Monday 11 June 2012

Home Group Notes from Sunday 10th June 2012

Vision into Practice

Sermon Theme: Our values > The Word of God and the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:42-47

  • Read Acts 2: 42 - 47. What are the spiritual and practical results of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this new community, and how do our values reflect theirs?
  • As the Body of Christ we value the Word of God and the use of God's spiritual gifts in public worship and private prayer. Actual or aspirational - discuss.
  • As we strive to become a more open, prayerful, loving, thankful, forgiving, generous and encouraging community for the glory of God - which values are we strong on, and where is there work to be done, again corporately as God's gathered people, but also in our own personal lives?

Let's try and be more open and honest in our Home Groups in these coming weeks.

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