Monday 1 July 2013

Hennie's July Blog 2013

Hennie's July Blog 2013

June seemed to arrive and depart very quickly, but perhaps that is because it has been a very busy month. It has been a month where there has been much grief, and I am sure many questions.
                It started for me with my dear friend Ruth eventually dying on Thursday 30th May - very quick and peaceful. Many of you know that I spoke at her funeral, and a very beautiful service it was. God gave her an extra year to show many of us how 'to die well to live well', and I hope and pray that this gift will equip me further in my funeral and pastoral ministry.  Ruth's funeral meant that I had to postpone my already booked holiday, but it also meant that I was present, as was Wendy, when we heard of the tragic and very sudden death, of Kathryn Dowling, daughter of Don and Karen.  Of course her sudden death will leave people with many questions, and raw emotions, and it is important to ask the questions, and express the emotions, though the questions may not be answered, and the pain will remain. We thank God that Don is a committed member of our family at St. Mark's and I hope, and pray, that we will continue to be able to love and support the family in every way we can.   During June we have also had other members of St. Mark's lose very close family, and when one part of the Body suffers we all suffer.  It is right to weep with those weep, and to rejoice with those that rejoice. (Romans 12.15)
                Last week I attended the Chester Diocesan Conference at Swanwick in Derbyshire, and the theme was 'Worship - lament and praise'.  Jeremy Begbie was one of the main speakers, who was excellent, and he suggested that we did not have enough songs of lament in our musical repertoire both in our hymnal and more contemporary songs of worship, to allow people to express their lament. He suggested that lament is enfolded by praise through the resurrection of Jesus Christ - lament will lead to praise - but we need a place to lament.  I hope and pray that St. Mark's will be a safe place to grieve, and to lament, as well as rejoice and praise. Lament not only being caused by being torn apart from loved ones, but lament in the biblical sense, as being torn apart from God through our own selfish ways. The Psalms are a good place to go when we find we have no words to express our feelings and emotions.

With regard to rejoicing, we celebrated 'A different Taste @ St. Mark's' cafe's first birthday on Thursday 6th June which was a great occasion. It blesses my heart every Thursday as we see so many different people, from the church, and the local community, of all ages, coming to experience good food, good company and good news.  Thank you all who serve so selflessly week after week.
                On Sunday 2nd June we celebrated the wedding of Mike and Kate who worship at our 6.30 pm service, and again it was a wonderful ceremony, followed by a very happy reception.  Many of St. Mark's were there to support and pray for them. On Saturday 15th Beth and Rose held another MST Prayer Breakfast, which again was very well received, and, though not present myself, I have had very encouraging feedback, and many people experienced a very powerful time of prayer.
                Lastly we celebrate the arrival of Jon and Cyd Phillips, together with James & Edmund.  They arrived late on Thursday 20th June and were overwhelmed by the food parcel and card, and other expressions of welcome. I know they would wish me to say 'thank you' on their behalf. Please pray for them as they prepare for Jon's ordination on Sunday 21st July in Chester Cathedral, and we will be welcoming them again with a 'bring and share' lunch on Sunday 28th July after the 11 am service at St. Mark's.
                I end my blog informing you that we have now advertised for a part-time Youth Minister to start in September. Please can I ask you to pray that God will raise up the right person for this post, and the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us as we short-list, and interview on Thursday 15th August.
                Yesterday I preached on the The Call, the Promises and the Blessing of God as we looked at the remarkable call on Abram and Sarai, their own journey of faith, and how God's call, promises and blessing still relate to His present day disciples. I leave you with this quote to meditate and reflect on during this coming month - 'Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it today'.

Love and prayers,


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