
Friday 26 December 2014

Sermon from Thursday 25th December Now Available for Download

Thursday 25th December 2014

10.30 am service : Christmas Day

Nikki Smith

During the musical interludes, the following video was playing...

The final video was not the puppies again, it was....

All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Sermon from Sunday 21st December Now Available for Download

Sunday 21st December 2014

6.30 pm service : Carols by Candlelight

Open the present?

Rev Jon Phillips

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 5 December 2014

Hennie’s Advent/Christmas Blog for 2014

Advent is essentially a season of patient waiting – a discipline that perhaps does not come naturally to us as we live in an ever speeding society and environment of immediacy, consumerism, and self-gratification. I want it now, I need it now, I will have it now!

Derived from a Latin root, Advent means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’. Lasting only four weeks, it is season of waiting, but a waiting with a quiet and joyful expectancy. A time of preparation for the birth of God’s son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at Christmas; and a looking forward for the second coming of Christ at the end of time. As St. Mark’s prepares for her Christingle Service this Sunday, 7th December; and having just returned from Messy Church’s Christmas special (over 70 people present – praise God) – we are all too well aware that the season of Advent is overtaken by the Christmas season of festivities and celebrations. So, as in the past, can I encourage all those who are taking the time to read this blog, also find some time during Advent to embrace the season of waiting and reflecting?

I think Advent is a good time to reflect back on the year, a spiritual audit if you like, and ask ourselves how we are doing as disciples of Christ? Make some time to think what it means to be a mature disciple of Christ, and ponder on what we have heard from Jesus recently as we have listened to His teaching from the Sermon on the Mount. What spiritual disciplines do we need to grow in, and up in? How is our prayer life, as individuals, and corporately as the Body of Christ? Are we taking the responsibility of feeding ourselves during the week with the Word of God, or just relying for someone else to feed us on a Sunday? Where has God called us to be salt and light during the week, and are people recognising Christ in us? Are we sacrificially giving of our time, gifts, skills, and money to help build God’s kingdom here on earth, as it is in heaven? Advent is a very good time to think about these things, as we wait patiently for the birth of Christ, this Christmas time – and celebrate His birth coming amongst us as a human being - Immanuel God with us.

Some of you will know that I have recently been up to Scotland to celebrate my stepfather’s 90th birthday. We are a large family and it was a feat in itself to get his children, grandchildren, great grandson, and spouses all together (41 in all)! Since then I have been reflecting what a very special weekend it was for him, and one he has waited for patiently, having walked through many dark valleys of pain and anguish, and up many mountain tops experiencing the panoramic grace of God throughout his long life.

Henri Nouwen says, ‘Birthdays need to be celebrated. I think it is more important to celebrate a birthday than a successful exam, a promotion, or a victory, because to celebrate a birthday means to say to someone, ‘thank you for being you’. Celebrating a birthday is exalting life and being glad for it. On a birthday we do not say, ‘thanks for what you did, or said, or accomplished.’ No we say: ‘thank you for being born and being among us’. During Advent we wait patiently in anticipation for Jesus’ birth, when ‘The Word (Jesus) became flesh and blood, and moved into our neighbourhood’ (The Message John 1). The Christmas Season is when we give thanks that Jesus was born, God with us, and came amongst us. And every Sunday when we celebrate someone’s birthday we are giving thanks that they were born, and are now amongst us!

2014 has been another exciting year for St. Mark’s and God has blessed us mightily in so many different ways as we continue to strive to put our Vision into practice, ‘Loving God and making His love known’; and we have witnessed his kingdom breaking into people’s lives, into the life of our local community, city, and further afield. As we seek His will and way for 2015 I do believe we are being called to be a church of ‘healing, wholeness, and holiness’; and in the past year we have seen members of our family of St. Mark’s receive some miraculous healing both in body, mind and spirit!

We do have two major projects before us in 2015, both of which will need our constant prayer and discernment.

They are ‘enlarging the site of our tent, letting the curtains of our habitations be stretched out’, as we begin to have pastoral oversight of St. Peter’s at the Cross, Chester, next year; and as we think about the need to expand the church centre site at St. Mark’s to enable us to continue to grow spiritually and numerically. Isaiah 54 verses 1- 3, I passionately believe have been given to us as a Church with regard to our ministry both at St. Mark’s, and now at St. Peter’s as we move forward into 2015. With regard to the development of St. Mark’s site God gave me the scripture from 1 Chronicles 28. v 20/21. Please do take time to look it up, read it, and pray with it.

So as we wait, watch, and reflect this Advent season, I pray that we may all be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to empower and equip us to share God’s love with others, and to have the courage to ask just one person – each one reach one – to one of our many Christmas services, there is a service for everyone, and for every age. Also why not use Advent to pray for one person whom you might invite to the Alpha course starting on Wed January 28th, another opportunity for ‘each one to reach one’!

May you all have a blessed and joyful month – full of hope – as we wait and watch in anticipation of great celebrations at Christmas – the birth of Jesus - born and now living amongst us!


Monday 1 December 2014

Sermons from Sunday 30th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 30th November 2014

11 am service : Advent Sunday

Mark 13:24 - end

Rev Simon Chesters

6.30 pm service : 

God is calling us... a church of Healing, Wholeness and Holiness

Acts 2 : 43 - 47

Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 28 November 2014

This week's Talk 30th November 2014: Advent Sunday Mark 13: 24 - end

Some questions to think about

1) What do you think God wants for Christmas? (to put it another way, what are the things you most think God wants to be put right in this world?)

2) What does the idea of Jesus coming again mean to you?

3) Jesus talks about being prepared and staying awake – what do you think that might mean for us in living out the Christian life?

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sermon from Sunday 23rd November Now Available for Download

Sunday 23rd November

‘The choice is ours, life or death?’

Matthew 7 : 21 - 29

11am : Rev Wendy Steadman

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 21 November 2014

This week's Talk 23rd November 2014: ‘What difference does it make?’ Matthew 7. 21 - 29

Some questions to think about

1) How do these two warnings ( v.21 and v.26-27 ) affect how we live out our faith day to day?

2) What difference does our study of the Sermon on the Mount make to the way we plan to celebrate Advent and Christmas this year?

3) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Monday 17 November 2014

Sermons from Sunday 16th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 16th November 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Putting it into Practice’

Matthew 7 : 13 - 20

Rev Hennie Johnston

To view the clip shown at the beginning of this mornings sermon, click the link below..

6.30pm Series: This is our God!

'God is faithful'

Psalm 57

Rev Hennie Johnston

To view the Video/DVDs Shown during this service please click on the link below...

Indiana Jones - leap of faith...

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 14 November 2014

This week's Talk Questions 16th November 2014: The Choice we make produces the fruit we bear Matthew 7. 13 - 20

1) Jesus describes just two ways. What are the 4 characteristics of each; and to what extend have you found what Jesus says here to be true in your own experience?

2) In what way are the false prophets deceptive? And how does Jesus instruct his disciples to tell the difference between true and false?

3) What good fruit can people see in our own lives, and in the life of the Church at St. Mark's?

4) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Monday 10 November 2014

Sermons from Sunday 09th November Now Available for Download

Sunday 09th November 2014

11am :  Remembrance Sunday

Matthew 7 : 1 - 12

Rev Simon Chesters

6.30pm : 'God is Jealous'

Zechariah 1 : 12-17

Rev Simon Chesters

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 7 November 2014

This week's Talk 9th November 2014: Remembrance Sunday Matthew 7: 1 - 12

Some questions to think about
1)      As we remember 100 years since the start of the First World War, what might this passage have to say to us?

2)      Jesus talks about us judging others’ faults while ignoring our own (which might be a lot bigger than theirs). How can we become more aware of the things that need sorting out in our own lives?

3)      Jesus urges us to ask, seek and knock in trust that God is a good and generous parent. What do you think God might want us as individuals and as a church to be asking Him for?

4)      How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Thursday 30 October 2014

This week's Talk 2nd November 2014: The Heart of the Matter (do not worry) Matthew 6: 25 - 34

Some questions to think about

1. How do you feel when Jesus says do not worry?
2.       Do you feel guilty when you fail not to worry?
3.       What “things” do you really need?
4.       How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these
      challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Sunday 26 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 26th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 26th October 2014

11am :  CAP Sunday

‘Break The Silence’

Matthew 22 : 34 - 40

11am Guest Speaker : Shirley Bowen

To view the Video/DVD Shown during this service please click on the link below...


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 20 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 19th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 19th October 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Where is our Security?’

Matthew 6 : 19 - 24

11am Rev Jon Phillips

Sadly the recording of the 6.30 sermon was of insufficient quality to put up for listening.
That is the RECORDING not the SERMON!

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 16 October 2014

This week's Talk 19th October 2014: Where is our security? Matthew 6: 19 - 24

This week's Talk 19th October 2014:
Where is our security?

Matthew 6: 19 - 24

Some questions to think about
1)    Where is your security?
2)    Why is money such an important topic in the New Testament?
3)    How can we keep a generous ‘eye’ and be shrewd with our finance
       at the same time?  
How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of
       Jesus' teaching?

Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Clergy October Blog

Pioneer Curates Blog!

I was asked recently – what is a Pioneer Curate and what is Fresh Expressions – two very good questions! So, I thought I would aim to try and clarify this through my blog!

Sooooooo, in a nut shell:

The background:

The Church of England is looking to ordain missionaries to England and the Western world. They are doing this as the Western world is largely seeing decreasing numbers attending their traditional church services on Sunday mornings.

Fresh Expressions … Of Church?

The term Fresh Expressions of Church was coined in the 2004 church report: Mission Shaped Church. It stands for ways of ‘doing and being church’ that reach out to those who are not and will not be attending church in the near future. It means doing church in a fresh way. (Not implying that other ways are stale) It’s hope is to remove barriers for the many who have come to struggle even beginning to comprehend what we do on a Sunday morning let alone engage with it. It is different from a missionary outreach as it aims to become a ‘mature’ expression of church with baptisms, communion and all the other things that make a mature church. *

Pioneer Curate/Vicar/Minister

A Pioneer … is someone ordained by their denomination (this is an ecumenical movement) to seek out ways of planting Fresh Expressions of Church. There is clearly a spectrum of Pioneers, some of which are more focussed on working with church as it stands and doing more traditional mission, to those who want to go and do crazy whacky things, and some of whom are happy doing both …

This is where I come in: I am of the breed that loves church the way it is but sees the potential for it existing in many different shapes. My particular interest is in planting churches in theatres – which I have talked about before, will talk about more and enjoy doing every Tuesday night!

This is why my chosen path of training was to embrace the offer of doing 50% pioneer training and 50% inherited ministry – I love them both and am very excited and seeing both being blessed by God.

As Bishop Peter wisely pointed out recently, that all Priests/Vicars/Curates are going to need to be pioneers in certain elements in the future. It is equally true that most Pioneers will also need to have some element of embracing and understanding more traditional ministry. How that works out in the detail is being wrestled with even as I type!

As many of you have also become aware, as term has begun, an exciting proposition has been put to St Mark’s to work with another church in the city centre. Hennie has been asked to become Priest-in-charge of this potential new parish taking a small amount of her time to care for this fledgling venture.

The hope is that there would also be a pioneering element to this work and that part of my training will include getting involved in this city centre ministry. The detail of this has yet to be fully processed but we have been told that if this project goes through St Mark’s would also have another curate this coming June.

So, as you can see, there are exciting things a foot in the Church of England and God is doing great things to see people come to know him and join his Church. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated in this time.

Yours in Him,

Revd. Jonathan Phillips

* There is a lot of debate on this but a very good summary can be found on the Fresh Expressions of Church website! 

Monday 13 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 12th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 5th October 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘The Call to Prayer and Fast’

Matthew 6 : 1 - 18

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 10 October 2014

This week's Talk 12th October 2014: The Call to Fast and Prayer Matthew 6: 1 - 18

This week's Talk 12th October 2014:
The Call to Fast and Prayer

Matthew 6: 1 - 18

Some questions to think about
1) How do you feel, knowing that God sees all that we do, or do not do, in secret, whether in our giving, prayer life, or spiritual disciplines?

2) 'And whenever you fast'.......... (Ch.6 v 16) How might we apply fasting in our lives, and why?

3) Concerning our giving, prayer and fasting is about drawing near in an intimate relationship with our Father. It has been said that God has many children, but few friends. How may we become better friends with our Father?

How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Monday 6 October 2014

Sermon from Sunday 5th October Now Available for Download

Sunday 5th October 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Extraordinary Generosity’

Matthew 5 : 33 - 48

11am Rev Jon Phillips

To view the video referred to in Jon's talk,  click on the following link...

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 2 October 2014

This week's Talk 5th October 2014: Extraordinary Generosity Matthew 5: 33 - 48

This week's Talk 5th October 2014:
Extraordinary Generosity

Matthew 5: 33 - 48

Some questions to think about
      "Let your word be 'yes, yes' or 'No, No”
How does this challenge us in our current society?

2     “If anyone strikes you in the right cheek, turn the other also”
Do we have any present day examples of how this can be lived out?

3      “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
God's way is costly but surely this is the way of peace? Discuss.

4      How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of
Jesus' teaching?

Monday 29 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 28th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 28th September 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘Sacrosanct Relationship’

Matthew 5 : 21 - 32

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 26 September 2014

This week's Talk Questions 28th Sept 2014: Sacrosanct Relationships Matthew 5: 21 - 32

This week's Talk 28th Sept 2014:
Sacrosanct Relationships

Matthew 5: 21 - 32

Some questions to think about
1)  Have you ever been aware of holding a grudge against a fellow Christian? If so how did you deal with it?

2) If these grudges are left unresolved how does it affect a) your personal relationship with God and b) the Body of Christ, the Church?

3) Looking at Ch. 5 verses 27-30 how would you interpret what Jesus is saying? What actions could you take in response?

4) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Thursday 25 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 21st September Now Available for Download

Sunday 21st September 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘New Creation, New Life’

Matthew 5 : 13 - 20

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Friday 19 September 2014

This week's Talk 21st Sept 2014: New Creation, New Life Matthew 5: 13 - 20

This week's Talk 21st Sept 2014:
New Creation, New Life

Matthew 5: 13 - 20

1)  What are the images of salt and light intended to communicate about life as a follower of Jesus?

2)    In what ways do you, both as individuals and as members of St. Mark's, behave as the 'salt of the earth’? What things make Christians less 'salty'?
Think of practical ways in which you could have a greater effect on society?

3) In what ways are you, both as individuals and as members of St. Mark's, the 'light of the world? What things prevent the light from being seen?
Think of practical ways in which you could 'shine' more brightly?

4) How can the Holy Spirit transform us through these challenges of Jesus' teaching?

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Sermons from Sunday 14th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 14th September 2014

11am Series:  Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘A Countercultural Life’

Matthew 5 : 1 - 12

11am Rev Jon Phillips

6.30pm Series:  This is our God!

God is Love (compassionate)

Luke 15 : 11 - 32

Heather Carty

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 11 September 2014

Hennie’s Blog September 2014

Hennie’s Blog September 2014

Welcome back to St. Mark’s after the summer break. I hope and pray that you all, from the youngest to the eldest, have had some time, to step back from the busy world we live in, and been able to find refreshment, relaxation and restoration, however that has manifested in your personal, and family life. 

At the beginning of August I always think this is the month to clear up my study; find time to reflect, pray, read, and have space for spiritual growth, healing and transformation in my own personal life.  Why then does August suddenly seem the shortest month of the year!  My study is still not as tidy as it should be. I have not had as much time as I would have desired for to reflect, pray, and read,  but I do still feel that I am reaping the fruit from engaging in the 30 Day Ignatius spiritual exercises where there was plenty of time for spiritual growth, healing, and I hope some transformation – they are not called spiritual exercises for nothing! It has been hard work, and for that, in a paradoxical way, I praise God!

The two books I did manage to read were ‘Courageous Leadership’ by Bill Hybels (a re-read), which has been challenging, and helpful. Two Chapters which caught my attention this time round were entitled ‘A Leader’s Prayer – God, mold and shape me to my full leadership potential’, and ‘The Leader’s Pathway, looking at the different ways leaders walk with God. Just as different leaders have many different personalities and combinations of gifts, so they have many different spiritual pathways. Bill Hybels signposts the reader to another book called ,’Sacred Pathways’,  by Gary Thomas, which I have just ordered, and am looking forward to going deeper into this area.  It may well be something that as a church we could reflect on during Lent 2015?

The other book is  called ‘Stretched for Greater Glory’ – what to expect from the Spiritual Exercises’ by George Aschenbrenner, S.J.  A very different book from ‘Courageous Leadership’, but dovetailing into one’s spiritual pathways – choosing and loving always for God’s glory, and in one’s daily life, gratefully serving God in all things.

During August at St. Mark’s in our joint All Age services we celebrated God’s generous provision, trustworthiness, love, different gifts, and even acknowledged that one can celebrate that following Jesus isn’t always easy! The feedback I have received from others is that this August truly has been a celebration, with the family of St. Mark’s really engaging with the teaching, and enjoying fellowship with one another. Last Sunday 31st August some of us enjoyed food and friendship together in Westminster Park, and the sun shone down upon us! It was a good opportunity to meet others, and a wonderful time was had by those of every age as they played numerous different games.  I gather some were still enjoying themselves gone 6pm!  Another summer celebration was most definitely Sandiley Camp, and the testimonies of the young people have been extremely powerful. Thank you to all who were involved in making Camp happen, those who helped on it, and to every young person who went – God touched you, and I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work powerfully in your lives. 

As we now begin to look towards the Autumn we move into a new season, and changes occur, shorter days, and change of colours; and so we too should be looking forward to change. Change in our own lives, in the life of St. Mark’s, and we pray for change in many parts of the world today – God continually moves and transforms!  As part of our on-going change and transformation we will be looking at Jesus’ teaching – his sermon on the mount, this autumn, as we continue to grow up in our discipleship becoming a church of worshipping, serving, growing and transforming disciples.  Another resource to help us to grow in our discipleship will be the Pilgrim Course which I am also excited about and will be starting on 8th October – look in September ReMarks for more information.

Lastly, can I encourage you all to join us for our Joint service on Sunday 21st September at 10 am where we have the opportunity to celebrate our diverse ministries and re-affirm our Christian faith.  I shall also be sharing with you what I feel God is calling of us as a church at St. Mark’s as we move into this new season of worship, discipleship, evangelism  and mission.

September blessings,


Monday 8 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 7th September Now Available for Download

Sunday 7th September 2014

Discipleship - Growing Up Part Two!

‘The Call to Follow’

Matthew 4 : 18 - 22

11am Nikki Smith

All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 4 September 2014

This week's Talk 7th Sept 2014: The Call to Follow Matthew 4: 18 - 22

This week's Talk        7th Sept 2014:
The Call to Follow

Matthew 4: 18 - 22

What did Jesus ask of the people in this story?
What do you think we should be giving up?
What do you think Jesus is asking you to give up?

Monday 1 September 2014

Sermon from Sunday 31st August Now Available for Download

Sunday 31st August 2014


'To celebrate that following Jesus isn’t always easy'

Matthew 16 : 21 - 28

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Curate's Blog August 2014

The Curate's Blog

'To blog or not to blog, that is the question' *

This previous term has been a series of questions about what it is to live - to really live. This is the question that Hamlet was faced with in a time of great trial - is it worth being alive when things seem impossible to overcome? ** Simon Peter's relationship with Jesus has been challenging us with this question all term - not just, 'Is it worth being alive, but is it worth being REALLY alive - really living with Jesus!' We are promised as Jesus' disciples to have life and life in ABUNDANCE! But, *** this abundance is not 'vended' out to us to make us spoilt like an overweight house pet with too many snacks **** but is given to us with opportunity and equipping like an Olympic athlete!

This season of summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the sun and eat of the fruits of spring. It is important to live in the season you are in so that you are ready to begin the next season. If we plough on through all our seasons as if they are all spring, all autumn, winter or summer - we will not only miss the amazing fruits of each season but we will struggle to be ready for the season to come. So, this Summer we CELEBRATE! Our theme for our August services is to CELEBRATE the goodness of God, the love of God and the cost of what it is to be God's disciple. It is important that we change pace over the summer as it is part of preparing for our next season. Changing pace in our culture is very difficult, but as we head into our harvest term of deepening in our discipleship, aiming to become a church of Healing, Wholeness and Holiness, it is important that we do.

This last month has been a pleasure at St Mark's with many things to be thankful for. The young people have had a smorgasbord of great things ranging from sleeping out under the stars with Slum Survivor, to doing mission with Engage in Blacon, to going to Sandiley and spending time with our God, meeting with Him, learning from Him and getting fired up by His Holy Spirit!

We also had the opportunity to play a significant role in the Lache Funday blessing our community. We opened our doors to the community for August 4th joining our nation in a day of Remembrance and have had hundreds of people through our building being blessed by our love of God and willingness to reach out with His provision.

We also saw the end of term where numerous projects came to their academic year end. For me, coming to the end of our Adult Theatre Workshop on Tuesday nights was significant. We have been meeting every Tuesday rehearsing, praying and socialising for a year. We have put on a play. We have had new people join. It has been a blessed year. We also saw our first term of our Family Circus Workshop on Wednesdays, haveing its end of term BBQ (coincidentally joined with GAPs end of term water fight :) ) and our 20-30 who have been coming all term have been deeply blessed and are looking forward to next term where we start again. The hope and vision of church being down in fresh ways in the community is being blessed by our God - very exciting.

This month has also seen a number of sad things which have rocked our world. Wars which seem to not have an end in sight, dreadful occurrences of many suffering and dying. In our community, the loss of loved ones where Summer may actually increase that pain and loneliness. We hold all of these events in tension with the blessings and provision that God pours out. As part of our Celebrating this summer may we keep our hearts and eyes open for those around us who need extra help and company in this season.

So - 'to live or not to live' is a question that we are faced with and bring to God for that clear Yes to Living. God calls us to LIVE - to truly LIVE in our communities, in our church congregation, in our social circles, in our work places and schools! To LIVE is to LOVE - our God and our neighbour. This August, can we take summer as God intended it to be: a time of basking and getting ready for harvest and take a moment to reflect on the blessings and hard times of this year and aim to Celebrate God's activity in every step.

*  Hamlet Act 3 sc 1: kind of ...
** which for some of us is the apathy of every day life
*** and as I was told by a great theologian, when it's God's but it's a big but,

**** thinking slightly embarrassedly about my own cat - as loved as she is, she does not get enough exercise,

Sunday 10 August 2014

Sermon from Sunday 10th August Now Available for Download

Sunday 10th August 2014


'To celebrate God's trustworthiness'

Matthew 14 : 22 - 33

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sermons from Sunday 20th July Now Available for Download

Sunday 20th July 2014

Simon Peter

'A Person Who Lived and Died for Christ'

Acts 2: 37-38

11am Rev Hennie Johnston

6.30pm Rev Jon Phillips

All sermons are available to download here

Sermon from Sunday 13th July Now Available for Download

Sunday 13th July 2014

Simon Peter

'The Greatest of Backsliders is the Most Redeemed'

John 21: 1-23

11am Rev Wendy Steadman

All sermons are available to download here