
Friday 7 February 2014

This weeks Sermon Questions 9th February 2014

This week's Sermon :

"I Rejoice and Suffer"                                 Colossians 1:24 - 2: 5

some questions to think about
1)       Paul says he rejoices to be suffering - what do you think he sees his suffering as being for?
2)      Paul talks about Christ in you, the hope of glory. What do you think that means?
3)      In 1.28 Paul speaks of his goal as presenting every christian as complete and mature. What do you think a "mature" christian might look like?

If you have time...
Paul finishes this section by talking about the Colossians being in danger of being deceived - and seems to be referring to a specific type of deception. On the basis of what you've just read, what might some of the deceptions be – and what do you think are the things we as Christians are in danger of being deceived by?

These Questions are available to use in your Fellowship Groups or in your personal time with God.
If you are not in a Fellowship Group and would like to be, please speak to Hennie, Wendy or Jon.

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