Tuesday 5 February 2013

Hennie's February blog 2013

Dear All,

Where did January go? Well a week or so was spent under snow and water, but the rest?
I know January can be a very low month as we wait for the lengthening of the days, and I have to say at the beginning of the month I did feel very tired, and quite burdened.  But as I look back and reflect on all that has been going on, my spirit is lifted - perhaps that is because it is now the 4th February, and my bulbs are certainly showing signs of growth! Perhaps, but I think it is more likely to be because I feel the Holy Spirit continues to move St. Mark's forward, and I am certainly witnessing growth in discipleship and fellowship, and this can only come about because we are deepening our relationship with God. Thank you Lord!

At the begining of the year, the Spirit prompted me to return to the scripture from Isaiah 54: 2-3,  the verses that I spoke from at our 2011 Parish Weekend away, when we gathered together to pray for vision and direction. I think God has directed me back to them in order not to forget what he said to us then, and that he still wants to speak to us through them. If you were there you will have them on a bookmark - please ask the Lord what he might be saying to you personally as you pray through them, and to us as a church, and if appropriate let me know?

'Enlarge the site of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left, and your descendants will possess the nations and will settle the desolate towns'.  

As I said at that weekend I am sure God wants us to enlarge the habitations of our own hearts, allowing Him more space in us, so that we are in a righteous place to make His love known by word and action',  in and around, our local community and parish, and further afield.

As I write I have just heard that all the Youth Workers in Chester have agreed that the summer Engage should be based in our parish. What an opportunity to 'enlarge the site of our tent - and to lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes' - and in preparation we will definately have to,' let the curtains of our habitations be stretched out' - and stretching can hurt!  I feel God is calling the whole church to be involved, not just the young people,  so please note the dates in your diary > the days of action will be Mon 22 to Wed 24th of July - let's Engage with lots of acts of kindness (as Liz so powerfully preached on yesterday).

Another area that has seen us being stretched out is in the life of our small groups.  We had a great morning one Saturday in January, when a good number of us came together to think about re-visioning and re-focusing these groups, through 3 different workshops.  There was an opportunity to attend two out of the three which looked at 'Bible Study and group dynamics'; 'Pastoral care'; and 'Worship and prayer'. The feedback from those who attended was very encouraging, and our new nine 'Fellowship Groups' begin this week! Be assured of my prayers as you begin afresh, many joining a group for the first time, others meeting new people as the groups have been re-structured.  I am excited about the birth of these new groups, and believe God will use them to help us grow in our relatonship with one another,  through discipleship and fellowship.

have seen significant growth in our discipleship in the response to the Advent letter, and to my request in my January blog - 'that people may have the courage to pray, and to listen to God, and ask Him what they may need to sacrifice, in order to give more generously to the work of God's kingdom'.  Our 'giving' has still a long way to go to be able to achieve all that, I believe, God is asking of us, but He certainly has moved in a number of people's hearts. So I praise God for that sign of growth too - and thank you. However, we need to continue to keep praying for generous hearts and sacrificial giving. 

Last Saturday we had a very powerful Prayer Breakfast, as we gathered together to pray for Christians in North Korea. An opportunity to learn more about the country, and the horrendous life that lies ahead for those who turn to Christ.  I felt so challenged about my own personal faith, and God has lain a heavy burden on me to pray far more consistently for the persecuted church, but also the need to trust, and know God is in control of our lives, and the life of His church and people.

Lastly January has seen the launch of St. Mark's new logo! It has taken nearly a year to design, but a lot of hard work and time has been taken as the congregation's input, and church's vision was considered. I think it illustrates well our call to 'Love God and make His love known'.  I also pray that our teaching and preaching will continue to help us put our Vision into Practice. If you miss any Sunday's do remember the sermons can be accessed and listened to from our website!

As we travel towards Lent - I hope and pray that we will all have time to stop, to sit, and have some space to be with God - allowing ourselves time in the wilderness if you like - and so deepen our relationship with God, grow in our relationship with one another, and develop our relationship with the local community and wider world.

Love and prayers,


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