Monday 2 July 2012

Hennie's Blog for July/August

Dear All,

Our Vision at St. Mark's, Lache-cum-Saltney, is to be a church called to be God's people, to worship, serve, and grow, and to see lives of all ages continually transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We have continued in June to look at putting our Vision into Practice through our preaching and teaching on Sundays, and also in our Home Groups during the week. And in July we will be going deeper into the three strands of our Vision - as we look at deepening our relationship with God, growing our relationship with one another, and developing our relationship with the local community and wider world.  I hope and pray that, together, we will be inspired by the Holy Spirit, to grow ever more into a Godly community witnessing the welcome, truth, and love of Jesus Christ.

In my June blog I said that I felt 'welcome' had been a prominent part of the church's ministy in May as we offered hospitality to our local community when the Olympic Torch came through Saltney, and in celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, putting into practice what some of us had learnt from the Welcome Course that we attended. This continued into June when on Thursday the 7th  our new community Cafe, 'A different Taste @ St. Mark's' was opened by the Mayor of Saltney.  Again this was a wonderful occasion, well supported by local councillors, by members of Cath, local community, and church who came together, not only for the opening ceremony, but then to enjoy good food, good company, good news. It is now into it's fourth week drawing young, old and very little ones, from all over the local community, and all are welcomed just as they are. If you haven't tried a 'different taste' why not bring a friend and pop in between 10.00 am and 1.30 pm - you might meet someone you didn't expect to! I pray this cafe will envelop our vision as a church called to serve.

As a church called to be God's people, we must be a people of prayer - and during June the monthly prayer meeting gave those gathered, an opportunity to see a very powerful DVD which I am still reflecting on.  I am sure people present took away different messages, challenges and convictions, but for me it was the cry of God desiring 'to have His church back' - His people back, free from idolatry and the subtle seductions/temptations of living in today's society, and culture, that we find ourselves. He is calling for more prophets to stand up and speak out the truth in love and, I believe, that call is for us too at St. Mark's - valuing the Word of God, and desiring the use of God's spiritual gifts to build, and grow, His Kingdom here in this parish, and wherever He calls us to minister during the week. We are all called into full-time ministry, speaking and demonstrating the good news to all people, and all for the glory of God. We need to remember that 'since it is by God's mercy that we are engaged in this ministry we do not lose heart' 2 Cor 4.1.Is God wanting to give you the gift of prophecy?

Wendy and myself attened an excellent day retreat organised by the diocese, and led by the Revd. David Runcorn. It was entitled Under the Mercy as we looked at 2 Cor 4; and we had three reflections on 'The Mercy of our vocation' ( 2 Cor 4.1); 'The mercy of our sustaining'  (v.7); and 'The Mercy of our becoming' ( vs, 14, 16 & 18). His challenge to us was go and find out what this (mercy) means for ourselves, and for our churches - I think that will be a life-long pursuit for me. But one thing it certainly is is a gift - living under the mercy of God offers rest, shelter, hospitality and healing.

I pray that over the the next two months with holidays drawing near for some, end of exams in sight for others, that you will experience the mercy of God through rest, relaxation, space, fun, hospitality and welcome. Wherever you are at home, work or on holiday, may you know the 'grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord'. (1 Tim 1:2).


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