Sunday 17 March 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 17th March 2013

Full of Love

Bible passage John 12.1-8

  1. who do you most identify with in this reading? Is it Martha or Mary? Is it the disciples or maybe even Judas? What might they be feeling – and how does that relate to your own reaction to this story?
  2. Mary gives up something very expensive and does some things that others might think of as a bit embarrassing – for us, what might “extravagant worship” look like?
  3. Mary shows extravagant love, maybe linked to the extravagant love Jesus is about to show. How do we feel about God’s love for us, that we see in the Easter story – and how might we react to it? If we are called to love God and make his love known, what might that look like for us as individuals and as church?

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