
Monday 7 January 2013

Hennie's January blog 2013

Hennie's January blog 2013

Dear All,

I hope and pray that the beginning of 2013 was a little more blessed than mine, but if not then I was not alone! 2012 ended for me on the 31st Dec following my mother in an ambulance as she was dashed to our nearest hospital in Scotland, an hour and a half drive from home, only then to break down on the way back - and it began on 1st Jan by driving back to the hospital to see her on New Year's day! So my usual Scottish Hogmanay was not to be this year - so be it - God works in mysterious ways!  Having said all that I do wish you all a very happy and blessed 2013!

Looking back on our Christmas services at St. Mark's, and our outreach into the community over the Christmas season, I believe we saw the Holy Spirit moving in so many different ways, and in so many different people's lives, from the youngest to the eldest, and for that I give thanks, and praise God. Please join me in praying that the many seeds that were sown over the Advent/Christmas season will take root, and that God will surprise us with abundant new fruit.  Again I want to thank all those who were involved one way or another in helping to spread the Christmas Message in word and action.

As we look forward to this new year I pray that as a church, called to be God's people, we will continue to seek his will and way as we continue to put our vision into practice, individually and corporately as the Body of Christ, as each one of us is part of it. (1 Cor 12:27). As a member of the congregation shared with me just before Christmas as they prayed for our financial situation 'We are the church: the church is us: there is no separation.... in reflecting God's heart will come the true and precious solution. We are his heart; His lifeblood is the supply for His work.......each doing his/her part'. We cannot leave the work of Christ to others, we must all play our part.  My bible study notes prayer for today was/is 'Lord God, may I and my church point faithfully to you'.  May we faitfully point to God as we serve Him in the church, community and workplace.

Two books which I have recently read and which have greatly challenged me are 'King's Cross' by Timothy Keller and 'How God became King' by Tom Wright.  Keller, draws from Mark's Gospel, and Wright from all four gospels, as they look at the bringing in of God's Kingdom through His kingship, and the Cross. Wright suggests that, 'all four gospels is a picture of a community sharing the complex vocation of Jesus himself: to be kingdom-bringers and kingdom-sharers, first because of Jesus' own suffering, and second by means of their own'.  He goes on to say that the Western church has drifted from its moorings, and that it has been possible for Chrisitans in our own day to think of bringing in God's kingdom without suffering.  Of course there are many Christians suffering acutely for their faith daily all over the world, but Wright is right that in the West we suffer remarkably little by comparision.  Each one of us is called to be 'kingdom-bringers', and 'kingdom-sharers', and if we are to fulfil our vision then we are going to have to make some sacrifices in 2013.  One area must be to begin to give sacrificially to resource all that we long to do to enable God's kingdom to grow in this local community, in our own personal lives, and in the life of the wider church.  Please have the courage to pray, and to listen to God, and ask Him what you might need to sacrifice, in order to give more generously to the work of God's kingdom.

I am excited to see what God will do, and how the Holy Spirit will move in us and through us in 2013. I am convinced He has so much more for us, and surely He must long for us to have so much more of Him - filled so much that we are overflowing with his living and loving Spirit!  I pray that we will all deepen our relationship with God & that we will grow in our relationship with one another, and one resource would be to be part of a small group meeting during the week. Can I invite and encourage you to attend St. Mark's on Saturday 19th January when we will, together, be looking at the vision of these groups. I pray too that we will continue to develop our relationship with the local community, and wider world through evangelism, mission and service - pray to God asking where you may play your part.

Jesus said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age'.  (Matt 28: 16-20)

May it be so this year of 2013

Love & prayers,


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