Saturday 23 February 2013

Fellowship Group Notes from Sunday 24th February 2013

Hi All,

Here we go as Geoff is under 'rest arrest' - this is the only way I know of getting these questions to you!

Hope you manage to access them from website!

Luke 13: 31-35 Fox, Hen and chickens!

1)    John Proctor in his Grove booklet entitled, 'Luke's Jesus', suggests these verses are a chance to think about Jesus' own sense of vocation and destiny, and about some of the people and pressures he lived among'? As you think about the above,  what impact and application does it have on the life of the church, and our individual walk with our Lord?

2)    How does Jesus blend caution and commitment, determination and despair? How should we? How frightening would it be for you to take refuge under the wings of a hen - metaphorically?!

3)    Jesus took the path of self-emptying love - what does that mean for us?  What might he be asking of us to give up, let go, self-empty of, and why?

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