
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 23rd June 2013

Noah and his family

Look swiftly over Genesis chapters 6-8 and pick out between you where God does, says or feels something. What emotions and actions do you see in God in the passages surrounding the Flood? What does that tell us about how God feels about creation and humanity?

Look at Genesis 8.21 to 9.17.  What might this tell us about what God wants us to know and how he wants us to live?
What do you make of the story about Noah and Ham in genesis 9.18-end? What are the things that strike you about it and what might we learn from it?


Monday 17 June 2013

Sermon from Sunday morning 16th June available for download


   Cain and Abel

   Genesis 4

This sermon is available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

You can also download them directly to your mobile or tablet and listen to them on the go!

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 16th June 2013

Cain and Abel

Read – Genesis 4

  1. How can we ensure that what we offer to God will be acceptable to Him?
  2. Why is the public expression of faith important? (see CSWOperation 18)
  3. What can we learn from Cain’s experience?
  4. How would you answer someone who said Abel’s death shows that God is not just?
  5. How do we determine right from wrong? Should we tell others what is right or wrong?
  6. What is harming our society? What should we as individuals and as a church be doing about these issues? You may like to start by considering the causes of food poverty ( see the ‘Walking the Breadline’ report)

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Sermon from Sunday evening 9th June available for download


   Adam and Eve

   Genesis 2:15-3:15

This sermon is available to download here

Don't forget you can catch up with all our sermons on our sermon channel at

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 9th June 2013

Adam and Eve

Read – Genesis 2 and 3 (or bits of them!)

What do you think Genesis 2 tells us about what God intended humanity and creation to be? What might that say top us about who and what God is calling us to be?

What does chapter 3 tell us about how humanity (and creation) now are? What are the main things that strike you in this story? Try not to get too hung up on issues about the timescale of creation or when and where (or whether) this happened – ask what points this chapter is trying to make about humanity and God. It might be worth asking what you think God feels at certain points in the story.

What do these chapters have to do with Jesus? Is this just a tale of disaster or is there some hope buried in here? What do we see when we read this as Christians?

Thursday 6 June 2013

Online statistics

I thought it would be interesting to publish some more stats about our online presence.

St Marks Website

The website has been visited over 12,000 times by people from 54 different countries all across the world including Vietnam, USA, India, Russia, Australia and most of Europe.

St Marks Blog

There have been nearly 250 posts on the blog with nearly 10,000 page views.

On Twitter we have tweeted 260 times to nearly 100 followers.!/StMarksSaltney 


We now have 60 people who like our page.

Online sermons

We have published over 130 sermons which have been downloaded nearly 1000 times.

Monday 3 June 2013

Hennie's June Blog 2013

Hennie's June Blog 2013

Monday 3rd June, and at last the sun is shining. Praise the Lord! As I look back over the past two months there is much to give thanks for.  I only had one person ask me where my May blog was - did anyone else notice I wonder?  I would value your feedback as to whether you find a monthly blog helpful and informative, or should I be looking at a tri-monthly blog? Let me know!

So much to give thanks for.

I have been so encouraged by the teaching and preaching as we have looked at the Gospel of John, and the reality of the Resurrection bringing recognition, restoration and revelation. As well as celebrating Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came in power upon us, and Trinity Sunday. We have also had some great All Age services. I look forward to our knew sermon series starting next Sunday, looking at ordinary flawed characters in the Book of Genesis that God used to further his mission and kingdom here on earth.