
Friday 10 October 2014

This week's Talk 12th October 2014: The Call to Fast and Prayer Matthew 6: 1 - 18

This week's Talk 12th October 2014:
The Call to Fast and Prayer

Matthew 6: 1 - 18

Some questions to think about
1) How do you feel, knowing that God sees all that we do, or do not do, in secret, whether in our giving, prayer life, or spiritual disciplines?

2) 'And whenever you fast'.......... (Ch.6 v 16) How might we apply fasting in our lives, and why?

3) Concerning our giving, prayer and fasting is about drawing near in an intimate relationship with our Father. It has been said that God has many children, but few friends. How may we become better friends with our Father?

How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

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