
Monday 15 July 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 14th July 2013

Isaac and Rebekah
Read some or all of Genesis 24

The Lord had blessed Abraham in every way.
Share with the group some of the blessings that you have received from God.

In verse 7 Abraham explains to his servant about the promise that God had made to him that his offspring would inherit the land. How does this influence Abraham’s plans and actions? Are there any plans in your life that have been directly influenced by God’s revelation to you?

The Bible is God’s word. Do you read it regularly? When you read it do you expect God to speak to you though it? If you would like to spend more time reading the Bible discuss with the group how you might change your habits to make it more of a priority.

Spend some time praying that God will speak to you and reveal more of His plans for you life.

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