
Friday 20 February 2015

This week's Talk Questions 22nd February 2015: Relief from depression Psalm 42 and 43

1) We all go through periods of feeling down, and sometimes of deep depression. How have you dealt with it in the past? Close down? Or react like the Psalmist - tell it as it is, face reality, and get in touch with God?

2) Psalm 42: v.1 gives us a picture of a 'parched soul' - C.S. Lewis phrased it as 'this man has a keen appetite for God'. What do you think is the difference between an 'appetite for God' and 'love of God'?

3) As the Psalmist looks back he remembers the days of great gladness and rejoicing Psalm 42: v 4/5 & 43: v 3/4. It has been suggested this act of gusto and rejoicing is somewhat less evident in today's act of worship (not perhaps so in the Salvation Army!). Not least that we have the good news of the resurrection that the Psalmists did not! What can we learn from the Psalmists in how we should react to the good news of Jesus?

4) How does a person with a ’psalmist heart’ deal with depression?

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