
Thursday 14 July 2016

Pioneer Curate’s Blog July 2016

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
Isaiah 43.19

It is an exciting time at St Mark’s.

After a January of listening and re-envisioning it was a privilege to be part of a process of hearing over a hundred voices and God’s wonderful guiding, still voice all coming together to make a coherent way forward for St Mark’s: God’s full life for the whole parish!

It is encouraging, isn’t it that God speaks today! He speaks through us, through His word and I believe He speaks directly to us! The picture we receive as individuals is rarely a finished picture, but a small part of patchwork quilt of beautiful moments where God speaks through His word, through our senses, through pictures, dreams, visions, passions and sometimes through direct words of knowledge. It is humbling to see God move.

For new things to begin, other things need to come to an end. As most of you will know, my curacy is nearing its end. As you are also aware, for the last year I have been spending an increasing amount of time at St Peter’s Church (70%) in the city centre at the request of Bishop Peter. Hennie is faithfully spending 15% of her time there as well and is doing an amazing job of stretching herself for this season to be part of two very active churches.

However, from September me, Cyd and the kids will be moving to St Peter’s full time for the remainder of my curacy (till June 2017.) Hennie will also continue at 15% to supervise me.

This comes with some distinct sadness. You have been such a wonderful and loving family to us and although our curacy would have come to a natural end soon, it does not take away from the feelings that come with a goodbye. We are so grateful to St Mark’s for the immense support and love that we have received and know that we will continue to receive. And, as with other clergy, I will still about the area to help out every now and then.

It is such a joy to be moving on from a church that is so focussed on outreach and mission and growth. There is a sense of hope and expectation of what God is going to do and is doing at St Mark’s and I look forward to hearing the amazing accolades of God’s great works through His good and faithful servants.

So, this is the beginning of new things – God is so good at that. Seasons are finishing and new seasons are starting – so please keep us in your prayers and we will be doing the same.

Our last Sunday is Sept 4th and we will be at the picnic at the end of august.


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