
Tuesday 20 December 2016

Sermons from Sunday 18th December 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 18th December 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Hennie Johnston

Advent 4 – The Annunciation of the birth of Jesus to Joseph

Matthew 1: 18 - 25


4.30pm and 6.30 pm 

Carol Services

Rev Hennie Johnston


All sermons are available to download here

or here

Monday 12 December 2016

Sermons from Sunday 11th December 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 11th December 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Simon Chesters


Matthew 11: 2 - 11


6.30 pm 

Series: What does God have to say about...

Rev Hennie Johnston

Heaven & Hell


All sermons are available to download here

or here

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Sermon from Sunday Evening 04th December 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 04th December 2016 

6.30 pm 

Series: What does God have to say about...

Rev Simon Chesters

Other Religions

Acts 17: 22 - 34


All sermons are available to download here

or here

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Sermons from Sunday 27th November 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 27th November 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Jan Ransom (Flame International)


Matthew 18: 21 - 35


6.30 pm 

Series: What does God have to say about...

Rev Gary Kennaugh


Psalm 77: 11 - 15


All sermons are available to download here

or here

Monday 21 November 2016

Sermons from Sunday 20th November 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 20th November 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation: Giving Sunday

Rev Gary Kennaugh

Giving Sunday

2 Corinthians 8: 1 - 10

2 Corinthians 9: 6 - 15


6.30 pm 

Series: What does God have to say about...

True Freedom Trust


1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11


All sermons are available to download here

or here

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Sermons from Sunday 13th November 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 13th November 2016 

10.45 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation: Remembrance Sunday

Rev Hennie Johnston

There is a cost to serving Jesus

Luke 21: 5 - 19

6.30 pm 

Series: What does God have to say about...

Kirsty Gwyn-Thomas


John 11: 1 - 44


All sermons are available to download here

or here

Monday 7 November 2016

Sermons from Sunday 6th November 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 6th November 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Nikki Smith

All are invited into the Kingdom

Luke 14: 12 - 24

6.30 pm 

Series: What does God have to say about...

Rev Chris Collins

Science and Faith

Psalm 19


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 31 October 2016

Sermons from Sunday 30th October 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 30th October 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Hennie Johnston

Keep praying until something happens

Luke 19: 1 - 14

6.30 pm 

Series: The Pursuit of Joy

Alex Chesters

Joy in Anxiety

Philippians 4: 2 - 23


All sermons are available to download here

Sermons from Sunday 23rd October 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 23rd October 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Simon Chesters

Receive the Holy Spirit and move in His power

John 20: 19 - 23

6.30 pm 

Series: The Pursuit of Joy

Beki Rae

Joy in Exhaustion

Philippians 3: 12 - 4: 1


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 17 October 2016

Sermons from Sunday 16th October 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 02nd October 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Hennie Johnston

Listen to Jesus' word and do what he says

Matthew 8: 24 - 28

6.30 pm 

Series: The Pursuit of Joy

Rev Gary Kennaugh

Joy in Conflict

Philippians 3: 1 - 11


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 10 October 2016

Sermons from Sunday 09th October 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 09th October 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: Season of Invitation


Rev Gary Kennaugh

Everything comes second to God

Matthew 19: 16 - 30

6.30 pm 

Series: The Pursuit of Joy

Jill Pearson

Joy in Hard Times

Philippians 1: 12 - 30


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Sermons from Sunday 02nd October 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 02nd October 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: Harvest

Nikki Smith


Matthew 6: 25 - 33

6.30 pm 

Series: The Pursuit of Joy

Rev Gary Kennaugh

Joy in Loneliness

Philippians 1: 1 - 11


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Sermons from Sunday 25th September 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 18th September 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Hennie Johnston

Share God's Love

Luke 10: 1 - 24

6.30 pm 

Series: Lessons in Leadership Learning from David

Rev Simon Chesters

Leading yourself


All sermons are available to download here

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Sermons from Sunday 18th September 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 18th September 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Hennie Johnston

Celebrate your life with the Father

Luke 15: 11 - 32

6.30 pm 

Series: Lessons in Leadership Learning from David

Rev Simon Chesters

Leading after others

1 Samuel 24: 1 - 22


All sermons are available to download here

Monday 12 September 2016

Sermons from Sunday 11th September 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 11th September 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: A Season of Invitation

Rev Hennie Johnston

The Gospel brings inside out transformation

Luke 8: 40 - 56

6.30 pm 

Series: Lessons in Leadership Learning from David

Rev Simon Chesters

What we do in private prepares us for what we do in public

1 Samuel 17: 1 - 11 & 24 - 54


All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 1 September 2016

Vicar’s Blog September 2016

Dear All,

I hope and pray that you have had a good summer enjoying some warm weather, even if you have stayed in the United Kingdom? Perhaps some of you have had the opportunity to go to places further afield with friends and family, or others may have just enjoyed having the time and space to be at home without the pressures of work, school, college, and other commitments.  I wonder how many of you found yourselves inviting people to join you for events, holidays, occasions, meals, during the month of August because you have had more time to enjoy other peoples’ company. There is something very special about inviting and being invited.
August certainly gave me the opportunity to invite friends to stay in Scotland and Chester; invite others to the theatre, and invite people for meals whether it be a picnic, BBQ, or in a more formal setting.
As we move into the Autumn Term, the Archbishop of Canterbury has called the Anglican Church into ‘A Season of Invitation’. So challenged by our Archbishop,     St. Mark’s Sermon Series is entitled ‘A Season of Invitation – learning from Jesus’, as we seek to transition from being a very good church of welcome to a church of invitation – which I suggest is a bit more challenging, and risk taking.
However Jesus is our role model of one who invited, and was invited. As we learn from Jesus, one of the first things He does in the Gospel of John is to invite two of John the Baptist’s disciples to ‘come and see’ where He was staying, and they stayed with Him all that day, (John 1: vv. 35-42). Luke in his Gospel has Jesus attending and using parables about, feasts, dinners and meals, and in the parable that we looked at last Sunday Jesus says, ‘when you give a lunch or dinner invite’ (Luke 14: 12)  – when not if!
As followers of Jesus Christ, as his disciples, we are called by Him to go out and proclaim the good news, and to invite people to ‘come and see’ where Jesus is to be found today!
I am really excited about this ‘Season of Invitation’ this autumn because I believe we are all up for this challenge now, and we have a number of opportunities to invite people.
So please pray for whom you may invite to:
Back to Church Sunday 18th September
Alpha Launch Quiz Evening on Wednesday 21st September/and Alpha course
Harvest Sunday 2nd October
Bereavement Service 16th October at 4 pm
Remembrance Sunday 13th November
Christingle Service Sunday 4th December
Nativity Service Sunday 18th December 11 am
Carol Service 18th December 4 pm and 6.30 pm
Crib service 24th December 3.30 pm and 5 pm service followed with refreshments
Midnight Service 11 pm
Christmas Day Joint Service at 10.30 am
Our vision is to see the parish of Lache & Saltney live life to the full in the power of God’s love as we belong to His Body, are transformed by the power of His Holy Spirit, celebrate our relationship with God and life together, and share the good news of Jesus Christ in our community. Lives will be transformed and lived out in the fullness of Christ, when we invite others to ‘come and see’, and have the opportunity of being introduced to Jesus Christ!  God has always been on a mission to see His kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven – so this autumn let us all join in and work with God for this fulfilment.  As you invite you will be blessed because there is something very special about inviting and being invited.
Blessings Hennie

Monday 18 July 2016

Sermon from Sunday 17th July 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 17th July 2016 

11.00 am (No Recording)


6.30 pm 

Series: Living in Fullness Everyday

Rev Jonathan Phillips

Values 7: A Bold Life

Matthew 25: 14 - 30


All sermons are available to download here

Thursday 14 July 2016

Pioneer Curate’s Blog July 2016

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
Isaiah 43.19

It is an exciting time at St Mark’s.

After a January of listening and re-envisioning it was a privilege to be part of a process of hearing over a hundred voices and God’s wonderful guiding, still voice all coming together to make a coherent way forward for St Mark’s: God’s full life for the whole parish!

It is encouraging, isn’t it that God speaks today! He speaks through us, through His word and I believe He speaks directly to us! The picture we receive as individuals is rarely a finished picture, but a small part of patchwork quilt of beautiful moments where God speaks through His word, through our senses, through pictures, dreams, visions, passions and sometimes through direct words of knowledge. It is humbling to see God move.

For new things to begin, other things need to come to an end. As most of you will know, my curacy is nearing its end. As you are also aware, for the last year I have been spending an increasing amount of time at St Peter’s Church (70%) in the city centre at the request of Bishop Peter. Hennie is faithfully spending 15% of her time there as well and is doing an amazing job of stretching herself for this season to be part of two very active churches.

However, from September me, Cyd and the kids will be moving to St Peter’s full time for the remainder of my curacy (till June 2017.) Hennie will also continue at 15% to supervise me.

This comes with some distinct sadness. You have been such a wonderful and loving family to us and although our curacy would have come to a natural end soon, it does not take away from the feelings that come with a goodbye. We are so grateful to St Mark’s for the immense support and love that we have received and know that we will continue to receive. And, as with other clergy, I will still about the area to help out every now and then.

It is such a joy to be moving on from a church that is so focussed on outreach and mission and growth. There is a sense of hope and expectation of what God is going to do and is doing at St Mark’s and I look forward to hearing the amazing accolades of God’s great works through His good and faithful servants.

So, this is the beginning of new things – God is so good at that. Seasons are finishing and new seasons are starting – so please keep us in your prayers and we will be doing the same.

Our last Sunday is Sept 4th and we will be at the picnic at the end of august.


Monday 11 July 2016

Sermons from Sunday 10th July 2016 Now Available for Download

Sunday 10th July 2016 

11.00 am 

Series: Living in Fullness Everyday

Rev Simon Chesters

Values 6: A Serving Life

Mark 10: 35 - 45

6.30 pm 

Series: Living in Fullness Everyday

Andy Myers

Values 6: A Serving Life

Mark 10: 35 - 45


All sermons are available to download here