Tuesday 17 July 2012

Home Group Notes from Sunday 15th July 2012

Colossians 3: 1 - 17

Our Vision - deepening our relationships with one another.

Read the whole passage aloud first.

1) Try reading verses 5 - 10 and 12 - 14 in the Message translation by Eugene Petersen (or some other really up-to-date version) Do you fine this helpful? Or unhelpful? Why?

2) At Iona they seek to "grow community" by being woven together, through working, worshipping, and sharing their stories together, in openness and trust. They seek to live out God’s purposes of justice and peace, which involves resolving friction and conflict. What guidelines in all of this does Paul give us all in this passage?

3) How does your experience in your Home Group deepen your relationships with others, both those in the church and outside the church? How good do you consider we all are at taking risks together?

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