
Friday 2 November 2012

New Wine 2013 - Super Early Bird Discount

Experience renewal, fresh vision and new ideas at New Wine’s Summer Conference 2013.

A group from St Mark's will be going!
Saturday 3 August – Friday 9 August
Newark & Nottinghamshire County Showground, Newark.

Book before 30th November
to get the supper early bird discount.

The Church is designed by God to be the ‘light of the world’

(Matt 5:14) – to shine brightly and influence our community 

and culture.
In an age of consumerism that has given rise to immediacy, 

sound bites and twitter feeds, now is the time for the church 

to go Deeper:
  • Deeper into the presence of God.
  • Deeper into the eternally relevant word of God.
  • Deeper into the multiplication of inclusive communities of grace.
  • Deeper into the unreached sectors of society with the transforming power of God’s love.
Each year the New Wine Summer Conference provides the opportunity to take our hearts deeper into the love of God through worship; our minds deeper into the truth of God through teaching; and our wills deeper into the mission of God through prayer and challenge.
Add to that the excitement of family and friends camping and caravanning together in the glorious English countryside!

So come and join us in Summer 2013 to go deeper with God and bring change to our nation.

• Encounter God in heartfelt worship

• Learn through his Word and from his Spirit

• Be renewed to know him better

• Be healed and transformed in body, mind and spirit

• Get equipped to serve him in new ways

• Gain fresh vision from what he is doing elsewhere in the world

• Be part of something that’s bigger than any local church
Check out the New Wine web site for more info or to make a booking.

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