
Thursday 12 February 2015

The Vicar’s February Blog 2015

Dear All,

I had time with my Mentor yesterday and we were saying how January can be a very low month for some people, and I shared that that had been my experience too this year. I felt a heavy burden upon me not helped, as Jon mentioned in his January blog, with a run of very difficult funerals. However, there was also time of celebration as I travelled up to York, with many other clergy, to Libby Lane’s consecration as Bishop of Stockport (Chester Diocese), and the Church of England’s first female Bishop. It was a very special day of which I thank God I could be part of. Also we had a great fun evening at St. Mark’s celebrating Burn’s Night with a Ceilidh where members of St. Mark’s and friends came together to dance, have fun, and enjoy some Scottish fare (a wee bit of haggis and a nip of whisky). I hope it will be one of many in the coming years – a good way to cheer up a low January!

Now we are in February with signs of a new season sprouting forth. At least there are signs in my garden, with some daffodils already out, birds flirting with each other, and the days lengthening. I love the season of Spring – a season of growth, light and new life. A season that the church local and worldwide should also mirror, growth, light, and new life! Last week I attended a 24 hr senior Leader’s Retreat led by Lead Academy which St. Mark’s leadership team have been asked to be part of by Chester Diocese, and those present spent some time focussing on some questions that God might be asking of us as leaders, but also relevant for all who follow Christ.

Yesterday the Leadership team went away for a Quiet Day to the Sisters in West Kirby, as we do each year, to think about our priorities in ministry, in our personal life, and give thanks to God for how he has worked in our lives over the past year. We also had time to reflect on the same questions that I had focussed on at the Retreat last week. And I share them now with the whole church. Lent starts next week – time in the Christian calendar when we prepare for Easter, and it is an opportunity not only to fast, pray and study, but also to have the courage to do a self-spiritual audit, and these questions may help you in that process.

1) Where are you? Gen 3.9

God searches for us. Where are you in your relationship with God at the moment?

2) What’s that in your hand? Ex 4.2

What are the gifts and abilities that God has given you? Is there anything that you should be laying down or taking up?

3) What are you doing here? 1 Kings 19.9

Have you become satisfied, complacent, settled? Are you in the right place for the right time?

4) What do you see? Jer 1.11; Zech 4.2; Amos 7.8
Leadership/discipleship must in part be prophetic – what are you seeing that’s ‘over the horizon’ for the church, for your life?

5) Can these bones live? Ez 37.3

Do you believe that God can bring new life (growth, light) into your life and church?

Since January has ended my heart has lifted, and I feel once again the power of the Holy Spirit at work within me, and within the church. I have also been ministered too through our preaching series over the past weeks, as we look to develop a psalmist heart as the Body of Christ, and celebrate in the Spiritual disciplines. As Jon ended his January blog, we do encourage you to listen to both the 11am and 6.30 pm sermons and apply them to your personal walk with God. Again you may think about doing this as a Lenten discipline as well as reflecting on the questions above.

If we are to be a gathered people of God who loves Him, and longs to make His love known, I do believe we need to be a community of healing, wholeness, and holiness. Can I encourage you to join the Action4Justice team to pray on Saturday 22nd February at the Prayer breakfast 9.30 to 11.30, and also to come along on Saturday 7th March where Linda Daniel (years of experience in the ministry of healing) will teach on identity, forgiveness and restoration. A day not to be missed – from 10 am to 3 pm – put date in diary!

So as we travel towards Lent I hope and pray that we will all have time to stop, to sit, and have some space to be with God – allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to us deepening our relationship with God, with one another, and with with the local community, and wherever we find ourselves on the frontline during the week. ‘Loving God and making His love known’.



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