Monday 9 July 2012

Home Group Notes from Sunday 8th July 2012

In Colossians 1.3-14 Paul gives thanks for the faith, hope and love of the Colossians in the spirit – but he also prays for more for them, that their relationship with God will go deeper.

What are the things that you have found helpful in helping you engage with prayer, worship and bible reading –
  • In church (either on a Sunday or in other groups)?
  • During the week?

Take some time to share things you have found useful at one time or another in deepening your relationship with God.

What are the things you struggle with about prayer, bible reading and worship, both in church and during the week?

Are there any specific changes in circumstances or routine that have meant you have had to change what you do in terms of your own spiritual life?

Some ideas online
In the spirit of sharing ideas and experience, a couple of weblinks Simon mentioned on Sunday that he’s found useful resources for his own ongoing struggle with this stuff:-

Youversion – a bible “app” available for all the major mobile and computer platforms, with various translations and a range of reading schemes and other resources -

Bible Society “You’ve got the Time” free audio files of the whole of the New Testament – hear the Bible on the go -

The Church of England Daily Prayer feed (provides all the reading resources from the daily bible lectionary, along with prayers etc for each day) –

The Northumbria Community website, with links to its Morning/Mid-day/Evening/Night prayer resources, including bible readings and meditations (you can also buy a CD of sung or said versions of these services) –

ReJesus Daily Prayer – another resource for online daily prayer and meditation -

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