
Thursday 30 October 2014

This week's Talk 2nd November 2014: The Heart of the Matter (do not worry) Matthew 6: 25 - 34

Some questions to think about

1. How do you feel when Jesus says do not worry?
2.       Do you feel guilty when you fail not to worry?
3.       What “things” do you really need?
4.       How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these
      challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Sunday 26 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 26th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 26th October 2014

11am :  CAP Sunday

‘Break The Silence’

Matthew 22 : 34 - 40

11am Guest Speaker : Shirley Bowen

To view the Video/DVD Shown during this service please click on the link below...


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 20 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 19th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 19th October 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Where is our Security?’

Matthew 6 : 19 - 24

11am Rev Jon Phillips

Sadly the recording of the 6.30 sermon was of insufficient quality to put up for listening.
That is the RECORDING not the SERMON!

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 16 October 2014

This week's Talk 19th October 2014: Where is our security? Matthew 6: 19 - 24

This week's Talk 19th October 2014:
Where is our security?

Matthew 6: 19 - 24

Some questions to think about
1)    Where is your security?
2)    Why is money such an important topic in the New Testament?
3)    How can we keep a generous ‘eye’ and be shrewd with our finance
       at the same time?  
How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of
       Jesus' teaching?

Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Clergy October Blog

Pioneer Curates Blog!

I was asked recently – what is a Pioneer Curate and what is Fresh Expressions – two very good questions! So, I thought I would aim to try and clarify this through my blog!

Sooooooo, in a nut shell:

The background:

The Church of England is looking to ordain missionaries to England and the Western world. They are doing this as the Western world is largely seeing decreasing numbers attending their traditional church services on Sunday mornings.

Fresh Expressions … Of Church?

The term Fresh Expressions of Church was coined in the 2004 church report: Mission Shaped Church. It stands for ways of ‘doing and being church’ that reach out to those who are not and will not be attending church in the near future. It means doing church in a fresh way. (Not implying that other ways are stale) It’s hope is to remove barriers for the many who have come to struggle even beginning to comprehend what we do on a Sunday morning let alone engage with it. It is different from a missionary outreach as it aims to become a ‘mature’ expression of church with baptisms, communion and all the other things that make a mature church. *

Pioneer Curate/Vicar/Minister

A Pioneer … is someone ordained by their denomination (this is an ecumenical movement) to seek out ways of planting Fresh Expressions of Church. There is clearly a spectrum of Pioneers, some of which are more focussed on working with church as it stands and doing more traditional mission, to those who want to go and do crazy whacky things, and some of whom are happy doing both …

This is where I come in: I am of the breed that loves church the way it is but sees the potential for it existing in many different shapes. My particular interest is in planting churches in theatres – which I have talked about before, will talk about more and enjoy doing every Tuesday night!

This is why my chosen path of training was to embrace the offer of doing 50% pioneer training and 50% inherited ministry – I love them both and am very excited and seeing both being blessed by God.

As Bishop Peter wisely pointed out recently, that all Priests/Vicars/Curates are going to need to be pioneers in certain elements in the future. It is equally true that most Pioneers will also need to have some element of embracing and understanding more traditional ministry. How that works out in the detail is being wrestled with even as I type!

As many of you have also become aware, as term has begun, an exciting proposition has been put to St Mark’s to work with another church in the city centre. Hennie has been asked to become Priest-in-charge of this potential new parish taking a small amount of her time to care for this fledgling venture.

The hope is that there would also be a pioneering element to this work and that part of my training will include getting involved in this city centre ministry. The detail of this has yet to be fully processed but we have been told that if this project goes through St Mark’s would also have another curate this coming June.

So, as you can see, there are exciting things a foot in the Church of England and God is doing great things to see people come to know him and join his Church. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated in this time.

Yours in Him,

Revd. Jonathan Phillips

* There is a lot of debate on this but a very good summary can be found on the Fresh Expressions of Church website! 

Monday 13 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 12th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 5th October 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘The Call to Prayer and Fast’

Matthew 6 : 1 - 18

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 10 October 2014

This week's Talk 12th October 2014: The Call to Fast and Prayer Matthew 6: 1 - 18

This week's Talk 12th October 2014:
The Call to Fast and Prayer

Matthew 6: 1 - 18

Some questions to think about
1) How do you feel, knowing that God sees all that we do, or do not do, in secret, whether in our giving, prayer life, or spiritual disciplines?

2) 'And whenever you fast'.......... (Ch.6 v 16) How might we apply fasting in our lives, and why?

3) Concerning our giving, prayer and fasting is about drawing near in an intimate relationship with our Father. It has been said that God has many children, but few friends. How may we become better friends with our Father?

How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Monday 6 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 5th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 5th October 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Extraordinary Generosity’

Matthew 5 : 33 - 48

11am Rev Jon Phillips

To view the video referred to in Jon's talk,  click on the following link...

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 2 October 2014

This week's Talk 5th October 2014: Extraordinary Generosity Matthew 5: 33 - 48

This week's Talk 5th October 2014:
Extraordinary Generosity

Matthew 5: 33 - 48

Some questions to think about
      "Let your word be 'yes, yes' or 'No, No”
How does this challenge us in our current society?

2     “If anyone strikes you in the right cheek, turn the other also”
Do we have any present day examples of how this can be lived out?

3      “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
God's way is costly but surely this is the way of peace? Discuss.

4      How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of
Jesus' teaching?