Tuesday 9 July 2013

Questions for Fellowship Groups from 7th July 2013

Hagar and Ishmael
Read Genesis 16

This is not an episode that reflects well on Abram and Sarai - what might that tell us about how God deals with people and the people he chooses to use? Take some time to reflect on how you think Abram and Sarai seem to you to behave here – and how Hagar might have felt about it all.

How God relates to Hagar and how she relates to God seems very different from how Abram and Sarai relate to God in this chapter - what do you spot? What does God say to each of them and what do they say to God?

What does God say to Hagar and how does he treat her? What do you spot about what God says about Hagar and Ishmael's future? You could maybe discuss how their story carries on in Chapter 21. What picture of God comes out of the story of Hagar and Ishmael?

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