
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Fellowship Group Notes from Sunday 3rd March 2013

The Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness

Bible passage Luke 10: 25-37

Some questions from Nikki.

  • What comparison can you see between Jesus and the Good Samaritan?

  • How often to we act like the priest or the Levite? Or even the doctor and the police women?

  • The Samaritan had the attitude of ‘I will do whatever it takes to see healing come to the man’ Do we have the same attitude?  What do we have to sacrifice/what cost is there to be the Good Samaritan? Time, money, pride, friends etc 

The version of the story I used.........

It was Liverpool v Manchester United in the Premier League cup final.

A Liverpool fan was on his way to the stadium to watch the match live. When out of nowhere 2 men were standing in front of him. They beat him up, stole his money and his mobile and left on the side of the road.

As he lay their hurting a doctor walked past late for work, saw the Liverpool fan and crossed the road, he didn’t have time to help; he was late and would get into trouble if he didn’t turn up to work on time.

The Liverpool fan was still lying on the side of the road, hurting and in need of help. A police woman walked past, saw the man and crossed the road. ‘It’s my day off’ she thought, ‘I am going shopping, someone else will help him’. And she carried on her way.

The Liverpool fan was hurting very badly now, he needed some help and 2 people had already ignored him, crossed the road and walked past him.

A Manchester United fan was on the way to the same game. He saw a man lying on the side of the road, hurting and in need of help. He saw that he was wearing a Liverpool football t-shirt. Straight away the Manchester united fan knew what to do. He went over to the injured and hurting man and helped him. Called for an ambulance and went with him to the hospital.

In the evening he learned that Man U had won – but he had missed the match because he have up his precious time to help and look after the hurting Liverpool fan.

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