Tuesday 7 January 2014


"Christ is Sufficient" Our new Sermon Series is available to download from our website.
Christmas is behind us and the most exciting season of the Church calendar is ahead of us: Easter! Although our world has bypassed Easter and placed Christmas at the top of the list, it is Easter when Christians see Gods completed plan - the very reason why God came to earth as a Human. 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3.16) This exciting reality, that God loves us and gave everything to be our friend again for eternity, is why we gather as a church every Sunday - on the day that Jesus rose from the grave!

It is as we look forward to Easter that we begin to fully understand our identity as a church and as individuals - 'our identity is in Christ.' But is our identity in Christ? Are we defined by who he has made us? This term we will be going through the letter to the Colossians and our theme is 'Christ is sufficient'. Piece by piece we will walk with Paul as he addresses where Christ is in our lives and how central he is to all things. We will be examining the balance between rules and grace and how that affects how we love and treat each other.

Our vision: 'Loving God and making his love known' makes little sense without Christ in His right position over the church and the whole of creation. It will be exciting this term to journey with you through this exceptional letter. It gives us the inside scoop on how we can use our heart, in Christ, to overcome those issues in our lives which continue to make us stumble.

Also, in its conclusion, we receive an inside look into the lives of the ordinary people with whom Paul worked, loved and lived with. The people who are very much like us, working, living and meeting week to week to celebrate this amazing truth of Jesus and being sent out to love the world till He returns. This then leading us up to our celebration of Easter! This great tragedy that finishes with the greatest of all victories and then finally, a happy ever after.

Our challenge this term is to embrace the sufficiency of Jesus. How is Jesus sufficient for all things? How does He affect every area of our lives? And, how is that going to continue making a transforming influence in our lives.

'Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.' (Col 3.1)

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