Friday 13 May 2016

Vicar’s Blog for May

As I write a group of starlings are playing on my lawn and it is a beautiful May evening following a day of increasing warmth. As the garden begins to bloom into colour I feel winter is behind, and summer is not far from us – a feeling of anticipation and expectation - new life and new growth.
I feel that same expectation and anticipation for the life of St. Mark’s having launched the new vision at the APCM a few weeks ago. In the next few months we will be seeking God’s will and way, and asking the important, and sometimes hard questions, ‘How is the vision going to impact/effect/influence and inspire our ministries’,  and ‘How is it going to shape them, and us’? And so to help us get some answers to these questions we will be looking at the vision in our Sunday worship over the next few months as we listen to God, and are challenged by Him as to how we put into action our vision ‘to see the parish of Lache & Saltney live life to the full in the power of God’s love’ by existing to be a church:

Ø  where anyone can come, see and belong

Ø  where the hurt find healing, the lost find hope, the broken find wholeness and where lives are transformed by Jesus from the inside out

Ø  where we celebrate our relationship with God and our life together. We aim to be open to hear from Jesus, and be shaped and equipped by Him

Ø  who seek to love, share and reveal Jesus Christ to those in our community

Belong/Be Transformed/Celebrate/Share

Jesus said, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10) and our prayer is to see our community brought to life in its fullness….and we believe every person has a part to play… Where is God asking you to play your part in fulfilling this vision?
Also at the APCM I talked about Life Groups replacing Fellowship Groups and we believe that they will be a vital part in the life of St. Mark’s helping us to live life in all its fullness. The purpose and vision of them is for intentional discipleship where a group of 4 people can be accountable to one another, speaking into each other’s lives, and where Jesus can minister and bring transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit.  I am so excited about how many people have said they are interested in joining, and the number of Life Groups that have already been formed! Praise God.
Another important part of our new vision for the next 5 years is building a mission shaped centre for a mission shaped church so that we have good facilities to offer to the local community, and where we can minister and reach out offering services that will help the community and parish be brought to life in all its fullness. Please pray.

As I have said I am excited about the next 5 years, and am full of hope and expectation that God can, and will, do immeasurably more than we can imagine as we each play our part and partner God in His mission. This week we have been praying Thy Kingdom Come, and as we continue to do so I pray that St. Mark’s will be a church where people will be introduced to God, where lives are transformed, and life is lived to the full in the power of God’s love.


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