Saturday 3 November 2012

International Day of prayer for the Persecuted Church

Sunday 4th November is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

We invite you to use this special prayer each day in November.

Heavenly Father,
Thank You that You sent Jesus to set the captives free.
Thank You that in Christ, we are free.
Grant freedom to all Your children around the world who are living under the grip of discrimination, persecution or oppression.
Renew their strength as they wait and hope on You.
Lift them up on wings like eagles so that they may not grow weary or faint.
Show us how we can serve them as Jesus would have done.
Help us to be Your hands and feet in bringing them freedom and justice.
Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Please take time to visit the display in the Link where we invite you to encourage a brother or sister in Cuba. Break off a link of the chains hanging there to read their story. Take it away with you.

Could you pray for that person every day in November?

Could you write them a letter and post it to the address on the chain. Cards to use and a sample letter can be found on the Mission desk.

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