
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 9th June 2013

Adam and Eve

Read – Genesis 2 and 3 (or bits of them!)

What do you think Genesis 2 tells us about what God intended humanity and creation to be? What might that say top us about who and what God is calling us to be?

What does chapter 3 tell us about how humanity (and creation) now are? What are the main things that strike you in this story? Try not to get too hung up on issues about the timescale of creation or when and where (or whether) this happened – ask what points this chapter is trying to make about humanity and God. It might be worth asking what you think God feels at certain points in the story.

What do these chapters have to do with Jesus? Is this just a tale of disaster or is there some hope buried in here? What do we see when we read this as Christians?

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