
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Hennie's Blog for December 2013

Hennie's Blog for December 2013

Dear All,

Advent Greetings!  I know I say it every year, but where has this year gone?  I can't believe we have entered the season of Advent, which is also the beginning of the Church Year!  As I look back over this past year 2013 has been one of many blessings, as well as a year of many tears as we have lost dear loved ones, personal to ourselves, as well as family members of St. Mark's. It has been a year of spiritual & numerical growth;  many maintenance mountains climbed (side chapel, roof, heaters, to name but few), which come with financial challenges; new staff welcomed, and a number of different faces serving in new and varied ministries.  God has certainly been on the move at St. Mark's, and Advent is a season that now calls us to look forward as we await the arrival of God's Son into the world - Immanuel - God with us.

It is also a period of reflection pointing us to Christ's second coming at the end of time, and encouraging us to think about our own preparation for that day.  I challenged those at the 9 am service last Sunday whether we were ready for Jesus, should he return tomorrow? I think Advent is a good time to self-examine our own spiritual lives, which will obviously have an important impact on our life as the Body of Christ. We need to keep short accounts with God, and with one another, through regular worship, prayer, reading of the scriptures, fellowship, serving God, and giving back to God by offering him our gifts, time, and money.

The season of Advent takes us back to our discipleship, drawing us to be attentive, first to God, and then to the way we live, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when we do not expect him?  I have a card in my loo which says, 'Jesus is coming - look busy'!  Advent should not be a season of 'busy-ness', but it inevitably is as Christmas 'jumps the gun' and the 'tinsel tunnel' begins! Amongst all the Christmas celebrations that we may attend at work, in the community, in church, and with our family, a number of weeks before the great day of Christ's birth, may I encourage you to step out of the 'tinsel tunnel', if only for a short space each day, and remember that Jesus' doesn't ask for 'busy-ness' - he longs for a deepening of our relationship with him, and with God our Father, through the gift of the Holy Spirit.  We do this, not through 'busy-ness' but by waiting on God, watching for signs of his Kingdom that have already broken through here in earth,  and praying that we will be obedient to God's call on our lives, to join in with Him in sharing His love with others.

I pray that our teaching during the Autumn on 'Come Holy Spirit', and the 7 week course on 'Sharing what you love', will have helped equip us all to share God's love with others this Advent & Christmas season.  Pray that you may invite a friend, family member, neighbour, or work colleague, to one of our Christmas services; and also to our new Alpha course starting in the evening of 22nd January for 7 weeks.  As I have been praying and pondering I feel that God is calling His people back to worship the Infant King for whom we await this Advent. This vulnerable child was born into a violent and turbulent world, but it was through Him that the message of joy, peace and hope would come.  May we too be carriers of this same joy, peace and hope this Christmas time, but not just carriers, but also bearers, and distributors in word and action.

'Loving God and making His love known'

May you have a blessed and joyful month of waiting, watching and praying, in anticipation of great celebrations this Christmastide.

Love and prayers,


Saturday 9 November 2013

Hennie's November blog 2013

Hennie's November Blog 2013

Dear All,

As I look back at my blogs I see that both November 2011 and 2012 were written on 7th November, so I feel rather smug as I write this with fireworks blasting off all around me - being the 5th of November! Last month I informed you all that Chanty and I do not look forward to the short winter days, because walks are severely restricted to short day-light hours - but I also have to admit that my four legged friend is not a fan of 5th November either, and is presently wrapped around a certain duvet upstairs!  What a lovely thought............ but blog beckons!

In my last blog as we looked back at September there was so much to give thanks for, and again there is as we look back to the month of October, but also as then, we continue to rejoice and mourn together. At the end of September we grieved with Graham Willson's family after the very sudden death of Barbara, and continue to do so; and in October Sarah Clemetson died (daugher of Joan Clemetson,  and neice of Peggy Lee-George) and we grieve with them, as we do with the family of Nancy Hughes, who had been a very committed member of St. Mark's for many years. Please continue to lift these families up in your prayers, and others in our parish who have recently lost loved ones.  The Bereavement Service on the evening of Sunday 27th October where people had an opportunity to come to St. Mark's and remember their loved ones, who had passed away recently, was much appreciated by those who attended.  Thank you to the Bereavement Team who organised, and officiated at that service.  Please pray for those involved at St. Mark's who daily/weekly/monthly visit the sick, take Home Communion, and offer loving support, comfort and companionship.  Bereavement and funeral ministry is such an important part of the welcome and fellowship that St. Mark's offers, both to those who are already members of God's family, and to those who are seeking, and grieving in our local community. We mourn with those who mourn, and we rejoice with those who rejoice.

And so to rejoicing, and  thanks to God as we saw Him at work throughout October.

I have to say personally I give thanks to God for the opportunity of fulfilling my second year retreat of Ignatian Spritiuality, which I had to postpone earlier this year because of my dear friend,  Ruth's, funeral. It became an 8 day rather than a 10 day because of the importance of being able to be part of Barbara's Willson's funeral - but it was a very blessed time, and God worked with me within the time we had.  During the second week of the Exercises of Ignatius, you are encouraged to contemplate on the Incarnation of Jesus, his hidden years (the years that he is growing up), and his ministry while on earth.  It is a time of contemplating Jesus' humanity, and hear his call afresh on one's own life, discipleship and ministry.  I felt it was very timely, and good preparation for our Parish Weekend Away.

Another blessed time together as nearly a hundred of us spent a weekend away thinking about 'Living Differently'.  Peter Howell-Jones, the Vice Dean of Chester Cathedral, came as our guest speaker, and used the film 'Chocolat' as a spring-board for his challenge to us. He encouraged us to think about 'conformity and social conditioning', and how that might have an impact on our own image of God, the possibility of holding on to unhelpful church tradition, and the importance of allowing the wind of God's spirit to blow into our church, personal life, and in our engagement with others. Peter talked about 'generosity and acceptance'  and asked the question 'what is it that makes us apprehensive about generosity, and why do we so often recoil from openly receiving the generosity of others? He quoted Brian McLaren, 'Generosity is one of the most important spiritual gifts, and greed is one of the souls worst'.  Peter's last session was thinking about living our lives out of a place of love rather than power, and how that might be lived out in our welcome, hospitality, worship, discipleship, service and  mission.  

It was a great weekend of teaching, fellowship and fun, and if you were unable to be with us then Kevin Pearson has spent hours editing Peter's talks, and they are now accessible from St. Mark's website - may I encourage you to listen and engage. Thank you Kevin.

On the last Wednesday in October we started our 7 week course on 'Share what you love', and just after two sessions I have had such encouraging feedback on the teaching that we are receiving from Jay Pathak and Carl Medearis.  This course is open to all who worship at St. Mark's so do come and join us for the next 5 Wednesdays  from 8 pm to 9.30 pm in the church.
The month ended with a great family quiz put together by Nikki and Pippa, which was much enjoyed by all who attended - thank you Nikki and Pippa.

Next month I shall do a joint Dec/Jan blog as we look back, and forward to Advent and the Christmas season.  We are a busy church but I pray that Advent may be a time of waiting and watching, as we pray and await for the coming of our Lord - a time when we are drawn deeper into God, rather than being driven beyond the call of God by our own busyness and needs.

The disciples asked Jesus, 'what must we do to do the works God requires? Jesus said, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent'.   (John 6: 28-29).

Bless you,


Monday 14 October 2013

Sermons from Sunday 13th October available for download

The Holy Spirit and Character
Ephesians 4:25 - 5:2

Both sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Sunday 13 October 2013

Fellowship Group Notes from Sunday 13th October 2013

Come Holy Spirit #4

The Holy Spirit and Character

Ephesians 4: 25 - 5: 2

  • How do you think the Holy Spirit has transformed your life over the past year, and do you desire to grow more like Christ.

  • Character versus personality - what Christ like character/s do you know you need the Holy Spirit to help you with?  Be honest in your group.

  • How does the challenge of becoming a recklessly extravagant church make you feel - and do you desire to play your part?  Recklessly extravagant with our time, space, money, gifts, welcome, hospitality, speech, action, prayer, worship, devotion, service and mission.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Sermons from Sunday 29th September available for download

  The Holy Spirit and experience

Both sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at


Tuesday 1 October 2013

Fellowship Group Notes from Sunday 29th September 2013

Come Holy Spirit #3

The Holy Spirit and Experience

Acts 2:1-13

  • Why is a tangible experience of the Holy Spirit such a central element of Christianity?
  • What examples in the New Testament can anyone think of where the Holy Spirit moved in significant ways?
  • What personal experiences do people have of seeing the Holy Spirit move in personal, powerful or relational ways?

Monday 30 September 2013

Hennie's October blog 2013

Hennie's October blog 2013

Autumn is upon us, and the nights are drawing in.  Chanty (my four legged friend) and me do not look foward to the short days, because it cuts out an evening walk in daylight, which we very much enjoy on the very rare occasions we can fit one in! Sadly not this evening, October blog calls for my attention!  I wonder which season of the year you enjoy, and why? I am sure we all enjoy some aspect of autumn, winter, spring and summer; but because God has made each one of us unique we often celebrate and favour one over another. Next Sunday we celebrate Harvest at St. Mark's, a wonderful occasion to thank God for all his goodness, faithfulness and abundant provision, remembering too those whose harvests have not provided, where rain has not come, and crops have not grown - remember to pray for the many places of the world where food is scarce, and livestock starve.

As I look back over the month of September there is much to thank God for.  I ended my September blog with the words, 'Come Holy Spirit and have your way with us', as we began our new sermon series, 'Come Holy Spirit'. I have been very encouraged over the past few weeks as we have begun to allow the Holy Spirit to have His way with us, focussing on the Holy Spirit and our identity, calling, and experience, at all three congregations.  I pray our prayer in the coming months will be, 'not my will God but yours be done',  allowing the secular and sacred parts of  our lives to be so entwined that all we do is for the will and glory of God.  If we pray this prayer, and expect it to be answered, 'your will not mine', it will obviously have a huge impact on our discipleship, in our individual lives, and in the life and ministry of St. Mark's. To put our Vision into practice there must be a sacrifice of our own agendas.

I give thanks for our Ministry weekend in September - for the Saturday morning when over 20 leaders of various different ministries came together to share with others where there particular ministry, for which they are responsible for, fits into our Vision at St. Mark's of 'worship, serve and growth'. There was also a time of prayer for all the respective ministries, and we hope to come together again early next year. The purpose of such a gathering will be of sharing, support and prayer, but also one of accountability and challenge - we need to know that all that we do is helping us to grow God's kingdom through worship, service and growth, and if some of our areas of ministry are not fulfiling our vision, we are going to have to be courageous and let go of these ministries - which will be sacrficial 'not my will God but yours be done'.

On the Sunday we had a wonderful joint service of worship and Holy Communion at 10. 00 am, being reminded of our identity, purpose, values and vision, and then seen in action as many members of the congregation creatively displayed the very many different areas of ministry at St. Mark's. I was so encouraged, not only by the enthusiasm shown, but also by the fruit produced - a number of people enquired how they might get involved and use their gifts in the various ministries - Praise God!

We also saw the power of the Holy Spirit fall afresh on us during our 24hrs of prayer as we came together to pray for our world, church, and local community. I was blessed as I saw the vision of 24 hr prayer being caught by different people as they volunteered to do 'prayer stations'; and as Katharine Shuler oversaw it admirably, enabling many people to come and spend quality time with God throughout the 24 hrs.  I can truly say that the feedback I received yesterday (Sunday) has been awesome - people met with God and had powerful encounters.  It has been suggested that we designate a room at Cloverley with some of the same prayer stations giving us the opportunityto continue to 'sit with God' in peace and  quiet.  As I said yesterday at the 11 am service, there was definately a strong desire of 'unity, being bound together,  developing deep friendships, openness, love, move of the Holy Spirit', that was coming through the prayers that were written - so let's continue to pray 'your will not mine' and then this desire of unity will be answered as we let go of 'self'.

Lastly, we rejoice with those who rejoice, and we weep with those who weep. St. Mark's weeps with Graham Wilson and his family as they/we grieve deeply for the loss of Barbara, a beloved wife/mother/grandmother, and sister in Christ. We can give thanks for her amazing life devoted to her family, and for her assurred faith in her Lord Jesus Christ to whom she prayed, and gave thanks to, shortly before she died. Let us pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will sustain all who weep, and are in pain as we go into this season of autumn - where much of creation sleeps, or even dies, to bring new life in the season of Spring. As one songwriter puts it after a personal tragedy 'Spring is coming' - it is so in 6 months time, unless Jesus returns before then - are you ready!!!

'Come Holy Spirit and have your way with us'.


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Questions for fellowship Groups from 22nd Sept 2013

  • What does 'Loving God and making His love known' mean to you in your personal walk with Christ?

  • How do you feel you can serve God in the Church/workplace/local community using the gifts that He has given you?

  • How do you feel about being asked by the Apostle James to be 'doers as well as listeners' (James 1: 19-to end of chapter)? What challenge does that bring you personally, and corporately in the church that you worship?

Monday 23 September 2013

Sermons from Ministry Sunday 22nd September available for download

Both sermons are available to download on our website
or you can listen to them here:

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Monday 16 September 2013

Sermons from Sunday 15th September available for download

   The Holy Spirit and Calling

  Romans 8:18-30

Both sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Fellowship Group Notes from Sunday 15th September 2013

Come Holy Spirit #2

The Holy Spirit and calling

Romans 8:18-30

  • Have you spent much time really thinking about what your purpose is here on earth?

  • If you are a follower of Christ, how does it feel that you will not only share in his glory, but also in his suffering?

  • Where do you feel God is calling you, by his Holy Spirit, to partner Him in His mission here on earth as it is in heaven?
    (seeing the sick healed; the hungry fed; the addicts set free, the aimless find a purpose; the guilty find forgiveness; the dead raised, and creation  healed).

Monday 9 September 2013

Sermons from Sunday 8th September available for download

   The Holy Spirit and Identity

  Romans 8:1-17

You can also watch the video presentation from the 6:30 service.

Both sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Fellowship Group Notes from Sunday 8th September 2013

Come Holy Spirit 

The Holy Spirit and identity

Romans 8:1-17 

  • Discuss how you feel as we begin this new sermon series on the Holy Spirit. Bemused, concerned, excited.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Ten Things a Vicar Needs To Hear...often

1. ‘How can I be praying for you?’

2. ‘I'm sorry. I got that wrong. Please forgive me’

3. ‘Enjoy your time away’

4. ‘Let's give it a try’

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Sermons from Sunday 14th July available for download


   Isaac and Rebekah

  Genesis 24


Both sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Monday 15 July 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 14th July 2013

Isaac and Rebekah
Read some or all of Genesis 24

The Lord had blessed Abraham in every way.
Share with the group some of the blessings that you have received from God.

In verse 7 Abraham explains to his servant about the promise that God had made to him that his offspring would inherit the land. How does this influence Abraham’s plans and actions? Are there any plans in your life that have been directly influenced by God’s revelation to you?

The Bible is God’s word. Do you read it regularly? When you read it do you expect God to speak to you though it? If you would like to spend more time reading the Bible discuss with the group how you might change your habits to make it more of a priority.

Spend some time praying that God will speak to you and reveal more of His plans for you life.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Sermon from Sunday 7th July available for download

  Hagar and Ishmael

This sermon are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

You can also download them directly to your mobile or tablet and listen to them on the go!

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 7th July 2013

Hagar and Ishmael
Read Genesis 16

This is not an episode that reflects well on Abram and Sarai - what might that tell us about how God deals with people and the people he chooses to use? Take some time to reflect on how you think Abram and Sarai seem to you to behave here – and how Hagar might have felt about it all.

How God relates to Hagar and how she relates to God seems very different from how Abram and Sarai relate to God in this chapter - what do you spot? What does God say to each of them and what do they say to God?

What does God say to Hagar and how does he treat her? What do you spot about what God says about Hagar and Ishmael's future? You could maybe discuss how their story carries on in Chapter 21. What picture of God comes out of the story of Hagar and Ishmael?

Tuesday 2 July 2013

More sermons from "People in Genesis" available for download


  Noah and his family

  Abraham and Sarah

These sermons are available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

You can also download them directly to your mobile or tablet and listen to them on the go!

Monday 1 July 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 30th June 2013

 Abram and Sarai 

Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6, 17:1-8 & 15-22

The story of Abram and Sarai is a story of waiting, where lessons are learnt in the delay, and in the silence. Can you relate to this experience in your own Christian journey?
'Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it today'. If you agree with this statement what challenge does it bring to us in our witness for Christ?

Abraham and Sarah continued to stumble and fall as they strived to be obedient to God's call on their lives. How do you find yourselves re-acting when you know others are continuing to stumble and fall - do you judge or do you forgive and love them on into the land God has promised us?

Hennie's July Blog 2013

Hennie's July Blog 2013

June seemed to arrive and depart very quickly, but perhaps that is because it has been a very busy month. It has been a month where there has been much grief, and I am sure many questions.
                It started for me with my dear friend Ruth eventually dying on Thursday 30th May - very quick and peaceful. Many of you know that I spoke at her funeral, and a very beautiful service it was. God gave her an extra year to show many of us how 'to die well to live well', and I hope and pray that this gift will equip me further in my funeral and pastoral ministry.  Ruth's funeral meant that I had to postpone my already booked holiday, but it also meant that I was present, as was Wendy, when we heard of the tragic and very sudden death, of Kathryn Dowling, daughter of Don and Karen.  Of course her sudden death will leave people with many questions, and raw emotions, and it is important to ask the questions, and express the emotions, though the questions may not be answered, and the pain will remain. We thank God that Don is a committed member of our family at St. Mark's and I hope, and pray, that we will continue to be able to love and support the family in every way we can.   During June we have also had other members of St. Mark's lose very close family, and when one part of the Body suffers we all suffer.  It is right to weep with those weep, and to rejoice with those that rejoice. (Romans 12.15)
                Last week I attended the Chester Diocesan Conference at Swanwick in Derbyshire, and the theme was 'Worship - lament and praise'.  Jeremy Begbie was one of the main speakers, who was excellent, and he suggested that we did not have enough songs of lament in our musical repertoire both in our hymnal and more contemporary songs of worship, to allow people to express their lament. He suggested that lament is enfolded by praise through the resurrection of Jesus Christ - lament will lead to praise - but we need a place to lament.  I hope and pray that St. Mark's will be a safe place to grieve, and to lament, as well as rejoice and praise. Lament not only being caused by being torn apart from loved ones, but lament in the biblical sense, as being torn apart from God through our own selfish ways. The Psalms are a good place to go when we find we have no words to express our feelings and emotions.

With regard to rejoicing, we celebrated 'A different Taste @ St. Mark's' cafe's first birthday on Thursday 6th June which was a great occasion. It blesses my heart every Thursday as we see so many different people, from the church, and the local community, of all ages, coming to experience good food, good company and good news.  Thank you all who serve so selflessly week after week.
                On Sunday 2nd June we celebrated the wedding of Mike and Kate who worship at our 6.30 pm service, and again it was a wonderful ceremony, followed by a very happy reception.  Many of St. Mark's were there to support and pray for them. On Saturday 15th Beth and Rose held another MST Prayer Breakfast, which again was very well received, and, though not present myself, I have had very encouraging feedback, and many people experienced a very powerful time of prayer.
                Lastly we celebrate the arrival of Jon and Cyd Phillips, together with James & Edmund.  They arrived late on Thursday 20th June and were overwhelmed by the food parcel and card, and other expressions of welcome. I know they would wish me to say 'thank you' on their behalf. Please pray for them as they prepare for Jon's ordination on Sunday 21st July in Chester Cathedral, and we will be welcoming them again with a 'bring and share' lunch on Sunday 28th July after the 11 am service at St. Mark's.
                I end my blog informing you that we have now advertised for a part-time Youth Minister to start in September. Please can I ask you to pray that God will raise up the right person for this post, and the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us as we short-list, and interview on Thursday 15th August.
                Yesterday I preached on the The Call, the Promises and the Blessing of God as we looked at the remarkable call on Abram and Sarai, their own journey of faith, and how God's call, promises and blessing still relate to His present day disciples. I leave you with this quote to meditate and reflect on during this coming month - 'Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it today'.

Love and prayers,


Tuesday 25 June 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 23rd June 2013

Noah and his family

Look swiftly over Genesis chapters 6-8 and pick out between you where God does, says or feels something. What emotions and actions do you see in God in the passages surrounding the Flood? What does that tell us about how God feels about creation and humanity?

Look at Genesis 8.21 to 9.17.  What might this tell us about what God wants us to know and how he wants us to live?
What do you make of the story about Noah and Ham in genesis 9.18-end? What are the things that strike you about it and what might we learn from it?