcefully. Our four CAP money coaches were very encouraged by those who came on the course, and will now be thinking and praying as to when and how we can offer this course to the wider community.  Please join them in prayer.

Our Alpha course also started in October and again we are very encouraged by the number of guests attending - made up of regular members of St. Mark's, as well as guests who saw the banner and are enquiring about the Christian faith.  We have also been blessed by different people offering to cook, serve and wash up, and to lead and help in the small groups.  Please continue to pray for the course, and especially for this coming Saturday when we join with other churches for the Holy Spirit Away Day. May everyone attending encounter the power of the living God.

October is the month when we celebrate Harvest - thanking God for all His good gifts - and we did so with St. Mark's Autumn Bash. Another opportunity of opening the church to the local community, and collecting food for the local charity Save the Family.  Thank you to all who gave their time in organising the event, gig, and Sunday worship.

There is much more I could share, but as I come into land October was also the time when we said goodbye to Adam and Kate as God leads them on to new pastures.  We had a great evening thanking Adam for all that he has done ministering to the children and young people, and also celebrating his 30th Birthday.  A very big thank you to all of you who were involved in so many different ways, from the catering to the very creative entertainment!  We wish them well, and do continue to keep them in your prayers.

And as God leads Adam and Kate to new pastures, so he continues to lead us.  I re-iterate what I said last month following a picture that was given of 'a piece of knitting as all one thread'.  Let us pray that we all might be knitted tightly together as we too move forward into new pastures.  Crossing into a new place can be very frightening, and as we begin to put the Vision into practice, and put the words into action, I know that, for some, it won't be easy, in fact for some it will be very painful, and fearful.  But it is the perfect love of God that drives out all fear, and as we looked at the peace of God last Sunday I think He wants to reassure us that His peace is for all of us, and especially for such time as this.

'Now may the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of us.'  (2 Thessalonians 3: v. 16).

With love and prayers, Hennie

Sunday 4 November 2012

D'Biz Cafe opens this Friday

New this Friday D'Biz Cafe at St Mark's Church.

Find us on facebook
And follow us on Twitter

A free to enter Drop in café
for young people in Year 7 to 11.

Why not drop in and chillout or play some cards. Maybe
even get on Lache FM with our video and radio projects.

Enjoy some Hot Chocolate or home-made cakes and snacks!

7 – 8:30pm @ St.Marks Church

Saturday 3 November 2012

International Day of prayer for the Persecuted Church

Sunday 4th November is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

We invite you to use this special prayer each day in November.

Heavenly Father,
Thank You that You sent Jesus to set the captives free.
Thank You that in Christ, we are free.
Grant freedom to all Your children around the world who are living under the grip of discrimination, persecution or oppression.
Renew their strength as they wait and hope on You.
Lift them up on wings like eagles so that they may not grow weary or faint.
Show us how we can serve them as Jesus would have done.
Help us to be Your hands and feet in bringing them freedom and justice.
Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Please take time to visit the display in the Link where we invite you to encourage a brother or sister in Cuba. Break off a link of the chains hanging there to read their story. Take it away with you.

Could you pray for that person every day in November?

Could you write them a letter and post it to the address on the chain. Cards to use and a sample letter can be found on the Mission desk.

Friday 2 November 2012

New Wine 2013 - Super Early Bird Discount

Experience renewal, fresh vision and new ideas at New Wine’s Summer Conference 2013.

A group from St Mark's will be going!
Saturday 3 August – Friday 9 August
Newark & Nottinghamshire County Showground, Newark.

Book before 30th November
to get the supper early bird discount.

The Church is designed by God to be the ‘light of the world’

(Matt 5:14) – to shine brightly and influence our community 

and culture.
In an age of consumerism that has given rise to immediacy, 

sound bites and twitter feeds, now is the time for the church 

to go Deeper:
  • Deeper into the presence of God.
  • Deeper into the eternally relevant word of God.
  • Deeper into the multiplication of inclusive communities of grace.
  • Deeper into the unreached sectors of society with the transforming power of God’s love.
Each year the New Wine Summer Conference provides the opportunity to take our hearts deeper into the love of God through worship; our minds deeper into the truth of God through teaching; and our wills deeper into the mission of God through prayer and challenge.
Add to that the excitement of family and friends camping and caravanning together in the glorious English countryside!

So come and join us in Summer 2013 to go deeper with God and bring change to our nation.

• Encounter God in heartfelt worship

• Learn through his Word and from his Spirit

• Be renewed to know him better

• Be healed and transformed in body, mind and spirit

• Get equipped to serve him in new ways

• Gain fresh vision from what he is doing elsewhere in the world

• Be part of something that’s bigger than any local church
Check out the New Wine web site for more info or to make a booking.