Friday 3 July 2015

Curate’s Blog July 2015

Today is the 1st July! This is an exciting day for lots of reasons! The first is, that the joint parish that Hennie and I are also working with: The parish of St Peter’s and St John’s, is no more and is now two separate parishes. The parish of Chester, St John and The parish of Chester, St Peter. This is an exciting event as it is releasing more opportunity for ministry, evangelism and witness into the city of Chester! 

This time is portentous for other reasons: 

Sunday 28th, morning services! Revd Canon Chris Russell, Advisor on Evangelism and Witness to the Archbishop of Canterbury, spoke to St Mark’s congregation on our ‘status’ as witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the power of the gospel as readily share our story with those around us.

Sunday 28th, Evening service at All Saints in Hoole. He spoke again to a united body of Cestrian Christians uniting in the name of Jesus and hearing an empowering and challenging talk on how we have a knowledge of the Lord and his salvation plan that we cannot keep to ourselves and bury in our churches and house groups etc. 

Monday 29th - a good number of church leaders gathered to hear him speak again and encourage us as leaders by sharing what he does in his role with the Archbishop - and the Archbishops deep heartfelt desire to see the gospel spread, Jesus glorified and lives transformed. 

All term we have been hearing about God working through Israel to create a space where he could create a people of God ready to receive and birth his Son into the world. We too are entering a new face as a local congregation with new leadership structures, exciting building plans, growth both numerically and in maturity! Some of these principles are going to be integral to our moving forward as a congregation. 

We are heading rather fast to the summer holidays. Many people will be away at different times and we don’t have an evening service. May I encourage you this summer to not allow this momentum to die. Take this opportunity to:

- Sit in God’s presence and abide in Him, enquire of Him and ask Him who to share your faith with.   
- Challenge yourself to encourage several church members - especially some that you do not know well - by ringing them, texting them or going out for a drink in the summer season. 
- And, to witness your faith, your story and your love of Jesus to those around you. We have a wonderful truth to share and our life story is integrally entwined with the gospel - as you share your story and your life with intention - watch the gospel flow out of your life. 

Sunday 5th July, at the Cathedral. Gary Kennaugh, our new curate will be ordained! Gary, Lucy, Tilly and Naomi are becoming a part of our family this summer. Another wonderful sign of God’s favour in our life as a Church. Let us welcome them as they join us in this exciting new season. At the same time we are also saying good bye to Nikki, our children’s and family worker, for a year as she goes on maternity leave - so let’s also keep her in our prayers. 

This is an exciting season - let us live in it. 

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