
Monday 3 June 2013

Hennie's June Blog 2013

Hennie's June Blog 2013

Monday 3rd June, and at last the sun is shining. Praise the Lord! As I look back over the past two months there is much to give thanks for.  I only had one person ask me where my May blog was - did anyone else notice I wonder?  I would value your feedback as to whether you find a monthly blog helpful and informative, or should I be looking at a tri-monthly blog? Let me know!

So much to give thanks for.

I have been so encouraged by the teaching and preaching as we have looked at the Gospel of John, and the reality of the Resurrection bringing recognition, restoration and revelation. As well as celebrating Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came in power upon us, and Trinity Sunday. We have also had some great All Age services. I look forward to our knew sermon series starting next Sunday, looking at ordinary flawed characters in the Book of Genesis that God used to further his mission and kingdom here on earth.

I want to give thanks for our APCM which we had for the first time during an act of worship on a Sunday morning; and for all the different areas of ministry reported in the Annual Report and Accounts, laying out achievements of the past year, and hopes for this year. We need to continue to evaluate the fruit of these many ministries -  are people coming to Christ through them; are we growing in our own discipleship through involvement in these ministries; and are lives being transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit? I have talked about the need to see fruit, and the need to grow up - grow up with God, grow in with one another, and grow out into the world outside St. Mark's. In other words not only do we need to evaluate fruit, but also to evaluate our own spiritual growth. 

This is one of our GAP objectives and I would encourage all to go back to the Vision into Practice booklet, and pray to see where He is leading you to serve. I have been thinking a lot over recent months how does one evaluate spiritual growth?  Surely there must be signs in our own walk with Christ, of a longing to spend more time in His presence in prayer; more time dwelling & meditating on His Word; and more time soaking in the Spirit, both in our private life, and corporate life of the church, so we are equipped to go out and share God's love with others? There also needs to be a renewed sense of Christ-like community and fellowship, from where we can grow from a place of sharing, to a place of real accountability and transformation. Neil Hudson from LICC says, 'church groups need to move beyond places of disclosure (sharing) to places of accountability'. In other words safe places where we share our frustration at work, and outbursts of anger with a work colleague (for example), but where, in these safe places, our patterns of behaviour can be challenged, and prayer offered. 

Hudson continues, 'Is it possible that such situations can be seen as a crucial opportunity to grow so that we understand ourselves better, learn how to read ourselves better, allow others in the group to come closer to us and help us, and allow God to speak and minister and change us, ultimately revealing the transformational power of the Spirit in our day to day lives (2 Cor. 3.18).  

I want to give thanks for Ben Rogers who visited us from CSW and shared with us some of his experiences as a human rights activist seeking justice and freedom for all people. I found his passion and courage incredibly challenging as he spoke to us about joining God's mission and the biblical basis for active involvement against oppression and injustice. I give thanks that many at St. Mark's have got on board with Operation 18 Campaign. Can I encourage us all to pray on the 18th of every month committing Operation 18 to God in prayer. If you are unsure what this Campaign is all about go and find further information in our Mission Support area in the Link, or talk to Bether Gibbons or Rose Johnson.

I give thanks for the continuing great work among our children and young people, and the very blessed time they had this year at Blestival. I want to give thanks for the opportunity they had to meet the Melanesian brothers and sisters, and be ministered to by them. As were a number of us who went to Foxhill for the day, and had the privilege of being led in a retreat called 'Simply Living' by our brothers and sisters from the Solomon Islands.

There are so many other areas to give thanks for, but I finish with giving thanks to God for sending Jon Phillips to us as our new curate, with Cydney his wife, and two sons, James & Edmund. It was great to have them worshipping with us yesterday, and they move into the parish on Friday 21st June. Please pray for them as they make this big transition back to Chester.

Yesterday at the 9 am service I asked two questions. What does it mean to recognise, and submit to the authority of Jesus himself? What does it mean to call Jesus 'Lord', and live our lives as if he was?  I finished my preach suggesting that 'it's about  living our lives with Christ at our centre, and submitting our lives to the authority of Jesus, and to no-one else'.  It may not be rocket science, but it is a lot harder to do than say. Jesus said, 'why do you keep on saying that I am your Lord, when you refuse to do what I say?' (Luke 6: 46)

Jesus is Lord!  So let us this month of June seek to live our lives with Jesus at our centre, and submitting to his authority alone, and then I can guarantee we will see fruit and grow up!

Love and prayers,


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